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let s have a laugh
9 August 2007 17:22
do you know any jokes ?
her is one but may be ther is a possibility it will loose the meaning after translation , i know this one on darija :

a moroccan man married a woman with a hump you know (camel hump) we call it in moroccan hdippa
at home he asked : do you know how to cook?
she said: noooooooooo
do you know how to iron?
she said : nooooooooo
do uou know how to clean the house?
she said: nooooooo

then he said : why i married you , is it to squeeze lemon on you smiling smiley
9 August 2007 18:23
lol, very funny (tm)
10 August 2007 00:37
knock , knock anybody out there to tell us some jokesperplexewell i will just have a laugh on my owneye popping smiley

- a bold man (no hair)married a bold woman they had a little boy with one single hair on his head they named him: bousha3kaka smiling smiley

- someone with two left feet went to buy something to his feet , he bought a flip flip:0(instead of flip flop) i am not sure if you understood this it is an english joke i prefer the moroccan ones they are more my sort of cup tea.

-a terrorist had a baby he sat with his beardy friends thinking of a name at the end he choose to call him (aboutagaz)gas canister he is going to exlplode one day anywaysmiling smiley

-a lizard won lottery he bought his father a massive wallsmiling smiley
10 August 2007 10:18
Very funny rosette

i know lot of moroccan jokes, the problem that they lose their meaning once translated in english ...

by the way, there is a topic about the meaning of your pseudo in this forum, why don't you explain the meaning of yours ...
10 August 2007 11:28
hi Hicham
i couldn t see this topic , but anyway i was going to put Rose , but apparently ther are a lot of people with this name on this forum so i tried to avoid repetition to be able to register that s all smiling smiley
10 August 2007 11:58
Hi Rosette ..the topic is the previous page ....
15 August 2007 14:55

Here is a good joke ,i think

A CHALH woke up in the morning to open his shop,when he opened it he find it empty, he went back to his house and slept; after a while he woke up and said to his wife ,LLAH Yaster, I dreamed that they stole everything in my shop!!!

moody smiley
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