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Il était une fois Sarkozy en Israel
27 June 2008 13:09
Does anyone know if the story of Sarkozy in Israel is true?moody smiley
The news said that a policeman guarding the airport shot himself dead as Sarko was leaving. Poor Nick, he must have ben scared as he was nervous about going there in the first place.SOS
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
27 June 2008 13:18
Hi Adds,

It's true but the official story doesn't make much sense :

27 June 2008 16:15
it's true!

A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
27 June 2008 16:33
Good day chelhman

Thank you for the links they are very interesting and instructive as they clearly show Sarkozy’s real way of thinking. He seems to have earned respect from the Israelis for a change.
He never mentioned North of Korea’s nuclear activity and refusal compliance; instead Iran seems to be a shinier joule to them.
The story of the policeman is just a fairy tale; from what I heard it was an assassination going wrong. Israel and France are about to start some serious businesses to reduce the French unemployment, the peace talks, the world stability and furthermore to keep a good image, the Israelis have chosen to declare it was a suicide of course it is very hard to prove it otherwise.

I will be interested to know what the French people really think.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
27 June 2008 16:34
thank you NYorkaise
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
27 June 2008 17:52
You're welcomesmiling smiley
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
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