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Hate Campaign on Campuses
25 October 2007 10:18
Washington, DC | October 19, 2007 | | In September of this year, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) learned of a campaign called “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” (IFAW). After investigation, ADC determined the campaign, although touted as educational, does nothing more than spread hate and fear of Arabs and Islam by spreading false, hateful, and biased messages.

As a civil rights organization, ADC values the principle of free speech. However it believes hateful speech cannot be condoned and should not be allowed to permeate American campuses. The post-9/11 United States has seen a dramatic increase in hate crimes targeted against Arabs and Muslims or those perceived to be so. Events such as IFAW do not seek to further the discussion in a peaceful manner, but rather contribute to the prejudicial anger and hatred targeted against Arabs and Muslims in the US.

Boasting a list of speakers known for their anti-Semitic and Islamophobic remarks, IFAW organizers ask students participating in the campaign to disseminate presentations such as "The Islamic Mein Kampf." They also try to connect Islam with fascism and Arabs and Muslims with Nazis. In his blog, David Horowitz, the director of this initiative, proclaims that Palestinians are the “quintessential Islamo-Fascists” and that their cause is "genocidal."

ADC contacted the administrations of all the institutions that were listed as hosting IFAW. In letters to university presidents, ADC informed these institutions that they were listed as host institutions for IFAW, and expressed concern about the campaign. ADC received responses from numerous universities indicating that after they thoroughly searched student activity calendars they found no events scheduled. Moreover, many went on to inform ADC that they disapproved of hate speech being promulgated on their campuses. These institutions were upset that their names had been listed, without their knowledge or consent, by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. These universities have asked for their names to be removed from the IFAW websites and lists. One public university official said, “We as an institution endorse an educational atmosphere with open dialogue and free speech which promotes a diverse political and intellectual community. However, we do not wish to participate or endorse a program which does not further the discussion in a peaceful manner, but rather contributes to the prejudicial anger and hatred targeted against Arabs and Muslims in the US. We are deeply troubled that a group (Terrorism Awareness Project) would organize and support this type of hateful and bigoted event. “

ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora said, “ADC firmly believes that there is, and should be, open and frank discussions on college campuses regarding all issues germane to the academic setting, particularly with a diverse range of opinions present,” Shora continues, “However, ADC is seriously concerned that such a notorious lineup of racist, bigoted, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic speakers will serve not to educate but to promote hatred and spread misinformation and lies. Let us not forget that these are the same lies that have lead, and continue to lead, to hate crimes and attacks against minorities including African-Americans, Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, and others based on stereotypes. The points of view espoused by this campaign are not ones that belong in any reasonable debate as it serves to promote hatred of an entire religion or ethnic origin.”

ADC has since been contacted by organizations representing a diverse range of religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds in opposition to this campaign of hate and intolerance. Speakers listed as appearing on campuses where IFAW is taking place include: David Horowitz, who has made racist statements such as "guns don't kill black people, other blacks do"; Ann Coulter, who recently stated that Jews "need to be perfected" (for more information, please visit: [] ); Rick Santorum who has compared homosexuality to incest; Robert Spencer who claims Islam is "the world's most intolerant religion"; and noted anti-Arab commentator and Islamophobe Daniel Pipes who once said that "Palestinians are a miserable people…and they deserve to be."

25 October 2007 11:47
What´s your opinion about this copy/past ?
25 October 2007 12:55
Try to guess...
26 October 2007 13:43
I just noticed that some in this forum, by their behaviour and primitiv religious views , are helping these sionistes cultivating this hate campaign against arabs and muslims.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2007 01:45 by Krim.
26 October 2007 18:17
Can you name these people?..
29 October 2007 23:11
I have no need to go through all messages or try to remember their names. Some how my brain remember the names of critical contributions but no "non sense". I am happy with my brain self-cleaning process. The fact that you can not recognize them or their contributions is your problem. In the worst case you are not able to discern and to identify the issues I am talking about. Sometimes it is difficult to have the right distance and the required objectivity for some issues. Make your mind I am for no help.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2007 01:30 by Krim.
1 November 2007 06:30
This is a dangerous kind of topic. The premise is so false and outrageous...not only provocative but well funded and meant to inflict even more harm...discussing it is giving the term more life! It's a shame, one had to go that low...Again, this is a clear case of First amendement abuse not use!
1 November 2007 09:23
The majority of muslims or arabs living in the west are peacefull people who respect the law and go everyday to work as all citizens. When they come home and watch TV or read newspaper, they notice how bad they are, how dangerous they are, how stupid they are. So one ask himself, what´s going on here. Some journalists who serve a certain agenda go and look for some individuals with primitiv ideas and try to interview them or make a documentary about their views and tha´s it .Look at muslims look at arabs.How bad they are.
Well informed people understand the game and international politics.

It´s like, well, these bad people does not deserve respect . we can kill them, we can confiscate their land (Palestine, Irak, Afghanistan...). we can put in Guantanamu...etc. So they prepare their citizens on a daily basis to swallow desinformation and in a way make them accept that their solders, their tax money etc be used for illegal policies.
Now, unfortunatly we have some people who do not understand or see the big picture. This minority and some in this forum and others deliver more elements to feed this hate campaign going by Murdoch and others , on TV, newspapers, Hollywood and on campuses.
I think this topic can not be ignored. Our people should be aware of all these manipulations in order not to be instrumentalized for the ongoing hate campaign.
2 November 2007 03:26

While I agree with not ignoring the topic you clearly outlined above, I do think that the term In question should be ignored and not repeated. There are two faces to the coin here: by not ignoring it and discussing it, you're giving it life, weight may be even run the risk of giving it ignoring it you're really not solving the problem! But there's no solution to propaganda machine, unless you want to follow suit, which I know, you and I are not cut off to be hypocrits and seek to fuel and ignite fires by exploiting the ignorance of some and feed them lies and falshood.
Truth is always come on top. IT might take a while, but eventually, it will. I know you're doing your part and I am too...
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