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The Frendship Raid?
15 May 2006 23:47
Does anyone know the date of this 'friendly' (as apposed to the hard against the clock Paris Dakar rally!) race from Tangiers through Rabat and into the Sahara?

I have seen it advertised and organisers are a French group A.O.I. but I don't see any dates posted. I want to take my motorbike. Also, any bikers here with experience of touring in Morocco?
16 May 2006 06:35
There's a Tours agency based in Boston, MA that specialises in This and other events in the dunes of Morocco...If you want to be part of it, They should be able to help you with lots of info...You can't just take your bike there...You have to register and Start in Paris with the Pack!

IF you want to go on your own, there are Agancies in MArrakech, try any of the Big Hotels and you'll get a phone number...they will be able to hook you up with other bikers and even design a tour for you...

Enjoy the ride
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