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Happy new year and happy hollidays to u all
27 December 2008 04:54
i wish u all prosperity and happiness in the year 2009.
27 December 2008 05:44
Free Thinker? or Blind Imitator?Oh ....Sometimes I just wonder as I wanderperplexe
27 December 2008 08:55
some people just don't know when to shut up sometimes when they have nothing to say.
i never met a monkey who could take apart a sentence and twist it like a clown twisting balloons.
but i just met one that could do sign languages.
nice to meet you Vagabondo, you're all right for a chimp.
27 December 2008 16:44

Thanks for your wishes!

Happy new year and best wishes of health and prosperity for 2009.

Hope the coming year will be interesting and fruitful (Inshallah) for all of us.

All the bestsmiling smiley


i wish u all prosperity and happiness in the year 2009.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
27 December 2008 18:36
Thanks freethinker for answering my question about Vagabondo. I was very confused too. Thank God for your answer because I was just thinkin whether I have missed something in life.
Thanks once agin. Keep the Queen's English nice and simple!
27 December 2008 18:55
Assalamo 3alkom!

If you are a christian, then I sincerly beg God for forgiveness, but if you are a muslim, then I still beg GOD for his forgiveness if I have somehow missundentood his teachings...And if you are yet something else, Then I sincerly beg your pardon..

but if you are Muslim, then May be I am wrong, and may be that the christians, also wish each other happy holidays during the days we celebrate our decreed Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Ad7a and I am just deaf and blind to that...And may be I am even more wrong and that christmas and the New Year are also Holidays decreed upon us by God to celebrate and I am just too dumb to know that...

May be that you are right and I am wrong and may be that I am just a baboon, and in that case my friend, I must tell you that I am happy with what I am...and do not wish to be what I am not...

In any case and amicably: Just make sure you unwrap your gifts gracefully, be it From Pere Noel if you are Christians, or be it from GOD if you are Muslims...perplexe

My dear friend! Insults have been proven to be proportionally inverse to one's Capacity of reason...and I dare not go down that path. If you want to reason further within reason, I will be much obliged to respond to any of your inquiries...but if more insults you spit, then you will be the only left in that pitsmiling smiley ...I will hapilly go on wandering and wondering some more...perplexe

27 December 2008 19:39
Sorry Vagabondo!
Don't get upset! We are men of letters and wish to sort out our misunderstanding by pen and no insults.
I merely agreed with free thinker because a lot of you sentences are a bit muddled. I am here to be educated and I enjoy good writing in any language.
I am not insulting your intellegence, but if you need any help with English grammar, I would be more than happy to correct it for you. We all started the same when we started learning another language. We all admitted our capabilities in commanding a foreign language but we always asked for help and still asking.
Yes, I am a Muslim and proud of it. But Islam has nothing to do with what we are doing here. We are simply trying to carry intellegent conversations and get to know each other in the process.

No offence!

27 December 2008 20:11

Yes, I am a Muslim and proud of it. But Islam has nothing to do with what we are doing here. We are simply trying to carry intellegent conversations and get to know each other in the process.


Assalamo 3lakom!

to jump start our dialog, I have only one first question for you from one muslim to another...what is in essence celebarted by the new year, and by the implied hollidays (christmas)? ...bare in mind that I am least interested in learning about mindless celebrations or anything else that is mindless...


side note: As for my Grammar, I beg you to knock yourself out and correct me in that regard, I reassure you friend, that would make me more proud of you rather than offend me...

remember friends: "If one wishes to seek true knowledge, then one must be genuine about it, and must be wiling to strech out for it"

27 December 2008 20:27
My friend!
I think you are not worth writing to. I never mentioned Papa Noel or new year or Islam to you. I think you are not worth wring to. You are getting very insulting and I will not stoop so low.
Good bye!
27 December 2008 21:24
Assalomo 3laykom,

I have genuinely asked you only one very simple question:

"what is in essence celebarted by the new year, and by the implied hollidays (christmas)?

-But you have quickly refused to answer it, how are we then supposed to learn from each other if we do not genuinely and truthfully answer each other...I have only one second and even more simpler question for you:

Did you refrain from answering the first Question, because you did not like the question itself or because you did not like your own answer to it? ... perplexe Soba7na allah! inaho how al 7akimo al bassir, wa ya3lamou ma tokhfi wa ma todhirou assoudour...

Side Notes:

-Further more you have offered to correct my grammar, and I have genuinely invited you to do so, but you did not keep that promise you have made just before...

-You have asked me not to get offended...But you seem to easily take offense...

I was genuinely hoping to learn something today, but I guess The gate to knowledge is closed for the duration of the holidaysOh

Assalamo 3laykom!... Wa inna allaha la ghafouron Ra7im

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2008 02:18 by Vagabondo.
28 December 2008 19:37
Allah ee dakh7al 3alina had al 3am be kh7ir o be assahha oshi rabha dial lotto o bishi hajja yarbi Amen.
Wallah ee dkhal had baba noel a3la kol 3ebado bekhir Muslimeen o gh3ir Muslimeen.

We had this topic before about three years ago do you remember, on Wafin!! You agreed with me then what happen change your mind broth?
yawning smileyyawning smileytongue sticking out smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
29 December 2008 14:03
Happy new year to all 1430 first then 2009
31 December 2008 03:59
Allah ee dakh7al 3alina had al 3am be kh7ir o be assahha oshi rabha dial lotto o bishi hajja yarbi Amen.

Hey Bro you are too funny!... I give that! managed to fit in one sentence, what GOD classifies as the Work of Satan (Gambling) and what he classifies as the work of Allah (Al Hajj)...

would you also sacrifice a pig or two during Eid alad7a?... or better yet Marry a Drag Queen just to complete your deen!?grinning smiley

...I guess I should have left Santa alone! he Apparently only brought me a box full of worms...smiling smiley
Je ne suis qu' un pauvre Vagabond, et comme je ne sais jamais ou je vais, je suis certain que je serai toujours la et en temps.....
31 December 2008 16:52
Happy New Year to all; let's hope for some peace around the world and succeess in all your endeavours.


2 January 2009 11:27
ptdr "shwiya le rabi oo gh3ir shishwiya le 3abdo" or the other way arround
Nice to have you here, hope you and your family are well.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
2 January 2009 16:22
Happy New Year, full of Peace and Prosperity to you all and to our borthers and sisters in Gaza.
3 January 2009 18:53
Really? ClapJust between us is it going to be happy for them after the entire ordeal they just went true? As a good Muslim I do not ask too many questions but I wonder when I ponder over death and life; I am not sure about the children’s freewill to live or die. What crime have those people (both sides) committed to live in terror? Perhaps this is our Heaven and their Hell.moody smiley
Sorry I shouldn’t ask these kind of questions, they could score me bad points (saye2ates) and ruin my faith. grinning smiley
Allah ee kh2awi Imanna yarabi
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
7 January 2009 14:29
cant wait to read Vagabondo's answer to your questions adds grinning smiley
and btw happy new year to everyone
12 January 2009 01:03
As a good Muslim I do not ask too many questions

"Wa ida ja2akom a7adon bi naba2in fatabyanou", mr adds as muslims we are ordered by allah to investigate what we hear from others...and not just take their words for it...Ask questions, the more we understand the more our hearts are filled by the Iman and Ikhlass...

but I wonder when I ponder over death and life;

read the Quran with contemplation (and if you are short on time, read Surat Al mou-minoun) and you no longer have to wonder or ponder about those two insha allah:

I am not sure about the children’s freewill to live or die...What crime have those people (both sides) committed to live in terror?

adds, amine bi Allah(SWT) ya akhi: NOBODY has the FREEWILL to LIVE or DIE not even Malakou almaout ( the Angel of death). we are all at the mercy of allah, Children, or Seniles, males or females, believers or not... But we may have Some FREEWILL to do some deeds during our lives...and only he knows whether they are indeed GOOD or BAD deeds...but we can only try our best...

But above all brother, do not think those children have lost anything, If you understood your faith, and truly believed in the word and wisdom of God , you would know that those children do not even have to go through the 7issab wa ma adrana ma l'7issab!? .... wa kam awaddou law mottou wa ana Tiflan saghiran, la o7assab 3la a zina, wa la 3la assalat wa la 3ala sawm, wa la 3la zakat, wa la 3ala aye sha2in khabith amaratni bih nafssi....If we only knew a fraction of God's wisdom (7ikmat)..

Do you really believe that God would allow such a horrible thing to happen to those innocent children, if he did not know they're were going somewhere much much ....much better than our Civilized world can even dream of giving you ever wonder and ponder sometime about the meaning of "Arra7mane, Arrahim" in "Bismillah Arrahmane Arrahim" ..and was it in vain put as the opening of almost every surat in the Quran!? and specifically inside Surat Al Fatiha (The Opener)...we are talking about Kitab allaho almo7kam adds....not Just about some best seller novel.... or some Nobel Prize winner publication.... Allah does not tell us about some theories or some imaginary romance...Allah tells us about the Truth in his Book. every word in his book is True...whether we like it or not....It is he who knows, and it is us who have to strive to learn from him and his wisdom and as much as we can...and it is not the other way around...

" Wa 3asa an takrahou sha2an wa howa khayron lakom"

Perhaps this is our Heaven and their Hell.moody smiley

Think of this just as the class of ta7diri...with no chance of repeat!No no...where you know very much nothing and you have to pay attention to your only teacher...but you have the whole year to make up for the passing grade...there is no normolized exam...all your scores get added at the end...and the teacher could drop some of your bad gardes or all of them at his dicretion...and he could give you extra points for good behavior...and for trying harder ...but where you are also allowed to keep as many toys as you like, you can bring family and friends with you and if you like you can party all the time...the teachers does not force you to listen...and he does not force you to do your homework...and he does not force you to behave in class....but at the end of every day, he reminds you that the end of the year is getting nearer...and you better catch up if you are behind on your assignements...he only requires you to read one book...and follow one of his assitants' directions in T.P (Travaux Pratiques)... But he does not prevent you form reading other books, or prevent you from sharing with the other students...or even do things that are not in his book...and as long as whatever you do does not contardict what is in his book, you can be as creative as like smiling smiley...

....remember ayat Adam (pbuh) and Eve: they were already in Heaven....but then they had "slipped" and fell down here... then Allah sent down his words of mercy on Adam, and they have repented and so he had forgiven them...Allah teaches us by examples throughout the times if we only care to take heed...

So we can easily deduct that here and Heaven are two different things whatever here may be....but Sadly brother, many of us really think this is heaven...Oh

Sorry I shouldn’t ask these kind of questions, they could score me bad points (saye2ates) and ruin my faith. grinning smiley
Allah ee kh2awi Imanna yarabi

Allah(SWT) said: " wa 9ol li 3ibadi alldin Danoou anahoum 9ad assrafou 3an anfossihim an la yay2ssou min ra7mati rabbihim...."

and our prophet (pbuh)said: " inna kolla Bani Adam khatta2on, wa kayro alkhatta2eena...athawaboun"...

Wa Allho a3lamon bi kolli shay2in wa ma lana min ghayrihi min nassir.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2009 04:18 by Vagabondo.
12 January 2009 14:07
....So you agree with me at least that this is going to be just another unhappy year for them.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
13 January 2009 02:14
....So you agree with me at least that this is going to be just another unhappy year for them.

No noSorry adds, I can neither agree nor disagree with you on that at this time. I wish I had the keys to 3ilm al Ghayb but I just don't....[/b]....and I don't know what happiness is to you or if the Gazans people share with you the same views on happiness eitherperplexe

May be if you ask me again at the end of the year I may just have a better a guess for you..
17 January 2009 14:14
There is 3ilm al ghayb knowing the unforeseen future and there is common sense deduction knowing that if a number of families lost their loved ones (all or most of them one by one or in one go), their homes, their belonging, left in the cold in the street with nothing injured or handicapped; the coming months will not be a happy time unless Allah will take mercy on them and will send them to the madness world where most people if they are happy they are really happy. See where I am comnig from brother. It jsut it hurts too much .
May the judge help the weak and show his justice is beyond the corupted worlds power.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
18 January 2009 16:53
salam adds!

Indeed there is something called "Common Sense"....but "Common Sense" is the least common sense!

is it happiness to live under oppression and misery for ever!?...or is happiness to die to be free!?...

Since we like to follow the west in their way of thinking: then May be may be we should learn from them: The American Revolution's General Stark's famous Saying: "Live free! or Die! death is not the worst of evils"

But those who believe in Allah should know better! ....they should know that Death is NOT evil at all! because if it was evil, Allah would never have given it to All of his messengers among Man,.... If we only care to take heed!... Death, is just another creation of is just the great equalizer among all of Allah's Creation! and the only Gate to paradise and true happiness...But it could also open up the Gates of hell for those who did not really believe! and who choose to be transgressors or held on miserably to this doomed life...

But instesd of upholding the general's words....I choose to uphold the words of Allah...for the words of Allah are the best of the words if we only take heed!:

"Wa ma L'7ayatou addonia ila lahwon wa la3ibom wa mata3ou al ghorour ila 7in"

Wa 3alykom assalam wa ra7matou Allah wa barakatouh!and may Allah lead us all one day to his true Path!
19 January 2009 18:51
you sit tight you little boy in your corner and practice what you praech.
if your god is so great, why did he allow atheist zionist jews kill muslim children and women?
was Allah too pre-occupied to protect little inocent muslim children?
20 January 2009 03:46
you sit tight you little boy in your corner and practice what you praech.
if your god is so great, why did he allow atheist zionist jews kill muslim children and women?
was Allah too pre-occupied to protect little inocent muslim children?

I didn't get itperplexe? and why you're saying that?
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
20 January 2009 14:48
hes saying that coz hes ignorant!
20 January 2009 23:57
you sit tight you little boy in your corner and practice what you praech.
if your god is so great, why did he allow atheist zionist jews kill muslim children and women?
was Allah too pre-occupied to protect little inocent muslim children?

Ok, I want to say one thing, and that is that everything has a reason, and what happens in Palestine, too. If what you say is right- which I don't think - then God would have created a world whithout all the terrible things that is taking place. But we are here for a reason, and don't blame God for all the horrifying things created by men.

It is very easy to say what you said.
23 January 2009 04:27
To "free thinker"
I say No comment. i will only ask u one thing plz do change your nickname cuz ur reactions and ur way of tackling such issues does not reflect tha REAL FREE THINKING. I was gonna ask one dumb nonsense question same as u did and say : Why we have to live with individuals like you???? but because i know the answer and because i know the answer to the questions that u asked and made u look like ...... That's why i would prefer to pull back and just enjoy ur senseless comments.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2009 04:29 by Christina.
23 January 2009 13:34
Everyone is allowed to think and say what ever they please themselves. No one has to worry about injuring Muslims by attacking their belief; they can take it they are used to that by non Muslims over the years.
Would you behave like them if someone questions your homosexuality and not be hurt?
eye popping smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
23 January 2009 18:14
Happy new year and happy hollidays to u all
this topic was not supposed to go this far, so move on..
i said happy new year but some fool started talking about religion so i told him/her to screw
Happy 2009 to u all.
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