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Flight to marrakech or Casablanca
4 March 2008 10:47
Dear all

From the UK, I used to enjoy the cheap flights to both above cities with British Air (BA)line and most imporatnt was the time of deprtures. Since they have sold the franchise I can only find flights in the midle of the night with Atlas blue and Moroccan air or very early morning and I do not want to get to Morocco after 7pm. I live ouside London it is difficult to get there in time.
Who do you fly with now if you are in UK? Any suggestions please?


Adidas flight
4 March 2008 11:15
Well Atlas blue get to Kech about 16:30 or Ryanair from Luton gets you to Kech at 09:30 am or Easyjet from Gatwick gets there at 11:15
4 March 2008 11:24
Thank you for your reply, exactly that is the problem if the flight gets there at 9:15 or even 11:15 after a 2 to 3 hours flight and one needs to be at the airport two hours before the departure plus the traveling time to get there... all in all makes 3 to 5 hours before depart- time: the middle of the night.



Adidas comfort is a necessity
4 March 2008 13:18
Yep , the only way my friend is RAM leaving at 17:10 now & 18:10 with the summer time
unless you willing to do Easyjet via Madrid ....but nothing beats a direct flight
4 March 2008 14:41
I heard that BA was going to keep some flights to Morocco but where to? I just can't beleive that I am not able to book my summer flight. To Marrakech in Jan/Feb was only £121 return and got there at 5:35 and back at 4:30. the service was a bit more than excelent and always on time.


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