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Help please i'm lost,drive me to the right way
15 December 2008 17:29
Dear Moroccans ,
I'm a 23 years old Moroccan guy , i got my license in private law 2005-2006 after that i've searched for a job but without a then i thought instead of sitting in home waiting for a job why don't i move and do something else .I thought learning languages in Morocco is a must and may help,so i started taking English courses in the american center here in Marrakech and i've completed all the levels ,i felt so bored looking for a job that i've always dreamed for ,jobs that may suit my education level ( good paying jobs ) and ashamed of being asked by my friends and familly wether if i got a job or not .So i changed my mind and started spreading out my CV to some companies ( Marjane , Aswaq Salam , Wana ,..) those who need much workers and don't pay much ( 2000 Dh per month ) ,but i've really surprised ,none of them call me back or offred me a job !
I thought to do a trainig with a lawyer or notary ,but i faced the same problems since i have no Mediator that could help me.After all these attemps a friend of me adviced that i must find out a way to leave the country,and he suggested to learn Gemran language as a best solution.So yes i did an intensive deutsch course and got the 2 Diplomas in 10 months.
My question to you guys is it really a good idea to leave Morocco ? as you know starting from the begining and studying abroad will also cost much money would that desearve it ?

Thanks in advance.
15 December 2008 22:38
well.could*u*please*check*my*email*adress*nd*i*can*make*u*through:[email protected]
16 December 2008 10:33

you are still young and have time to give it a try, you will not start from the begining if you go there and continue studying law, i think you just shouldn't start something completly different, a post graduate Master or something equivalent in 'droit des affaires', 'droit commercial' or 'droit des sociétés' would be recommended (please correct me people...)

if you manage to go to germany as a student, you will have the opportunity to have a student job while studying though it is a bit hard to have both at the same time...

what i want to say is that you are young and still have time to try things, i know poeple who left at the age 29, 30 .... if you are hardworking and serious you will succeed inchallah.. allah i3awnek

if you need more info i'm here ..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
17 December 2008 04:00
I think it's great that you are taking your career very seriously. May I ask why German?

I would think (but that is my own dream that never came true or through , j/k), given your pretty good command of english that you would be better off trying a country where people speak english. Whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck. I think you're on the right track already!
17 December 2008 21:24
I have to congratulate you at least for trying. I become very distressed and sad when I hear these stories; guys have spent ages studying hard and are unable to find work the only solution for them is to leave the country.
Law is not one of my favourite subjects; studying in Germany will not be easy either. It will be better afterwards as you can change jobs and countries if you wish. At the moment you have nothing to loose.

Sometimes doors open infront of us and we aren’t aware who opened them…
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
18 December 2008 00:19
I will save my money if I were you and stay home forthe time being. Now is not a good time to travel abroad for work. The unemployment is rising everywhere and its only the bigining. Its gonna get much more worse from now on. Save your money and energy and try and find other work in Morocco if possible.
18 December 2008 13:35
Well done on what you have already achieved at young age ,its sad to hear these stories,when we need people like you in the IT, Tourism ...ect
I would say you still young go for it & try it out you will be better off to try to utilise your languages skill too adding IT or similar is the way forwards .
Good luck & do keep it up
20 December 2008 02:05
Salam Alikom ,
Thank you guys alot for your replys and advices that i really appreciate ,may Allah bless you all.
Hassan:Thank you.I've asked a Director in a law univ in Germany,he said that it's possible to continue my law studies there and do Master , but the problem is that when i finish and graduate i will have no opportunity to get a job in Germany such as Police man,Lawyer,Judge...he said simply because the German law is different than Moroccan law ( as i said before i studied Private law ,would be better if i studied Public law).
Some friends in Germany adviced me to study Economic they said it's more demanded there.
Koutiko:Thank you.Why Germany ?: I guess because it's the country where foreign students are very welcomed.
adds : " Sometimes doors open infront of us and we aren’t aware who opened them…"thank you, that's really true .
Kutchia :Thanks ,that's what i heard that's why i thought to ask this question here before i make a mistake.
atlasmagic: thank you brother ,i will think about your advice IT would be a good subject to study in Germany ,i already have a way with computers a little,making websites online,Databas...

Lah yarham likom lwalidine.
27 December 2008 05:36

Sometimes doors open infront of us and we aren’t aware who opened them…

Yes adds:

There is only one who can really open doors or close them. but some of us have opted not to be aware of him....everyone has heard of him. He has indeed published several books about LAW, Justice, and general code of conduct in several Classic languages. His books have been tarnslated to all possible contemporary Languages and have been studied for years, Yet they have not been fully decoded to these days. But as great as he is, he has promised every man including his ennemies that if they genuinely and willingly bring themselves to him, that he would lead them staight to what they are truly searching for...but most people do not truly trust his words yet and some more people refuse to truly understand them or even listen to them...but better watch out! cause nobody has ever been able to fool him nor ever will anyone, for he can see what lays deep inside your heart even from Far...but he keeps all that to himself till the day when the balance sheet becomes due and up for final revue;-)
27 December 2008 19:19
Hi spread-peace!
your story really touched me. I was like that in the sexties but I still managed to find a job in my wonderful country. In the city of Tangier to be exact.
Later on I managed to go to England as a student with my big brother who was alredy working there.

In the sixties things were much easier and North Africans had more respect and were very welcome as a student or as a guest worker.

Today things are much more difficult and we do not get as much respect as we used to. When I see what our people are going through in Europe, my advise is keep on trying to get a job in Morocco for if you are a good Muslim and God fearing man, Allah will never let you down. He does answer a good Duaa. He might not answer your request straight away but he will inchallah. At the same time keep on trying to find a job in Morocco even if it is less money. You know that you are rich even while waiting for the job. As you get up in the morning sorrounded by the beautiful Atlas mauntains thank Allah for having waken up and in the beautiful Marrkesh. Secondly, go and kiss your mother and thank her for being your mother. Thirdly, kiss the hand of your father again for being your father and then you brothers and sister and so on.... when you pray, try to pray in the country and kiss the land of Morocco. Thre is nothing like it in the world, believe me. I have been i Europe 43 years and I still miss the dust and the mountains of Morocco.
La haula wala qowata Illa Billah, the youth of today do not know how to look after our beautiful country. They are carried away with going to Europe, spending the night in the bars with kuffar and they expect Allah Subhanahu Wataala to make their life good.
I am sorry for the lecture. I am not saying that you might be one of them but please find yoursel something at home and one day Inchallah you will thank me for the advise. Then you can pray for me as I am praying for you now.

May Allah Bless You nad Bless the motherland, Ameen
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