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English speaking yabiladi members in Paris
3 July 2007 10:33

i know that there is a lot of french speaking yabiladi members living in paris, but is there any English speaking ones ??

3 July 2007 15:38
Here is one smiling smiley
3 July 2007 15:53
Hi Shireen,

I though you live in the US, it seems to me you wrote it soemwhere in the forum,...
3 July 2007 15:54
Come on, parisians compatriots, where are you ?
3 July 2007 17:04
lol Hicham, why are you so desperate to meet Parisian English speakers??? eye rolling smiley
3 July 2007 17:11
And it is not working, they are ignoring me ... maybe they are afraid i would borrow money from them (translate to arabic, could be funnier smiling smiley )
3 July 2007 17:31
lol, hmmm i must admit i thought the same thing too...

No, I don't think so, maybe they're just not many. I know there are few French here but you are looking for Parisians specifically which makes your search a bit limited smiling smiley
3 July 2007 17:48
drawbacks of marketing, i did a tiny segmentation...need a headquarters meeting to fix it ....
3 July 2007 18:31
Hi Hicham,

I have relocated from the US to Paris in 2003. I must have mentioned somewhere that I lived in DC. And Minniemouse is right, it is true that your niche could prove to be rather small smiling smiley. Let's wait and see if there will be any other reactions.
3 July 2007 19:21
I am one by birth but left a long time ago, I go there from time to time but it has lost its appeal, too polluted for my taste, Brussels is a small town compared to Paris, although I still can't get used to that belgian accent, once a frenchy always a frenchysmiling smiley
3 July 2007 21:20

I lived in Brussels 4 years, i think it is more difficult to get used to the weather espacially "quand ça drache" than the accent, on the contrary, the accent is funny, funnier is the accent of our brothers and sisters there, mixture of Rifia, tangier arabic delivered in a "cornet bag" with salt and Andalusian Sauce (sorry for the translation)...

Shireen, You are probably right, it's even a segmented niche, well i knew we would have had this forum drown if i hadn't make such a selection, it's so nice to have intimate conversations like this ........tongue sticking out smiley
4 July 2007 10:19
Hi Hicham_A,

The accent was funny the first few months, after that, it just became unbearable, but you gave a pretty good description of the sticky fries with "sauce andalouse", they added recently the Coke light with it...probably to balance that "wonderful taste" or maybe just to avoid a coronary...smiling smiley
4 July 2007 12:22

i think belgian sandwiches, Durum and Pita are far better then parisian "Grek", all made of fat ...
4 July 2007 12:23
where are you parisian compatriots .......!!!???
4 July 2007 12:25
I speak a little bit englishgrinning smiley

so i think i can't consider myself as an english speaking yabi member ( "consider" existsperplexe) grinning smiley
4 July 2007 13:30
salam chercheuse d'or,

yes "consider" exists in english,

Well, we all speak a little bit of english, and here you can learn to express yourself at least in written english
4 July 2007 13:43
I am one by birth but left a long time ago, I go there from time to time but it has lost its appeal, too polluted for my taste, Brussels is a small town compared to Paris, although I still can't get used to that belgian accent, once a frenchy always a frenchysmiling smiley

And for a frenchie, I think your English is pretty impressive thumbs up especially if you have never lived in an anglosaxon country!
4 July 2007 15:50
There are already 66 hits on this thread. Therefore I believe there are more Parisian Anglophones hiding somewhere smiling smiley
4 July 2007 16:02
i don't know, maybe it's just curiosity ...
4 July 2007 17:06
Don't lose hope Hicham, i'm sure they'll show up.

How about Parisiens in London? any takers??

Sorry Hicham, don't mean to compete with you, i'm just curious grinning smiley
4 July 2007 17:17
send me a request by fax, maybe i 'll accept tongue sticking out smiley
4 July 2007 23:34
Thanks for the compliment Minniemouse, but I have no merit for, we Moroccans, are gifted at languages. We grow up hearing 2 to 3 different languages at home, our brains develop an ability to absorb quickly early on. We're multicultural from the start, I see it as a gift not a curse, as some are trying to make us believe...
5 July 2007 11:59
That's absolutely right Chelhman. It's definitely a gift which many people envy us for, and whoever is trying to make you believe it's a curse is merely jealous of you winking smiley
5 July 2007 15:04
95 hits and only 2 people living in paris perplexeeye rolling smileyeye popping smiley
8 July 2007 13:56
salam aleikoum

me !! but i speak english like a spanish cow ! grinning smiley

or more precisely like an italian one : with my hands Clap and it's enough so as to be understood .... really smiling smiley
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11 July 2007 00:09
Me !!!
12 July 2007 22:07
Me !!!

english speaking ? grinning smiley

are you sure ? tongue sticking out smiley
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13 July 2007 03:06
Salamsmiling smiley,

We are in the place. We are juste a little bit shy.confused smiley

More seriously, if many people read, but little answers it's only because the "Parisian" term is an attraktiv word. We feel concerned, even if we are not able to answer. It is also simple as it.

Take care & See ya.
One step forward and two ahead...
15 July 2007 03:09
petit chat
Me !!!

english speaking ? grinning smiley

are you sure ? tongue sticking out smiley

Of course I am, my sweet cat smiling smiley

Actually, I study English Law at the University. So, i cannot claim to be completely bilingual but i'm almost fluent winking smiley.

And what about you sweet cat ?
16 July 2007 23:07
petit chat
Me !!!

english speaking ? grinning smiley

are you sure ? tongue sticking out smiley

Of course I am, my sweet cat smiling smiley

Actually, I study English Law at the University. So, i cannot claim to be completely bilingual but i'm almost fluent winking smiley.

And what about you sweet cat ?

tbarkALLAH 3alik okthismiling smiley

I also guessed you're not a stupid girl, and now, you confirme mes dires lol

and me ? i'm just a fake in this post.. I didn't open an english book since the baccalaureat and I've learn english watching sitcoms or movies in their original version LOOL

i can understand but talking is another problem, I do so many mistakes ... confused smiley

but it's nice to read you in this language smiling smiley smiling smiley
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