Hello,What i can do to increase my english because i have one great meeting with americans people and i must explain them the most things in our projects.. i can speak and taking one conversation in english but sometimes i feel so stressfull to speak this language easily !!! wht's do you propose for me to have no stress? thanks
Thank you very much friend, i'll try to practice your advice and of course we are morrocans and we can do anythings if we want. have a good day With great whishes
Dear Le Deserteur, Your are asking for ways to improve your english skills. The most obvious and efficient way is to attend english courses. In an english class you will be much better guided by the teacher of course after evaluation. In addition, the class learning atmosphere may help you better concentrate through interactions with others. Once you do some fixing up of your high school english you may keep learning by yourself, reading, watching Tv etc... If I may correct your english. I follow an advice instead of "practice an advice). Improve my english instead of increase my english
Hello, What can I do to improve my english because I am having an important meeting with some american colleagues and I need to be able to explain them all things related to our projects.
Good luck with learning
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2005 02:15 by Krim.
What would be good in cases like these, if you’re talking to English speaking crowd and you feel your English may not be enough to deliver your message in a way that is satisfying to you, then play it smart; at the beginning of your presentation, introduce yourself, make sure to mention the fact that you speak fluent Arabic and French, I would mention even that I speak Tachelhite if I indeed do, let your audience know that English is your 4th language and that you hope that you’ll be able to be successful in your presentation. Trust me on this, Americans marvel at the fact that people actually can speak more than one language. You’ll see, they will be impressed with your presentation if it has substance and will disregard your accent and grammar mistakes. Trust me on this and don’t worry. American businessmen do the same every day in front of Japanese and Chinese crowds with broken Chinese and Japanese language abilities, and they always succeed to do business together. Good luck to you,
Dear Almot, Very smart advice for our Amazigh friend.In fact, arriving at UCLA my boss at the time said to the group: Krim speaks many languages, the french made him speak very well french, now the group should convert him to do so in english.
Le Deserteur
So what kind of meeting ? is it about university research ? is it industry ?.... You will be giving a seminar??? or it is just a Lab visit and discussions... May be we can give some tips Ciao
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2005 02:41 by Krim.
WHat can realy improve english for pepole who have other Mother-Tongue Languages is reading, reading and reading ( books, magazines, summaries...).
It will be interesting to have fun while practicing english, for example, wathching a cartoon, a comic movie, or listenig to music ( i don't recommand songs of black people, only because even american native speakers cannot understant what they are saying!have fun)
There’s a comment in your post that I found a bit disturbing, I don’t want to say racist, but very close to that.
Azouz wrote: I don't recommend songs of black people, only because even American native speakers cannot understand what they are saying! Have fun)
Your comment most likely intended to go to singers of rap music, which is full of bad language and filth, and I hope it is, because if you’re speaking about African American in general, then, my goodness, you’re missing one of the best cultures in the world, and you’re misjudging one of the best contributions to culture and to art in general, not only the US, but in the world.. So, to learners of English, I recommend listening to Aritha Franklin, Alicia Keys, Ashanti, chuck Berry, Ray Charles, B.B King, Muddy Waters, Diana Ross, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Otis Redding, Louis Armstrong and Irving Berlin, to mention only a handful, these are all African Americans, with beautiful songs, poetry and incredible voices. What African American broth as a heritage can’t even be counted, and to summarize all that and make it sound like it’s all Rap is just not a fair judgment. To me, it’s just like you’re telling me, if you want to learn Moroccan dialect, listen to Moroccan music but don’t listen to Chaabi, to Rwicha or to Gnawa, don’t learn Moroccan from someone from the Rif or Doukkala because they have an accent, we have to be very careful even when we do mean good, our choice of words is very important. I have seen racism and I do not accuse you of been a racist, haacha lillah, but I would hate not to tell you that for many people your comment would qualify as such. I also want you to know that it’s a myth the idea that Caucasian Americans don’t understand African American language; it is demeaning and very far from the truth. Take care,
hi Mr LeDeserteur, i believe u should take a class in speech, cause it will helps u to get used for speaking in the front of ur class mates frequently without holding a paper or putting ur hands in ur pockets to hide ur stress or nervousity and so many techniques that may help u in this chalanged world.
My advise to u is to take a speech class at a local college because it will help u deal with the stress that u might encounter wile giving a presentation. in addition it will teach u the methods and strategies for a good performance. if u do not have time for a class then my advise would be to buy a book that focuses on the type of speech you are delivering. good luck. lah y3awnek.