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Hello World!
28 April 2010 12:27
Hello Everyone,

Somehow I have never noticed that Yabiladi has an English speaking forum, I don't know how long has this been online, but thanks to the people who look after this place, Great Stuff.

I Guess forum protocol requires me to introduce myself.

My name is Amine, A Casawi / Moroccan / British. I live in Oxford (UK)

Hoping for a good chat with my fellow Moroccans!

4 May 2010 18:56
Bonjour Amine,
Je cherche une collocation à Londres pour 3 mois voir 6 mois. Je suis à Paris et je dois effectuer mon séjour linguistique à partir du mois de Juin prochain. Pouvez vous me donner des pistes?
Bien cordialement.
Mohsin Nasri
6 June 2010 19:56
Hello Amine

welcome on the forum mateWelcome

Am certain the yabi team appreciated your kind words.
Are you a computer programmer “hello world”? Oxford is a nice place.

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