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Is the forum becoming too large ?
16 June 2006 09:02
Hello All,
Before I sent this to the webmaster, I want to see what you guys/girls think.
I think it’s time for our forum to be separated into 3 sections, or at least two, News, General and may be MRE. This will help us navigate trough subjects and will put some order in the forum. Any ideas? What you think? Shut up Almot?
16 June 2006 11:08
Hi Almot,

Come to think it, you're right, the forum does look cluttered.
But what I would like to see is more people participating in the discussions, the english forum is not very crowded. I only recently discovered Yabiladi, but I browsed through the first posts of this forum, a lot of the first participants are gone. And where are all the MRE from the US, Canada, the U.K, someone mentioned here that they were 40 000 of us in Australia ? we need all of you, spread the word.
I like the discussions here, they are more mature, more balanced than next door.
16 June 2006 16:08
Salam smiling smiley,

You might be right Almot but the only thing I think is that this forum doesnt need it because the number of topics posted per day is very low comparing to other forums(french) which really need that separation.and its not really confusing to navigate trough subjects as even if you come 3 days later you'll realize that the same subjects are still in the top of the page.
16 June 2006 19:09
.........and if you do ask sensible questions about important issues you are just ignored. (Unless it means none of you know the answer, that is!)
16 June 2006 22:28
Peace all,

This forum is not very crowded and therefor it's useless to seperate it in 3 sections. That's my opinion about your suggestion.
17 June 2006 13:37
With all my respect, I think the forum is way under garnished for a division, 530 Posts are not that much
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
17 June 2006 21:59
I don't think the forum needs any division...i'm sure now..
18 June 2006 07:17
It would be great to have 3 major corners devoted to the English interventions; and maybe an extra one could be devoted for the multi-pseudos users! Structure is needed most definitely in both form and substance!
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