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Can u help me quicky PLEASEEEE
21 June 2007 01:00
Je dois rendre un document en anglais d'ici demain mais je ne suis pas une boss dans cette langue, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider en urgence svppppppppp, (il y a déjà certaines corrections faites par mon frere) merciiiiii

Professional project: Customer Relations Manager

At the end of my university training (or education) in ..., my professional objective is to integrate the Customer Service of a big company turned towards the international (market?). (Bizzarre : of an international company)

During my (various) work experiences and my studies, I became aware of the importance of the customer in a trade relation. Indeed, the customer is the reason why the company exists. That’s why the companies are now trying to place the customer at the heart of their activity. Many firms have already noticed that they have better results when they understand the customer’s point of view. All big companies have now a Customer Relations Service so as to be sure that its offer corresponds to Customer’s demand.

During my training course work experience (stage en enterprise – training course c’est un stage de formation) at C…, I have had a first vision of customers’ expectations and I especially had the occasion to satisfy them during the sales thanks to the selling process. Then, my training course at C… enabled me to understand the importance of customer revival to attract him towards the "product". I also came into contact with the customer during my seasonal employment at B….

And,it is my experience at R… which particularly made me discover the organization of a Customer Service. Indeed, my work experience training course mission within the Customer Relations Service at the R… Logistic Direction of Parts and Accessories was the telephone and data-processing management of the orders and complaints. In addition, I had to create a new satisfaction survey which I then administered submit to the customers. This work experience training course enabled me to observe how a big company manages the follow-up after the sale and the customer satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) in order to "correct" the organization operation and as a consequence improve his satisfaction. I thus really liked this relationship between the Company and the Customer, and that’s what reinforced my desire of becoming a Manager of such a structure. I particularly observed during my work experience the missions of my Manager.He had to manage two teams of commercial technicians, he had to reduce the after-sales problems, manage the orders, motivate his staff during meetings that he conducted so as to satisfy the customer as well as possible. There was at R… the same type of organization as in the International Service and it’s in this field that I would like to work because I find this very improving professionally as well as personally to have relations with people coming from worldwide.

More than the missions that were given to me,the insertion in the workplace enabled me to apply use my personal competences.Thanks to my sociability and my organization, I could come be into direct contact with the customer, creating a relation of confidence. I also was well-integrated within the various teams.I’m used to manage my work with reliability,keeping my calmness (propostion: stressful moments) in situations of agitation as underlined my Director at B… and my English teacher.

My knowledge and my personal competences will help me to be a good Customer Relations Manager in an international company. That will include the cooperation of the other partners in the company (engineering, data processing departments...) but also of the exterior actors like the customers and the suppliers with whom we have to work with so as to meet find the agreement between the commercial requirements and the constraints such as tariffs, deadlines, delivery terms... The person in charge of Customer Service has to follow the orders since they have are created and quickly solved the problems with the services and/or partners concerned so as to prevent that others would arise. He must be aware of listening to (?) customers and commercials and thus be as free available as possible.

Thus, the customer relation is a key point for the company’s success whatever its size and the products it sells. That’s why customers’ services exist are expanding in most of (the) companies. I am interested in this type of activity (bof:field c’est mieux) ,linked to my experiences and competences which motivate me to turn towards (direct me) in the way of Manager Customer Relations. This job can be obtained directly but generally it’s the result of an internal advancement (promotion?) within the company. In this case, I hope to learn the job creating relations of confidence,so as to progress until reaching my goal.
21 June 2007 03:02
Long, long way to go....

1) "On completion of my academic studies"
2) "My professional target was to integrate the Customer Service Department of a worldwide company oriented towards the international retail market" (I guess it's Carrefour???) lol.
3) "Various work experience and studies..." (no "S"winking smiley "...of how important the customer is in trade relations..."
4) "Indeed, customer is the reason of the company's settlement..." (not exists)
5) "That's why the...trying to PUT the customer at..."
6) "...Customer needs"
7) "During my training scheme..."
8) "To attract them towards the product..." (not "product"winking smiley
9) "...survey which I had to submit to..."
10) " a big company monitors the after sale follow-up..."
11) "...organization's marketting and, consequently, improve..."
12) "...and that's what strengthened my desire of...
13) "...He had to lead two teams of sales executives... (not commercial technicians)
14) " own skills..."
15) "I'm keen on planning and organizing my work effectively as well as being a troubleshooter and remaining calm in difficult situations, as pointed by the Head at B..."
16) "My solid knowledge and relevant skills will hopefully help me become an effective Manager within a worldwide company..."
17) "...To comply with the agreement..."
18) "...the person in charge...has to follow up the orders from the beginning, and quickly solve the problems arising within departments and involved partners in a way to prevent them."
19) "One must be aware of customers enquiries and sales staff expectations, and be available as much as possible".
20) "Customer service is a key point to the company's success. My interest of becoming a Customer Service Relations Manager is linked to my experience and skills in the area. Although the position can be reached through graduating, I beleive it's rewarding to gaining such a position through work experience and self motivation and commitment." END

The last part of your text (or resumé) is not necessary I guess, but N°20 is a good suggestion. There are still a few bits to emplement, but I guess it's OKAY now. Good Luck

Write it back, and i'll check again if you wish.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2007 03:06 by shams-al-arab.
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