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“We flew to Lebanon, Yallah, fayen Lebnader???”
5 September 2006 01:32
“We flew to Lebanon, Yallah, fayen Lebnader???”
Amazing how low expectations in the Arab world are and what means victory for its governments. Unbelievable what satisfies our Govs and make them bring out their Bnader and Taarej for celebration.
A whole country was just weeks ago flattened and destroyed by Israel, thousands of people killed, injured and displaced, economy crumbled and no one lifted a finger or even said allhoma haada monkar, and today we hear from Qatar in celebratory voice that one of their airplanes have landed on the ?????? moon, sorry, I want to say Beirut airport. What’s there to celebrate if you couldn’t land a month ago, what’s there to even talk about if you, like all the Arab countries, from your cozy living rooms watched Al Jazeera for a month and saw the slaughtering of an Arab country without moving a pillow, or just a tongue….”just shut the ….up.”
I’ve been somewhat pro Qatar and still I’m, but don’t celebrate meager and meaningless victories and expect a decoration from here. Everyone knows that it was with the ok from you know who..…that you were allowed to land out there....Bravo for the Victory,Yuyuyuyu Clap

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2006 03:57 by Almot.
7 September 2006 17:14
“We flew to Lebanon, Yallah, fayen Lebnader???”
Everyone knows that it was with the ok from you know who..…that you were allowed to land out there....Bravo for the Victory,Yuyuyuyu Clap

Yes you´re right, they landed in beirut with the permission from Israeli gov. So there is no victory in flying an airplane from qatar to beirut. And there was no breaking of any embargo coz without the israeli permission that flight wouldn´t have taken a place.
And if they were so good at flying and breaking embargos why didn´t they fly there some weeks earlier and got some of the poor civilians out.
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
12 September 2006 18:39
what about we (morocco) sending a dozen of engineers to give "emotional support" to the people ..
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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