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4 November 2010 22:26
I guess what I am looking to find out is the process in which my boyfriend, soon to become fiance, will have to go through to get his visa. I am american and I plan to go visit him in morocco spring of next year. I really dont know what to expect. I am full of excitement and anxiety because I have never been outside of the U.S. I don't know much about morocco either. I never knew it existed until I met my love. Iv'e heard so many negative things... not from him but from others whom iv'e spoke with. Things from not being accepted as an African American woman to violent protests and mugging. Someone please shed some light on my dilemma. I don't want to come to him with my concerns because he already knows my "doubt" for the lack of a better word. There is no question that I love him and he me. So this is all going to happen regardless...

How did you overcome the cultural differences once you arrived in the U.S.?
Is there some kind of group or organization my boyfriend can join to ease his transition? By the way we will be residing in California.
For the visa:
what are the income requirements?
What are the different types he can apply for?
What are the prices?
How long does it generally take to receive a visa?

I know it seems as if I'm rambling but I want to make him comfortable as possible as well as myself. It will be our first encounter. How should we go by this engagement? How is it done in Morocco? We plan to marry here in the states then later in Morocco. so that our families would both have a chance to participate. Traditional weddings from our own cultures. Fun right? Any way, thank you all in advance and any additional information will be gladly accepted smiling smiley
6 November 2010 07:42
Lemme get this straight,u only talked to him online and u guys r already planning on getting married??u never met face to face?you say u love each other?i dont get it and all i can see is a mariage for green card case!sorry!
you said it s gonna happen regardless,all i can tell u is be careful u dont know who u can be dealing with
good luck
7 November 2010 20:13
well thats the thing. i am going to go visit him first. then come back home. we are not getting married just yet. and he is getting his visa on his own. we have already talked about it. he isnt using me for anything and hasnt asked me for money. he doesnt really want my help at all. i just wanted to find some information for myself. and please i was only asking for the information that i listed above. and yes we are in love.
8 November 2010 02:49
well dont get me wrong i was just trying to help...
it all depends on the type of visa he s applying to,u said hes not using u so hes not applying for a fiancé visa right?in that case he only can try the green card lottery n that process can take 6 month or more..
u might wanna visit the American consulate in Casablanca website for more info USconsulate

Best of luck
12 November 2010 12:26
The most important thing, is knowing how to belly dance and how to make bad-daze. Moroccans love bad-daze in the morning and in the evening some times all day. Black Africans in Morocco are still used for slavery and are called all sorts of names.
I am a Negros man; they call me Ezzy balala and that is a nice name as you can shorten it to Ezzy so it doesn’t bother anymore. They complain about my BO too “ass n’ane” even in the winter.
You must remember one thing that most Moroccans are human. Those that are not they are not.
Seriously, what you ganna lose go and spend a few weeks there, enjoy a beautiful warm sun, warm and modest people, nice food. Don’t go there alone take with you at least a couple of hundred of ladies; we have a gift to keep the ladies happy (bad-daze).
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 November 2010 20:47
k[quotewell dont get me wrong i was just trying to help...
it all depends on the type of visa he s applying to,u said hes not using u so hes not applying for a fiancé visa right?in that case he only can try the green card lottery n that process can take 6 month or more..
u might wanna visit the American consulate in Casablanca website for more info USconsulate

Best of luck][/quote]

yes, he isnt using me and isnt applying for a fiance visa. and thanks for your help!
14 November 2010 20:53

The most important thing, is knowing how to belly dance and how to make bad-daze. Moroccans love bad-daze in the morning and in the evening some times all day. Black Africans in Morocco are still used for slavery and are called all sorts of names.
I am a Negros man; they call me Ezzy balala and that is a nice name as you can shorten it to Ezzy so it doesn’t bother anymore. They complain about my BO too “ass n’ane” even in the winter.
You must remember one thing that most Moroccans are human. Those that are not they are not.
Seriously, what you ganna lose go and spend a few weeks there, enjoy a beautiful warm sun, warm and modest people, nice food. Don’t go there alone take with you at least a couple of hundred of ladies; we have a gift to keep the ladies happy (bad-daze).

seriously??? not all moroccan men could be this narrow minded. angry smiley
15 November 2010 22:36
Hi Moroccanlove!
You sound very much in love. Go for it girl and no notice from anyone. He sounds a gentleman too because he has not asked for your help or your money. But I do strongly suggest that you go to Morocco first because if the American consulate is like the British consulate, they will be asking him the rediculous things like:-
Have you got pictures with this lady?
Have you got a record of how many times you have spoken to her by phone (and no cheap telephone cards mind you!)?
How do you know you love her? and so on........
They do not realise that most of our parents got married without posing on the beaches naked or took each other for a test drive.....youknow what I mean! and the marriages have been more succesful than ours of the present day.
Innocence and sincerety play big part in marriages.
Just search your heart and ask him to search his and if the intentions are sincere, Go for it girl!
29 November 2010 21:39

Hi Moroccanlove!
You sound very much in love. Go for it girl and no notice from anyone. He sounds a gentleman too because he has not asked for your help or your money. But I do strongly suggest that you go to Morocco first because if the American consulate is like the British consulate, they will be asking him the rediculous things like:-
Have you got pictures with this lady?
Have you got a record of how many times you have spoken to her by phone (and no cheap telephone cards mind you!)?
How do you know you love her? and so on........
They do not realise that most of our parents got married without posing on the beaches naked or took each other for a test drive.....youknow what I mean! and the marriages have been more succesful than ours of the present day.
Innocence and sincerety play big part in marriages.
Just search your heart and ask him to search his and if the intentions are sincere, Go for it girl

thank you! i am still planning on going to morrocco this summer. thank you for your advice.
30 November 2010 00:13
ok. so let me tell you first that usa and morocco are too differet worlds..
so yeah you have the right to be a bit worried or anxious about your visit to the country eye rolling smiley
but, there is one thing .. it's really beautiful and safer than the usa in some aspects ..
and people are humble and satisfied with the little things they have,
as for the visa, i'm afraid it's going to take some time, months perhaps ...
anyway .. the country is nice and i hope you'll enjoy your stay..
Regards xD

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2010 12:28 by Platro.
19 December 2010 20:06
Take the step girl - but not just an emotional one. Go right ahead if BOTH are sincere...and the question now is : how can u speak for him? Nobody else can - so it's you alone who must decide. Morocco, like any other place has both types of guys - the good ones and the not so good ones. The TV shows that show US as the dream country and in my opinion, I am in complete harmony with US and her culture but some french background people may not share my views with you & I because of this lack of TRUE EXPOSURE of the US inside culture (I am not refering to what US TV programmes make us believe about the country of dreams! - hope your guy understands HOW VERY EASY GOING THE US IS - and that easy going is ONLY for those who want to be easy-proper and sincere in every step of their lives - lest the US can be you see - it's you alone who can figure out whether "he" will be happy in the US with you or not. All the very best ... and if you ask me : take a deep breath and DO NOT ASK STRANGERS ABOUT SUCH PERSONAL folks love each other ... just ensure that it isn't a blind one.
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