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The Fitna the movie
27 March 2008 20:42
The movie Fitna, from Geert wilders Dutch MP

28 March 2008 11:42
Thanks for this! I'd like to open it but there is a warning on the front page for some mature content. I don't want to get into trouble as i'll view it on the laptop's work so can someone please confirm that there is nothing dodgy in there like scenes rated X etc?

There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
28 March 2008 11:59
Salam all

i didn't see this movie but i have read here and there about its contents, what i read is that it depicts our holy book as a refercnce of violence and what is worse is that it shows one of the cartoons of prophet Mohamed peace and blessings be upon him..

Putting things it its context, i personnaly think that the best reaction to this kind of provocation is to ignore it, simply because it is meant first to pick some violent shots from all over the muslim world and propagate it in every single "medium" as with the first cartoon..

What we should do is perhaphs try to react to this nonesonse in a sensible way

wa allahou A3lam

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
28 March 2008 12:23

No X rated content ....only verses of the holy Koran & pictures of 9/11 + Madrid bombings ........documentary shwing Muslims in a very bad way ........arabic audi with Deutch subtitles ..

As Hicham said we should ignores these .....
28 March 2008 12:38
Thanks Atlasmagic !
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
28 March 2008 16:09
There is also a english version.
1 April 2008 17:28
Geert Wilders is a stupid man. If you've seen the film, he thinks he's showing the murderer of Theo van Gogh: Mohammed B. But in reality it is a Duth-Moroccan rapper. But Wilders didn't know that.
1 April 2008 20:22
When will muslims learn to ignore attention seeking loosers like Wilders??
1 April 2008 22:53
When will muslims learn to ignore attention seeking loosers like Wilders??

it seems they have learned their lesson now, i haven't heard of any violence yet, fingers crossed.
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