Hi everyone,
I ‘m not quite convinced that the homosexuality is an illness…there is no real proof for it…it’s rather a choice however are the circumstances that lead to it…the homosexuality exists since ever and in all civilisations even the Arabic…some of them are born gays ..they had no choice…just like someone who is born with black or red hair…. now how to react toward gays?....I really don’t know…I found some of them very nice, educated , intelligent and even better than many heterosexual people….but of my Arabic , Islamic background I still can not accept this fact.... one of the understandable phenomenon of the 21the century for me….
Salam Ilhem,
For me the signs of God are clear. Women have a vagina (a hole) and men have a penis. Women carry the egg-cell and men fertilise it with their seed. That's how God created nature with logic.
You said that homosexuality can be in someones nature, like how people are being born with black and red hair. I don't think that is correct, because having black or red hair is more genetically fixed and homosexuality is a more mental/psychological problem and is absolutely not genetically fixed.
Look at transsexuals, travestites or people with some kind of a fetish... that all can be counted as mental/psychological problems. That doesn't mean that it's genetically fixed like you claimed it is. Mental/psychological problems develop in time.
I hope that I gave you usefull information to brainstorm about.
Hi everyone,
Salam Tifah,
if the homosexuality is an "mental/ psychological" probleme as you called it not many countries would give the homosexuals the right to married and even to adopt children which is ( as everyone knows) a big responsability...so plz read esxpert's point of view about this matter to understand it....also check Krim's article ..there are some intersting atetements from experts...we also are not able to judge if it's an ilnesse or not....we are still persons with general knowledge ...we only can say what we think which could be wrong too...what's not normal for us could be normal for others...this doesn't mean the others are menatly ill......
I do not believe homosexuality is a disease, I do believe that the majority of people are born with genes that can determine who they will be. I also do not believe that tolerance is the key word. Just like the holy Quran says, LAKOUM DINOKOUM WA LIYA DINE, I say, let people have their life the way they choose to, respect their choice as long as they respect yours, let them be who they want, it’s their life after all. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance…
this devianec wich treatens not only me bu whole MANKIND