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27 August 2007 17:38
Hello guys,
does anyone of you have facebook? if yes, r u addicted to this thing smiling smiley ?
27 August 2007 20:53
Hi, I wouldn't call myself addicted but I spend a minimum of 1/2 h every day on it, now i don't know if that's enough to make me a medical case smiling smiley
I used to spend longer in the beginning browsing the endless applications but now I just go to share jokes with friends, it's good fun and thanks to it I managed to find some really old friends whom I thought I'd never see again smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 August 2007 14:22
I have started using it recently and managed to find an old friend. I dont finding it very useful yet. I guess, I need to develop it a little bit more.
one other website for professionals is

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2007 04:06 by Passerby.
30 August 2007 14:38
I have started using it recently and managed to find an old friend. I not finding it very useful yet. I guess, I need to develop it a little bit more.

Hi there passerby!

I don't know what you mean by "useful" smiling smiley if you're looking for useful and practical information for professionals I don't think facebook is the right place to search as it wasn't created to serve this purpose. It started as a small idea to link universities in the US and developed into what it is now. It's great for fun (some cool applications on it) or to build a network of friends and share things but that's about it really. I like the idea of looking at my friends's friends and so on, it's like a small window on people's lives without getting too personal smiling smiley
I'm also champion of poking people and throwing food at them grinning smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2007 02:42 by Minniemouse.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 August 2007 16:09
I have started using it recently and managed to find an old friend. I not finding it very useful yet. I guess, I need to develop it a little bit more.

Hi there passerby!

I don't know what you mean by "useful" smiling smiley if you're looking for useful and practical information for professionals I don't think facebook is the right place to search as it wasn't created to serve this purpose. It started as a small idea to link universities in the US and developed into what it is now. It's great for fun (some cool applications on it) or to build a network of friends and share things but that's about it really. I like the idea of looking at my friends's friends and so on, it's like a small window on people's lives without getting too personal smiling smiley
I'm also champion of poking people and throwing food at them grinning smiley

sounds like a lot of fun, who do you poke and throw food at? friends of friends? how do they react?

I knew it is not for professionals (linkedin is here for that), I will try to spend some more time on it.
30 August 2007 16:29
I do it to friends only, i'm not brave enough to throw cold soups and messy ice cream at strangers, you never know how they'll respond! lol
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 August 2007 16:33
Minniemouse, tell me, is there a food application on facebook? i'd love to throw food at people (tm). I love the pet application, I have a panda right now grinning smiley, it's so funny when he gets really hungry and upset he shows it.
30 August 2007 16:43
Yes, it's called the food fight!! evil
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 August 2007 18:07
I love the pet application, I have a panda right now grinning smiley, it's so funny when he gets really hungry and upset he shows it.

You've just reminded me! I adopted a squirl few months ago and only fed him once!Oh I went now to check on him but he's not reacting anymore to food or petting. He must be dead or something..I'm awful crying(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2007 06:08 by Minniemouse.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
30 August 2007 20:50
I love the pet application, I have a panda right now grinning smiley, it's so funny when he gets really hungry and upset he shows it.

You've just reminded me! I adopted a squirl few months ago and only fed him once!Oh I went now to check on him but he's not reacting anymore to food or petting. He must be dead or something..I'm awful crying(

I misssed this application thing, i will check it tonight.
poor squirrel though!
31 August 2007 08:32
it is good stuff
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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