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Father in Morocco
5 August 2007 06:23
Hi all!
I Just want to ask you for some things that I need help with and get as much information as i can.

let me begin with my nationality , I'm actually from Iraq , but born in Sweden and have a Swedish citizenship , 16 years old and i Have been in morocco for some years sens my family lives there ... anyway i meet a divorced woman last year and had a relation with her, when we broke up i returned to Sweden , after that she told me that she got pregnant i went to morocco but i was going to jail for having sex without marriage.. anyways i did´t go in jail (not she either) . i returned once again after a week , we did have phone and Internet contact , but after some months i did realise that she meet another man.. we did broke up and we did´t have contact at all , in 3 months , i did know that she will give birth for the baby in July so i called the doctor like 22 July he told me how its going and so on ... after a week I called her and she spoke with me normally and told me about the baby and so on ... she told me I will let u see him when ever u want and u can call when ever u want, after a hour she tells me that her "man" wants to talk to me , well we spoke and he told me that he doesnt want me to call her anymore , if i want something i should call him ...
now I'm worried about what will happen in the future , she has registered the baby in her own name and there is like nothing evidence that the baby is mine , just a video clip and some sms she has sent to me , and yeah in the beginning when they wanted to send us to jail she said it was mine so maybe they got that on her file. The point i want to come to , is there a Moroccan law that helps me to get custody for the child, if she get married and i apply for custody then i will surely get custody ? or isn´t so in morocco, pleas i need to know in details any advantage or something that will help me later . i will not apply for custody now . I have to wait 2 years....thank you for you time and i hope i will get some answers
5 August 2007 12:04
I think I have to disapoint you. We have had to cases in our family, where family members who have divorced and have been figting over the children. And let me tell you this if she don't whants you too see the baby then it's gonna be a tough and dirty fight and in the end it's likely the one with best contacts and richest who is gonna win.
5 August 2007 15:59

all this and you are only 16???? i can't believe my eyes!
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
5 August 2007 17:52

I think you have to be sure whether the baby is yours or not before doing anything ..
5 August 2007 18:57

all this and you are only 16???? i can't believe my eyes!

I was going to ask the same question!! i really hope he has made a mistake while typing...

anyway, i don't know much about the law in this regards but this woman is incredibly lukcy, not only she got away with mothering an illegitimate child but she also got 2 men fighting over her!! bloody hell, why doesn't this happen to all women??!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2007 10:25 by Minniemouse.
5 August 2007 20:32
Hmm , well she is very rich sens she was married with a saudi billionare so she can bribe , but my father got lots of contacts there , but i´m not sure if he will help me with this thing...

And yes aela91 I'm only 16 but no one belive it :/.

and yeah Hicham_A I have to make a DNA-test but I can´t do it right now....

I think its just crazy ! they shuld be law not money that Does matter in such cases .

I have to talk to her , but dont know really what i can say if there is no law that stands with my side.
5 August 2007 22:44
Dear Iraki-Maroc,

If you actually are 16 then I doubt it very much that you will be given custody or any other rights of your child, as you're under age. Maybe what is happening is for the best. I would advise you to move on with your life and concentrate on your future. education and later work should be the most important things to you...This was a teen-age mistake and I don't think you can do much about it now.
6 August 2007 01:19
Shireen ,
yeah i know that I will not be given any rights right now, I wrote in my first post that i will have to wait like 2 years .
about what you wrote, yes it was a mistake and I wish i have never done this...

But i cant let it go "If" its my kid then i have to take care about him i can´t just let him be with his mom when she and her whole family is ustable .

I really dont want to take the child away from his mother,
but i think the best is that the child not raise up with this family, and not this mother which used to go out to night clubs , witch some ppl from the gulf and so on ....
6 August 2007 15:22
hi ,
well, your case is very complicated , if i understood this woman is some sort of prostitute (with different clients in a nightclub) when she was with you how can you guarantee she wasn t messing about with other clients ????and i am 100% she was with you because you were giving her money isn t that right?
1- logically ther are a lot of doubts that the baby is yours????(bear in mind the nature of her job)
2- she got married to some sort of pervert from saoudi (who knows may be it is him the father and they are just making you paranoid and planted the seed of fathering a baby ( the only anlysis i can give you is : she told you the baby is yours for financial gain purely so you feel obliged to send money and play on the guilt point , once she met some richer man she got rid of you and she doesn t want anything to do with you she found an other golden egg layer goose
this type of woman are just following money and of course who s better than a 16 years to say you are the father of my child when she needs money
in my opinion : ther is a highpercentage the child is not yours women use the child card as blackmailing tool for money , what struck me in your little story is that you said you talked to the doctor, how can you be sure the person you be speaking to is a doctor ????it could be anybody for a few dirhams can say he is the prime minister !!!!!!!it sounds to me ther are a punch of scummers who are trying to rob you
and play with your mind ,
the best word i could tell you: move on , dont waste your energy thinking of this subject , and don t be a victim of these types of people , learn from your mestake and never get involved with prostitutes
concentrate on your education and career then think of meeting someone your age and who has common point with you , evry negative experience has some positiveness in it , be a stronger person and look at the future and don trust what people tell you easily be logical in your life, don t be naive good luck
6 August 2007 20:31
actully she did stop with this night club things ween we meet as she said ,but i dont belive her and i know her friends verry well they are prostituts ,
but i did make her leave them all leave all that crap she started wearing hijab and all that stuff , (now she dont wear it anymore).
no she did not take money from me as i said she is rich got lots of millions in the bank ,
she actully just wanted someone to be married with ,and she did not know that i was 15 in the begining .

well its a bit of dubt there becuse she meet that guy she is with now in ramadan when we was togheter and she wasen´t pregnant.
and the doctor i know him becuse i was with her when she fist got pregnant and we went to him to do an abortion, so that doctor i know him ....

now i want an end with that thing , and suprising she did send me an SMS for an hour ago when she said that she wants to talk to me , i didn´t see the sms so she did send another SMS and telling me that she wanted to talk about the baby but that she will tell him that his father has diend and all that stuff , well thats just a reason to make me worried ... Anyway I told her i will call her now , and i hope there is something positive that she will talk about ...
7 August 2007 11:55
Interessting develpoment, we are all ears and we look forward to the next chapeter in this tragic teenage love storywinking smiley
7 August 2007 17:29
hi there,
, well , i m trying to make some sense of this story but it s getting more complicated
(she just sent you a message to tell that she is going to tell the kid his father is dead)
why she tels you that ? ask yourself? the only objective is to make you worry , guilty and confused
if she is going to say that to her child why she bothers telling you? isn t it to get some reaction from you?something sound very doggy
she is a prostitute with a millions in her accounts , why she still in same career ?
you wrote she just want a man in her life not interested in money !!!!!! i think that a load of porkies
i really think she is taking advantage of you , playing games and not being honest, these prostitues are normally insecure and they don t like to put all their eggs in one basket i won t be surprised if she is playing the same drama with other men and everybody think he is the father or the protector to this rich volunable prostitute sad smiley
you have to put an end to this rollercoster : if you speak to her give her an ultimatum one option or close the subject: DNA test for 2000 dh (150 pounds ) you can have a DNA test in casablanca or rabat to clearify all these mess and not leave any place of doubts : DNA wil precise if the kid is yours or not , if t s yours by law you have the right get a solicitor to represent you there avec the new law in morocco an illigitimate kid started to have some rights it s not very strict ask a solicitor and he will advice you , if it s not your kid move on, if she refuses to let you have a DNA test and compare to the baby this prove the likelyhood that she is worried the baby is not yours , so whenever she phones or got in touch with you ask for DNA that s your solution , good luck
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