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help me i have a free speesh
22 November 2008 15:57
i will have a free speesh at my class and i have choce the morocain justice can you helpe me with some information about pleas thankz
23 November 2008 18:16
the moroccan justice : with money, you can do all what you want

lol, c'est pas gentil je sais!!!!!!!!grinning smiley
23 November 2008 18:23
ok all things that i could understand of your reply is this sentence without money we can not assure our place in juge dicision
23 November 2008 23:07
i will have a free speesh at my class and i have choce the morocain justice can you helpe me with some information about pleas thankz


Perhaps an anser about your question in Morocco # English bord !!!



23 November 2008 23:14
salam aleykoum

tu devrais peut être poster sur forum englich tu auras plus de réponses

(S-2:V-286 ) Seigneur ! Ne nous impose pas ce que nous ne pouvons supporter, efface nos fautes, pardonne-nous et fais nous miséricorde.
24 November 2008 03:52
Hi jadil,

justice is a big word and a big subject lol ..just google "justice in morocco" and you you will be amazed how much crap has been written on the subject. All it takes is some reading i guess...

good luck
24 November 2008 14:32
Moroccan justice!!! How do you have to give in your talk (in which language ?)
Two ways you can go about it:
Compare the system to European Human rights and you are there for centeries
Compare the system to other African and most Arab countries; Morocco will come away ahead in all the sincerity not just because I am a proud Moroccan, but in all the fairness on a constrictive Monarchical system.
The road is very long but we have started to see organisations representing areas that were just a dream before as examples you can give freedom of speech and system critics (within boundaries), women rights, children and disability charters. As long as you are talking without any insultsgrinning smiley; no harm is done you can score good points with positive and forward thinkingsmoking smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 November 2008 23:53
Hi everybody
look dear friend justice in Morocco is like justice all over the world .wherever you go you gonna find honest judges lawyers... as you might find dishonest ones . so projection will solve the problem
2 December 2008 20:27
thanks for every body i'm proud by all of you
9 December 2008 15:23
i second that, Moroccan Justice ? i dont know if this exists ... Fair Trial ? I never heard about it either ...

Unbiased ? ok ok i will stop here ...

Hi everybody
look dear friend justice in Morocco is like justice all over the world .wherever you go you gonna find honest judges lawyers... as you might find dishonest ones . so projection will solve the problem
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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