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Fouad Ajami gift to Iraq...
2 September 2006 09:27
I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher tonight and I was shocked by what Fouad Ajami was saying about the war in Iraq. He described it as The gift to Iraqi people from the US, and he said, to the amazement of Bill Maher and his panel, that if asked today, 80% of Iraqis will say they are happy the US is there. What planet is this guy from? If you Google his name you’ll find lots of reading about his views.

2 September 2006 20:11


What planet is this guy from?

Planet Bush or as Stephen Colbert put it at the correspondents dinner : "The no-fact zone"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2006 10:46 by chelhman.
2 September 2006 22:37
HI guys;

Well you know that F.Ajami is a puppet by now. He has a column on the US News World Report and the Editoe in Chief if none other than the sometimes balanced Zuckerman, who is not in favor of Freedom for the Palistinians or the Irakis for that for Fouad Ajami to keep his column and sell himself he has to kiss ass and it seems he believes in what he says.

Before appearing on Bill Maher, he was on NPR a guest for 10 minutes or so on NPR and was asked the same questions about the Iraki people and the suffering they're going through and he pretty much repeated Bushe's Words that The irakis are better off without Saddam...Let's not forget that before the Invasion, The vice PResidents Quoted him, Ajami that is, saying that the Irakis will welcome the marines with Flowers. When asked on NPR if he regrets being quoted as such, he said NO and that We should look at the integration of the It wasn't just Chalabi who whispered in the ears of Dick Cheney it was also Ajami...

Of course the plan was to go ahead and invade Irak, but if some puppets like Ajami and Chalabi could speak with their Broken accent and assure the Admnistration that they would be greeted as liberators then the more the merrier! Note that immediately after the invasion and the street fighting started...Chalabi was let down and everyboduy in the administration started referringto him as a Thug and opportunists who misled the administration. And the started digging dirt on him from when he was in JOrdan and escaped ... Ajami is facing the same, but from the media that's exposing him...It's only the beginning of the humilation for Ajami. then he'll need to find another planet to go to.May be Plutosmiling smiley

I missed the show on friday night because I was on the road, Almot,..but i was listening to Howard Stern on Sirius, and the guest on the Show was none other than Bill Maher, who was posing few questions to some other Guests: One of them is The idiot Carver, the head of the KKK, tom the Retard and some other jokesters...the gist is Bill was talking about The massacre taking place inIrak and the importance of Stem Cell Research...and how stupid Carver is...

LEt's not forget that Bill Maher can be stubborn in his views...His only focus is to get back at Bush and the administration...remmember he lost his JOB, Politically incorrect, at ABC becuase he praised the Bombers as being brave! That was ironic because he wasn't politically Correct...With HBO Bill is pushing it too much and can't seem to get over his firing from ABC. But all in all I like his stuff!

IN short Ajami is a Fake who thinks that only he knows the difference btw Sunna and Shiaa and sectarian problems inthe area. He's ashamed to be an Arab and prefers to be a puppet!
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