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Good deeds always pay...
20 March 2007 01:52
Hi everyone !
Blink to fabaraw, 19bi7 and and and... Anyhow, back on the forum after one year... Remember "so happy that i want to share ?"... well this is shams-al-arab feed back. i was seperated from my mother for two years because of family problems... Well i guess your du3a' to me and my efforts have worked alhamdulillah, i recovered my lost relationship with my dear and loved mum... even the relations with my brothers and sisters are okay now, so i wanted to give a special thank to all the ones who'd recognise themselves here.
I met my mum in Fez, summer last year and she's fine and okay, enjoying now a good rest at my sister's in Shepherd's Bush, London...
My wish : never break relationship with your mums, never...
20 March 2007 05:05
dear shams-al-arab
i m very happy for you and yes no matter we should always be patient and trust me it pays off afterwards. i was happy to see my parents twice last year they came and visited me and trust me each time they leave me behind i feel that the world has cracked into small pieces but i always say HAMDOU LILAH for what has benn to choosen to us that ous destiny and we just have to accept it if we cant change it. One more time i m very happy for you smiling smiley
20 March 2007 16:28
Nice to hear from you fabaraw, how are you, and how are things doing in Canada ?
21 March 2007 03:07
i m doing ok thanks for askingsmiling smiley Canada is still the same very cold and long winters and i m still the same nothing has changed with me either smiling smiley i dont know if this is a good thing or not. Well i m happy to hear from you again and to know that things are going great with you.
21 March 2007 12:12
Hello again...

You probably know quiet a few Moroccans up there, i've got a cousin (second cousin) married and living in Montreal... Both her sisters and one of her bros live in New York, her name's Samira... Have you ever heard of her or met her at all ?? Well, she's from Casa...

Take care for now...
21 March 2007 16:13
no I dont know any moroccans here sometimes it is better that way just mind my own business
21 March 2007 19:35
I think u r right, not like me, i find 'em wherever i go, and sometimes it's better to like 'em......from far !!!!(tm)No noAngelmoody smileyperplexeangry smiley
22 March 2007 01:28
yeah i know what you mean, unfortunitly whenever i get close to them i get hurt so i just stay away and i m ok eventhough i wish things were a bit different bcz i tend to feel so lonely at times but what can i do hada ma3eta elah
27 March 2007 04:21
Yes Indeed, Never breach the bridge with family, parents

they tend to be irrational, but we are their to some extent, and all that they want is to be proud of us.

You made my day shams al arab
and May God keep your relationship stronger and stronger.

Best Wishes
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
27 March 2007 23:32
Very deep thanks to you broth. i'll never forget your support. I think God rewarded my patience, but your duâa' was a lot of help too. I seldom see my brothers and sisters, though relations are much better now, but i think it's better that way. The most important person for me to focus on now is my mum, just as it should be for everyone else...

As the britons say "cheers mate"...
Hope to hear from you soon...
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