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Filthy Language on the Forum
28 June 2007 11:53
I was just wondering whether there was any way we could disagree with each other without using vulgar language, calling each other names and resorting to abuse. Is this really something that difficult to do? Is anyone who comes up with an idea we do not accept or understand a bad person who deserves to be insulted?? Once upon the time the English forum on Yabiladi was decent, why change this?
28 June 2007 12:19
Hi Shireen,

I agree with you. I was glad to join the english forum because i noticed it's much "cleaner" than the other ones but it didn't take me long to be disappointed! As you said, people tend to disagree more than they agree and there is an air of hostility and provocation which makes any sort of debate impossible. It's really a pity because I always enjoy the sort of topics we open but as soon as you show a bit of difference in opinion people snap at you and make you regret it!
28 June 2007 15:04
Thank you the post Shireen,

i was going to open a discussion on the subject after participating lately in a discussion in this forum, i think you know what i'm talking about.... i think it's a matter of " dialog culture" that we moroccans in general do not possess.. as soon as you give your opinion you become the subject of the discussion and not the topic.. lately someone who bumped into the discussion on the "berber issue" called me racist, you can still read it in the last uptill now post in this topic "makhzen ..." imagine me a racist, it just made me laugh and i didn't answer...
28 June 2007 16:58

You can alert us when you read a post with vulgar language. (Link "Report this message"winking smiley
We will delete it very quickly.

Thank you.
"Marocainement vôtre"Le Webmaster
28 June 2007 18:02

take it easyyyyyyyyyyy .. As Webmaster said, alert them ...Everywhere u 'll find people who don't accept others ' views not only Moroccan ..It's about everyon's personality ..
28 June 2007 20:50
I had read that answer Hicham and I am sure I was not the only one. Our tacit agreement to ignore that message was the right thing to do. But whenever I go back to Morocco I am amazed by people's passionate reaction to disagreement on any topic. There seems to be little room for agreeing to disagree and lots of reasons to argue, fight and even get physically violent. On forums it gets worse since users are hidden behind a screen and therefore think of this place as a "defouloir" for all kinds of pent-up emotions.
28 June 2007 22:32
exactly shireen,

it may represents the reality, a picture of how we - moroccans - debate... the question is if one wants to fight why does he or she come to a forum, there is a lot of alternatives : punching ball for ex... in marrakech there is still "Circles" or 7alQate where one can kick up his heels or get beaten up and go for a bowl of Harira to relax afterwards ...perplexespinning smiley sticking its tongue outsleeping sans prise de tête ......
28 June 2007 23:45
assalm Shireen

That is a subject that is more than important, in fact it is a must discussion - not even here but all over the world. what happened to the most cherish thing that we had and lost? Mo3amalat is a worthwhile treasure to hunt for and understand its purpose?
People are angry and become more and more neglecting!
29 June 2007 00:15
Wa 3alaikum essalam happybrain,

Once upon the time Moroccans were known for their hospitality and kindness. I thought it was still the case until I once heard 2 people talking about how a guy punched down another one who had said some unpleasant thing to him. The guy was "of course Moroccan, you know, bad temper" that's what I was overhearing. The incident happened in a foreign country and the two people telling the story were obviously not Moroccans but not Westerners either. So what happened to us? Since when do we decide who is a Muslim and who is a kaffir, as if we have reached perfection and taken the place of God, astaghfiro Allah, and who deserves to be cut in pieces and be thrown to dogs, and write down this kind of language on a forum for the Moroccan diaspora?
29 June 2007 08:07
Kudos to the webmaster spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Your presence here is conforting and appreciated.smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2007 08:08 by racines.
29 June 2007 17:49
easy guys... you are oversensitive...

racist isnt an insult... and filthy language is hard to define.

you can ask a Mod to intervene, and he will ban anything having a negative side... and it wont help the debate...

i'm sorry, but i'm against this filthy language rules... because it's hard to define... we can only hope that the mods level is above our level and that we wont notice the mistakes they will make.

and dont forget that English isnt the first language of many Morrocans. sometimes, they dont understand some words and use them too easily.

and once again, you are over sensitive...

and what do you want? you want us to write in poems? and to use guitars and songs to explain that there is a lot of wrong things in the world?
29 June 2007 17:53
and what do you want? you want us to write in poems? and to use guitars and songs to explain that there is a lot of wrong things in the world?

Hallelujah!! The Messiah is back!

No comment LeMask! you will never cease to amaze me!
29 June 2007 18:19
It is about respect

here we are not discussing with people with whom we don't live daily or whom we can not pretend to be close ...though it is not a reason to disrespect them

we are discussing ideas, and people are different, have different personalities, temperaments.. so respect others is the least we can do with our interlocutor...
29 June 2007 18:26

Hallelujah!! The Messiah is back!

Messiah ? Oooh, I dunno, he sounds more like...Forrest Gumpsmiling smiley
29 June 2007 18:46
chelhman? the stupid guy always telling the truth? i should say thanks...

and you see chelhman? someone can get insulted by that...

"what you say that i'm Forest Gump? the retarded character in the movie? so i'm retarded?" ...
not my kind... but you get the point.

and same for you Minniemouse... i can feel insulted by being called the "Messiah"...

so? any idea? ...

in fact, i think that you should be positive. always take a positive interpretation of what you will read in these forums.
people understand what they want to understand... if you want to feel insulted... you can find an insult anywhere and everywhere("chelhman you forgot to say hello... we are animals or something?"winking smiley...

and you are oversensitive... (oversensitive is not an insult... yet...)
29 June 2007 21:51
Thanks webmaster for your intervention. Very much appreciated. Some people here seem to think that there should be no limits on the kind of language used during discussions, we believe that some level of mutual respect is necessary to maintain proper debate from degenering into street fights.
30 June 2007 01:14
Salam All,
At least Forrest Gump did amazing things not like the two guys "dumb and dumberer" (Shel7man & Passerby) ! no insults as we switched to movies !
30 June 2007 15:26
Salam All,
At least Forrest Gump did amazing things not like the two guys "dumb and dumberer" (Shel7man & Passerby) ! no insults as we switched to movies !

you need a lot of growing up man. people of your (mental) age are still in kindergartens.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2007 10:46 by Passerby.
30 June 2007 19:52
Passerby, you get the point not?

all of this could be seen as insults...

good luck in drawing the border...

in my team forum, it's totally free... but you cant use some words, like the F-word against people... you can use them to explain a situation... like when you say "it was F***ed up"... but you couldnt say "go f*** yourself..."

but it's very special, because there is a role play... we use army rules Etc... we keep a little room for aggression between the teams and clans... to keep the competition...

anyway, you get my point... we should let people express themselves... we can put some limits... but not too soon... just when it's OBVIOUS... and that it's killing the communication.
1 July 2007 03:05
Salam All,
At least Forrest Gump did amazing things not like the two guys "dumb and dumberer" (Shel7man & Passerby) ! no insults as we switched to movies !

you need a lot of growing up man. people of your (mental) age are still in kindergartens.

oh yeah, and your kind's better off at some old people's charity shelters !
2 July 2007 03:02
Hi all,


Hallelujah!! The Messiah is back!

Messiah ? Oooh, I dunno, he sounds more like...Forrest Gumpsmiling smiley

Hi Chelhman,

this is an insult for Forrest Gumpsmiling smiley....

back to the topic...Shireen...thanks for this interesting issue....
I noticed Moroccan are quite sensitive…..very often feel offended…. humiliated or frustrated …this permanent feeling they are being judged or criticised and fear to be inferior ......a lot of them react aggressively because they are not able to understand or make themselves understood…so shouting …insulting may be a way to intimate the others ….I think this due to the educational and environmental background…coz we know in our society from the childhood people were always told what to do mostly in a negative way….. a kind of orders and they have to execute ….at home by parents …at school by teachers ….on the street by the authority……at work by the boss…ect… hardly asked about their opinions or got involved in many decisions....consequently not learned to respect and to deal with the others who have different opinions and hardly learned to make arguments......
2 July 2007 03:18
Ilhem2? i dont agree with you...

what you said is false...

Morrocans in general respect their family and older people... i dont know about what you are talking about, but it doenst look like Morroco...

we teach the kids to get as far as possible from politics, police, army and other "authorities"...

and Ilhem2? thanks for the insult...
3 July 2007 02:24
Hi all,

Ilhem2? i dont agree with you...

what you said is false...

Morrocans in general respect their family and older people... i dont know about what you are talking about, but it doenst look like Morroco...

we teach the kids to get as far as possible from politics, police, army and other "authorities"...

and Ilhem2? thanks for the insult...

plz do me the favor by stopping telling people what false and what correct…..your answer is as usual disconnected from what I’m talking about….as you said you don’t know what I’m talking about…..sorry...
3 July 2007 03:14
except some special cases, what you said Ilhem is false.

its disrespectful to rise the voice...

you can say that in Morroco they keep looking for arguments even when the situation is obvious... even when the mistake is obvious...

but to say that in Morroco we have no arguments, so we insult and rise the voice to intimidate... it's not correct. it can happen under some circumstances, but you can see that in every country...
3 July 2007 15:37
Hi all,

I think this due to the educational and environmental background…coz we know in our society from the childhood people were always told what to do mostly in a negative way….. a kind of orders and they have to execute ….at home by parents …at school by teachers ….on the street by the authority……at work by the boss…ect… hardly asked about their opinions or got involved in many decisions....consequently not learned to respect and to deal with the others who have different opinions and hardly learned to make arguments......

Hi Ilhem,

I think that's a very good point.The system implies that who ever disagrees is an adversary. Diversity in opinion is not encouraged, rather what is preferred is uniformity in ideas, attitude, opinions etc... If you come up with something that sounds foreign, you risk being rejected and identified as a dangerous individual. How weird is that?
4 July 2007 01:05
Hi everyone,

except some special cases, what you said Ilhem is false.

its disrespectful to rise the voice...

you can say that in Morroco they keep looking for arguments even when the situation is obvious... even when the mistake is obvious...

but to say that in Morroco we have no arguments, so we insult and rise the voice to intimidate... it's not correct. it can happen under some circumstances, but you can see that in every country...

Without any exception what you said is right…you’re perfect you knoweye rolling smiley....
4 July 2007 01:18
Hi everyone,


Hi Ilhem,

I think that's a very good point.The system implies that who ever disagrees is an adversary. Diversity in opinion is not encouraged, rather what is preferred is uniformity in ideas, attitude, opinions etc... If you come up with something that sounds foreign, you risk being rejected and identified as a dangerous individual. How weird is that?

Hi Shireen,

you got my point ….and indeed it’s weird….but I think once should have enough courage to tell the reality even once disagree with all…for me hat’s the only way to improve things…sadly the mentalities didn’t change much…I hoped with the young generation the system as you said will be more based on freedom of expression and acceptance of differences ….but we still have long way to go….especially in children’s education……
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