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The homosexuality and sexual fungible in morocco
22 May 2006 15:28
it's a grave phenomenon thats begin to spreaded and gnaw our nation constitution and we still feel shame to talk and converse with each other about it.homosexuality between men or women ..i have ton of question revolve around my mind and we will all get answers for it.
is it a Moral dissolution sign in our society??or just morbid cases require remedy and cares?
what the reasons make it become worsen ??will that affect on our familial after day we keep hearing and reading in news paper or tv about a father molest his daughter or son..
truly we need to talk about that.we might not find solutions as soon as we all hope .but to dialogue with each other about will be the first seed we will plante .to reap good result after
welcome all
22 May 2006 15:49
Homosexualty in Morocco under the loop of educated homosexuals


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2006 03:52 by Krim.
22 May 2006 16:08
Sex is taboo to talk about in almost every muslimcountry. How can you start a dialogue about homosexuality, when talking about sex in general is considered 'hachouma'? We Moroccans first need to break that taboo and make the subject sex more open for discussion. I know Morocco has improved and the mentality of people is changing, but even some of the high educated Moroccans still have a hard time talking openly about sex without a 'hachouma' feeling. The Quran doesn't forbid us to talk about sex, so why not make the subject more open for discussion?

Homosexuality is a mental illness. It can be compared with paedophilia. The only difference is that in homosexuality two adults voluntary choose to have sex with each other. In paedophilia children mostly get molested/sexually abused. So homosexuality doesn't have my support, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect homosexuals. I respect all human beings in spite of their sexual preference.

To repeat myself: the solution to the problem you mentioned is to make the subject SEX more open for discussion. Moroccans have to break the taboo!
22 May 2006 22:18
either me i respect homosexuality and i have nothing aginst them..its thier life choice i consider it as kind of sickness needs remedy.but not superficial solution,not arrest the homosexual and put them in jail....jail is a pasture to all Behavioral deviations and im sure the matter will get worsen.not wage a war against them and despise them , not looking to them a look full of inferiority .( li ma khrej men dounia m khrej men 3kaybha).the wheel keep twirling and the dice might fall on of your closest friends or familly member ..lets we not discarded them..the first step its to brok the obstacles the (hchouma) as tifah said . no fanaticism in our dialogues.lets we open our minds and each of us free to say his or her point of view.don't indicat finger of accusation to someone.we are all responsible about this phenomenon ..
the conversation open
23 May 2006 10:48
Hi everyone,

I ‘m not quite convinced that the homosexuality is an illness…there is no real proof for it…it’s rather a choice however are the circumstances that lead to it…the homosexuality exists since ever and in all civilisations even the Arabic…some of them are born gays ..they had no choice…just like someone who is born with black or red hair…. now how to react toward gays?....I really don’t know…I found some of them very nice, educated , intelligent and even better than many heterosexual people….but of my Arabic , Islamic background I still can not accept this fact.... one of the understandable phenomenon of the 21the century for me….
23 May 2006 11:35
Hi everyone,

I ‘m not quite convinced that the homosexuality is an illness…there is no real proof for it…it’s rather a choice however are the circumstances that lead to it…the homosexuality exists since ever and in all civilisations even the Arabic…some of them are born gays ..they had no choice…just like someone who is born with black or red hair…. now how to react toward gays?....I really don’t know…I found some of them very nice, educated , intelligent and even better than many heterosexual people….but of my Arabic , Islamic background I still can not accept this fact.... one of the understandable phenomenon of the 21the century for me….

Salam Ilhem,

For me the signs of God are clear. Women have a vagina (a hole) and men have a penis. Women carry the egg-cell and men fertilise it with their seed. That's how God created nature with logic.

You said that homosexuality can be in someones nature, like how people are being born with black and red hair. I don't think that is correct, because having black or red hair is more genetically fixed and homosexuality is a more mental/psychological problem and is absolutely not genetically fixed.

Look at transsexuals, travestites or people with some kind of a fetish... that all can be counted as mental/psychological problems. That doesn't mean that it's genetically fixed like you claimed it is. Mental/psychological problems develop in time.

I hope that I gave you usefull information to brainstorm about. winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2006 11:38 by Tifah.
23 May 2006 11:44
saying that one can born homo is a pure imposture on science, not even psychologist nor physicians car supports such statements, it's a mental illness that develop with time if not cured
23 May 2006 12:09
Homosexuality as a mental illness December 30, 2005

On Christmas Day, a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Charles W. Socarides passed away at the age of 83. What makes his death noteworthy, is the fact that he was famous for his stance against homosexuality. He led the charge against the American Psychiatric Association’s decision to delist homosexuality as a mental illness. Practically the only mention of this man’s death in the blogosphere has been by gay bloggers engaging in schadenfreude over his death. This led me to thinking.

Why are we (”we” as in homosexuals) are so opposed to the idea that maybe the APA was wrong to delist homosexuality as a mental illness? What if it is a mental illness? There’s certainly no solid proof of a biological origin for it, and it serves no evolutionary purpose. So why should homosexuality exist as a biological divergence in human sexuality?

Do I personally believe it to be a mental disorder? Of course not. But that’s grounded in nothing more than faith. Faith that I am not suffering from a potentially treatable disorder. It’s certainly not based on a solid scientific foundation. Sure, there’s evidence that homosexuality is in part, genetically determined; but there’s no proof for this. Deviations in brain structure do not constitute proof of a biological origin for homosexuality.

My personal belief is that homosexuality is partly genetic and partly due to environmental factors within the womb. And even then, there exists only the potential for homosexual preference until puberty hits and the hormones begin to change the structure of the brain. Yes, I believe that it’s innate and immutable; but again, that’s only a belief.

No different from the belief that it’s a conscious choice, or that it’s a mental disorder originating from something lacking in one’s childhood. So why do we rail against that belief when we have no proof against it? I’d have to say it’s the fact that people don’t like being labelled as suffering from a mental disorder. Perhaps the idea that homosexuality might one day be treatable like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder scares us. We want to be thought of as normal, and having the possibility loom over us that we’re not causes us to lash out.

So I pose the question: what if homosexuality is a disease — would that really be so horrible?

[Update 31 December 2005]
Read Matt Hill’s excellent reply.
the link is :
29 May 2006 11:58
Hi everyone,


Salam Ilhem,

For me the signs of God are clear. Women have a vagina (a hole) and men have a penis. Women carry the egg-cell and men fertilise it with their seed. That's how God created nature with logic.

You said that homosexuality can be in someones nature, like how people are being born with black and red hair. I don't think that is correct, because having black or red hair is more genetically fixed and homosexuality is a more mental/psychological problem and is absolutely not genetically fixed.

Look at transsexuals, travestites or people with some kind of a fetish... that all can be counted as mental/psychological problems. That doesn't mean that it's genetically fixed like you claimed it is. Mental/psychological problems develop in time.

I hope that I gave you usefull information to brainstorm about. winking smiley

Salam Tifah,

if the homosexuality is an "mental/ psychological" probleme as you called it not many countries would give the homosexuals the right to married and even to adopt children which is ( as everyone knows) a big plz read esxpert's point of view about this matter to understand it....also check Krim's article ..there are some intersting atetements from experts...we also are not able to judge if it's an ilnesse or not....we are still persons with general knowledge ...we only can say what we think which could be wrong too...what's not normal for us could be normal for others...this doesn't mean the others are menatly ill......

29 May 2006 13:13
They had planned to hold a parade

By Henry Meyer

May 28, 2006

MOSCOW – Gay rights activists were pummeled by right-wing protesters and detained by police yesterday, preventing them from putting on a display of gay pride in defiance of a city ban.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said in a radio interview Friday that gay parades “may be acceptable for some kind of progressive, in some sense, countries in the West, but it is absolutely unacceptable for Moscow, for Russia.

“As long as I am mayor, we will not permit these parades.”

Police detained the rally's main organizer, Nikolai Alexeyev, as he attempted to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a symbol of Russia's victory against fascism in World War II, just outside the Kremlin wall.

“We are conducting a peaceful action. We want to show that we have the same rights as other citizens,” Alexeyev said at a news conference a few hours before the rally was to have begun.

But police closed the entrance to the garden where the tomb is located, and the first half-dozen activists who arrived carrying flowers were set upon by about 100 religious and nationalist extremists who kicked and punched them.

“Moscow is not Sodom!” they shouted. Women wearing head scarves held up religious icons while men in Cossack white sheepskin hats and black-and-red tunics stood by.

“We were expecting this. It's the authorities that are allowing this to happen,” said a woman holding a limp red carnation who identified herself only as Anna, a lesbian.

Riot police rushed in to separate the assailants from the activists but detained Alexeyev “as the ringleader,” said British gay rights activist Peter Tatchell, who was in the group.

Police said later that they had detained 120 anti-gay protesters and gay activists.

Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Russia, and a number of foreign activists traveled to Moscow for an unprecedented forum on gay rights in Russia and Moscow's first gay and lesbian pride parade.

By the time the rally started, more than 100 anti-gay youths were standing in the square opposite the mayor's office, chanting: “Glory to Russia!”

Several trampled on a rainbow-colored ribbon, a symbol of gay rights.

“This is a perverts' parade,” said one protester holding an icon of the Madonna. “This is filth, which is forbidden by God. We have to cleanse the world of this filth,” said the woman who gave only her first name, Irina.

A member of Germany's Bundestag, Volker Beck, was giving an interview before TV cameras when about 20 nationalist youths surrounded him and pummeled him, bloodying his nose. Volker Eichler, a gay activist from Berlin who witnessed the beating, said police did not intervene.

City authorities cited the potential for violence as the primary reason for banning the parade. But they also voiced disapproval of the very idea of gay rights. Russian religious leaders – Orthodox Christian, Muslim and Jewish – have all vocally opposed the parade.

»Next Story»

More in this link..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2006 01:27 by Krim.
30 May 2006 00:10
Hi everyone,

Salam Tifah,

if the homosexuality is an "mental/ psychological" probleme as you called it not many countries would give the homosexuals the right to married and even to adopt children which is ( as everyone knows) a big plz read esxpert's point of view about this matter to understand it....also check Krim's article ..there are some intersting atetements from experts...we also are not able to judge if it's an ilnesse or not....we are still persons with general knowledge ...we only can say what we think which could be wrong too...what's not normal for us could be normal for others...this doesn't mean the others are menatly ill......



I understand your point of view, but I don't agree with it, sorry.

11:77 And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was grieved on their account and he felt discomfort for them and said: "This is a distressful day."
11:78 And his people came rushing towards him, and before it they were committing sin, he said: "My people, these are my daughters, they are purer for you, so be aware of God and do not disgrace me regarding my guests. Is there no sane man among you?"
11:79 They said: "You know we have no interest in your daughters, and you are aware of what we want!"
11:80 He said: "If only I had strength against you, or I could find for myself some powerful support."

26:165 "Do you approach the males of the worlds?"
26:166 "And you leave what your Lord has created for you of mates? You are an intrusive people!"
26:167 They said: "If you do not cease O Lot, you will be among those driven out."
26:168 He said: "I am in severe opposition to your acts!"
26:169 "My Lord, save me and my family from what they do."
26:170 So We saved him and his entire family.

29:28 And Lot, when he said to his people: "You commit a lewdness that no others in the world have done before!"
29:29 "You sexually approach men, and you commit highway robbery, and you bring all vice to your society." But the only response from his people was to Say: "Bring us God's retribution, if you are being truthful!"
29:30 He said: "My Lord, grant me victory over the wicked people."
29:31 And when Our messengers came to Abraham with good news, they then said: "We are to destroy the people of such a town, for its people have been wicked."

Ok, that's to show you that the Quran doesn't agree with homosexuality, since it's against nature. Especially this verse proofs it:
26:165 "Do you approach the males of the worlds?"
26:166 "And you leave what your Lord has created for you of mates? You are an intrusive people!"

That's why I call it a mental illness. It goes against nature. It's lust, desire that turned into an obsession for sex with males. I find that a big psychological problem, since the Quran claims that women are made for men, and vice versa. So there must be something wrong with those mens psyche. Gods words are more important to me than the words of "scholars". It means that those "scholars" are wrong.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2006 12:13 by Tifah.
30 May 2006 08:27
salam ,

I understand your opinion too..see the thing is I don't wanna explain everything with the religion (wich doesn't mean I don't beleive in islam of course )...cose firstly this is a general forum not an Islamic one...secondly if I start with the religion I would never be aible to think and to say my opinion feely cause everything the religion says has to be accepted without any discussion...consequently we even would need this discussion forum...moreover many people who are not muslim or strictly relgiouse will feel embaressed and we will never get their point of view objective is to share ideas about something with "every one"..not only the muslim...the arabic or the religiouse people......
30 May 2006 17:19
The islam attitude about homosexuality are candid and need to monsense in the that.also we are not here to intercharge accuses is our nation is a mite gnaw our socity construction we need to find solutions and the first step it to find out the causes .our comments must be for a goal .inflexible and radical point of views will never help us.lets suppose my brother is a gay or brother of any one of you and we know he is we will reacte?. how our attitude will be?.what we will do..put your self in a away from your home and from this fact???..face it and accpet it??..any way the homosexuals are our brothers and sisters..who deny that miss the soul of patriotism ...
30 May 2006 21:13
I do not believe homosexuality is a disease, I do believe that the majority of people are born with genes that can determine who they will be. I also do not believe that tolerance is the key word. Just like the holy Quran says, LAKOUM DINOKOUM WA LIYA DINE, I say, let people have their life the way they choose to, respect their choice as long as they respect yours, let them be who they want, it’s their life after all. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance…
30 May 2006 21:47
I do not believe homosexuality is a disease, I do believe that the majority of people are born with genes that can determine who they will be. I also do not believe that tolerance is the key word. Just like the holy Quran says, LAKOUM DINOKOUM WA LIYA DINE, I say, let people have their life the way they choose to, respect their choice as long as they respect yours, let them be who they want, it’s their life after all. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance…

sorry almotanabi, but tolerance becomes endorsement when these people ask for the right to mary, to adopt children, and celebrate their way of life on the media which play their game to standardize this thinking, this is the problem actually, because there is a catagion effect, and I chalenge everyone that the pourcentage of homosexuals is growing in the world because of this standardization, a lot of people in the west are trying homosexual experiences and in for some people it's a kind of fashion, many heterosexuals turned homosexuals, so how can one born homo and then turn hetero and then homo, and a lot of owr children are in danger as long as these ill people expose their life and encourage more people tu resemble them. it's foutaise the people who say, that the number of homo is not growing and that it's just an impression that we have because once they used to hide and they don't anymore, FULL FOUTAISE. all people know it, but people and political officials can't do anything because they are overwhelmed by the phenomenon, and they can't propose anything to solve it. I challenge anyone in the world who would say, it's not problem if my boy or daughter is homo, there is a lot of hypocrisy here.
and for biological reasons, u re completely wrong sir, because the sexual orientation and practices are not determined by genes, their are the result of how one grows up, and the normal way to grow up is to be attracted to the other sexe not the same one.
homosexuality is an orientation due to a psycological perturbations and these phenomeneon is growing up today as a fast pace because a lot of people -after the battle of improving the way of life during last centuries in the light of the right models and values, work faith and family are now, after the west had generated a lot of richness and provided more free time for people in the 21 century and threw away the values of family, children and work- as their life is more easier ,there are no values but the ego and the inlimited desire of the individual, they are trying all experiences even homosexuality.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2006 09:47 by marocain_fier.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
30 May 2006 22:22
My dear friend marocain_fier,

I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one. Man, I hesitated to reply to this post for a week now and the only reason is that it’s one of those subjects where compromise is not possible. Or you believe it’s right, or you believe it’s wrong. But I have been reading all the posts carefully and enjoyed that. It’s just that I knew all along that my point of view will be way out there.
I have gay friends, I saw 2 of them die from HIV disease, I respect them and they do too, they never exhibit anything or any behavior in my family that will make me change my mind about their life style, with that said, I care not what they do with their life, in their houses nor tomorrow when they meet their God, I just don’t understand why we make it our problem when it’s somebody else’s. What right we have to instruct people on how to live their life? I also know that as soon as you start talking about this subject from religious point of view, then the matter gets really hard and the idea of tolerance becomes as bleak as could be.
With all due respect to you dear friend, we just have to agree to disagree on this one.
30 May 2006 22:33

i didn't speak about any religious referential, I just say, it's fine if these people choose to live like this, but it's not fine if they claim all the rights to be presented as NORMAL people via marriage, adoption and so on because there is a "CONTAGION EFFECT", so I tolerate this as long as it's Private and doesn't transfrom into a way of thinking because then tolerance becomes "ENDORSEMENT" and this behaviour is NOT NORMAL so I can't endorse it.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
30 May 2006 23:20
marocain_fier said :

"sorry almotanabi, but tolerance becomes endorsement when these people ask for the right to mary, to adopt children, and celebrate their way of life on the media which play their game to standardize this thinking, this is the problem actually, because there is a catagion effect, and I chalenge everyone that the pourcentage of homosexuals is growing in the world because of this standardization, a lot of people in the west are trying homosexual experiences and in for some people it's a kind of fashion, many heterosexuals turned homosexuals, so how can one born homo and then turn hetero and then homo, and a lot of owr children are in danger as long as these ill people expose their life and encourage more people tu resemble them. it's foutaise the people who say, that the number of homo is not growing and that it's just an impression that we have because once they used to hide and they don't anymore, FULL FOUTAISE. all people know it, but people and political officials can't do anything because they are overwhelmed by the phenomenon, and they can't propose anything to solve it. I challenge anyone in the world who would say, it's not problem if my boy or daughter is homo, there is a lot of hypocrisy here.
and for biological reasons, u re completely wrong sir, because the sexual orientation and practices are not determined by genes, their are the result of how one grows up, and the normal way to grow up is to be attracted to the other sexe not the same one. homosexuality is an orientation due to a psycological perturbations and these phenomeneon is growing up today as a fast pace because a lot of people -after the battle of improving the way of life during last centuries in the light of the right models and values, work faith and family are now, after the west had generated a lot of richness and provided more free time for people in the 21 century and threw away the values of family, children and work- as their life is more easier ,there are no values but the ego and the inlimited desire of the individual, they are trying all experiences even homosexuality"

This whole diatribe is pure gay bashing. Why is it that religious people from all sides (christians, muslims, jews..) are so interested in what happens in other people's bedrooms ? What is it that bothers you so much about how they choose to live their love life ?
You say the percentage of gays is growing, you may be right but so is the percentage of radicals, and I'd rather a gay friend than a radical one. What's it to you if they marry, adopt or inherit from one another ?
I have gay friends male and female and they are no different than us. You live your life the way you want, you raise your children the way you want, but why are you bothered if others do it differently ?
Biologically, you're the one who's wrong. There was an excellent documentary made by the BBC which demonstrated that there was a hormonal process during the pregnancy period which created a predisposition to homosexuality. Granted a predisposition does not guarantee the person will be gay but it's there.
On a more personal level, I can testify to 2 cases I've seen in Morocco, 2 boys who grew up to be gay in one the most virile environment there is (berber), one was effeminate from the outset, the other was not but was drawn to men as soon as he hit puberty, it was common knowledge in the village but hidden as these things usually are.

You're not gay, we get it, but let people be what they want to be. If they bother you, don't speak to them, if you see something on TV that bothers you or you think might influence your kids, change the channel.
You speak of values, I say to each his own. If my kid turns out to be gay one day, I can't tell you that I'll be pleased because I don't share that lifestyle but I'm not going to disown him or rush him to a shrink or try some exorcism, I'll keep the channel open between us to try to understand him/her, see if it's only a phase.
Homosexuality has been around since men are men, before religion even came into the picture, so deal with it.
I'm more afraid for my kids of your kind of thinking than him/her turning out to be gay.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2006 05:22 by chelhman.
30 May 2006 23:37

and I am more afraid for my children and for the children of others of ur thinking which standardize this deviance and present it as normal by lying on science, I repeat homosexuality is a disease and all manifestation of this is an encouragement to adopt this view and it's a danger for people and childre,
and religious, contrary to what u said are only interested to this deviance when its adepts try to present it as normal and force it's adoption, and for chosing between a radical and a homo, neither of them is a healthy, I prefer and only consider moderate hetero.
if this deviance was due to a hormone effect, how do u explain that the number of homosexuals is growing? is it because of macdo burgers which contain some of these hormones?
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
31 May 2006 00:13
31 May 2006 00:19

We'll agree to disagree on the terms, you say "deviance" I say it's a built-in human trait, ergo if it's normal for us to be straight, for them it's an uphill battle. Repressed emotions, impulses, create deviant behaviours.
I can only try to explain the growing number, I don't have the answer : I think there is the fact, which you dispute, that they can now live freely their lifestyle, and second, as you have stated, people experiment more, but an experiment is only that, once people are convinced it doesn't suit them, they return to being straight.
That being said, you haven't answered the questions, what is it that bothers you so much if they have rights ? These laws are not imposed on heterosexuals, they're only there to provide safeguards.
If they are no laws, if they are hidden, if they are shunned, that's where you have deviant behaviours.
What is it that bothers you about how people choose to live their love life ?

I'm bothered as well if a gay person comes on to me, but I stay courteous and let him know that I'm not, end of story. What frightens me in your reasoning is that it's been tried before, when we're done with gays, what's next ? atheists ? seculars ? the list can go on. I say let people live their lives, if something doesn't suit me I move on.
Gays or any "deviants" as you call them are usually the frontline on personal liberties, once they fall then there's no telling who's next.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2006 06:03 by chelhman.
31 May 2006 00:26
Hello chelhman and marocain_fier ,
You see why I hesitated to write on this post; to me, it’s absolutely, definitely and with no shadow of doubt not our business what people do with their lives. Just like it’s not our business what they name their children or what religion they put them on, I can’t stress to you enough how much it bothers me when some mullah want me to do it HIS WAY or I’m going to hell, or I’m Kaffir, I said long time ago, when I was young, I guess on the French forum, that I don’t see any one in my life deserving to be called kaffir, I know I might be calling for more problems by saying that. But when you read what fanatics write and say about homosexuals, Christians, Jews, people who intermarry, people who drink, smoke and sometimes who just smell the air, you’ll see that kaffir is the name and the category they like to put them in, I resent that with every bone I have. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!
I, too, would fear a fanatic and a radical, but never a homosexual. No need to add any more here because I totally agree with chelhman.
And marocain_fier, I didn’t mean you when I mentioned religion, but it was mentioned on previous posts.
31 May 2006 00:27
if it's a built in nature then their number will not be growing, otherwise it's a deviance favourised by present values and by standardization and I challenge everyone on this.
to answer ur question even if i answered it before it's the "CANTAGION EFFECT" due to teh standardization of this devianec wich treatens not only me bu whole MANKIND

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2006 01:06 by marocain_fier.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
31 May 2006 00:34
this devianec wich treatens not only me bu whole MANKIND[/quote]

marocain_fier, please write and tell us that you are joking, please do that because anything less would be a disastrous thinking in my view. With all due respect.
31 May 2006 00:44
this devianec wich treatens not only me bu whole MANKIND

marocain_fier, please write and tell us that you are joking, please do that because anything less would be a disastrous thinking in my view. With all due respect.[/quote]

nop, am not kiddin, and a lot of people think the same thing in the west but no one can say it because all serious thinking here is binded by laws and because the media dosn't invite anything who can say so.

good night
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
31 May 2006 00:46
marocain-fier said :

"if it's a built on nature then their number will not be growing..."

Maybe we have a language problem here, I said "built-in" not "on", it would mean that they are predisposed hence the uphill battle.
As for mankind, I don't think the handful of gays compared to the billions of straight people, are a threat.
31 May 2006 01:10

I meant built "in" of course and my argument still hold, actually my argument is there to show u that ur "in" is actually an "on"
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
31 May 2006 04:22
The word homosexuality has acquired multiple meanings over time. In the original sense, it describes a sexual orientation characterised by lasting aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire exclusively for others of the same sex or gender. Homosexuality is usually contrasted with heterosexuality and bisexuality. The term gay is used predominantly to refer to homosexual and also poojabbers is a term used to refer to men who are gay c u n t s. however some heterosexual people like to give it to people up the a r s e. males. Lesbian is a gender-specific term that is only used for homosexual females. The adjective homosexual is also used for same-sex sexual relations between persons of the same sex who are not gay or lesbian. Three major forms of homosexual relationships are proposed by anthropologists: egalitarian, gender-structured, and age-structured. Of these, one is usually dominant in a given society at a given time. As there are different biological, historical and psychosocial components to sex and gender, no single label or description will fit all individuals. See discussions on sex and gender at sex and homosexuality and transgender.
all the comments above are tolking about homosexuality causes and reasons.. psychological or hereditary (i don't think so)..sociological..ethical...and we still conversate with each other about it to find the truth.
any one of us analyse the problem according to his/her point of positive side in the matter thats all the comments pour in the some mold(form).its to find the truth.we disagree about the causes and the reasons thats leads to this sort of deviation.but we agree thats not accepted is an contradictory to the human the way how the god Çááå created us.and he(the god) distincted us fromanimals by the we must use this mind to choose between the bad and the good things.and he gave us the islam as relegion to unmaske all the obscure matters .our legislation reference the Qouran are clear and candid about the homosexuality ..its forbiden..its a sin.its a crime they committe in islam and the human innate.

if this phenomenon keep grow up and spread over whole world..some day for sure the human race will become extinct guarantee the continuation for the human race we must keep the reproduce .what if we all become gays and lesibans?.who will repreduce ths kids then.???
the statistics says the homosexuality proportions keep grow up more and more.
one hand can't clap ..what ever we do we will never annihilate this phenomenon .but we might save lotf people frop falling in it.reflect our thoughts on our our point of view.without accusing each other and this will give good result..
31 May 2006 06:51
hi everyone,


why should you be afraid for your children from gays?...if children are "good" educated and prepared for life no one can trouble them unless they make their if you concider the homosexuals as "danger" you should not forget the drugs dealers...the alkohol adicted...the bad persons....ect....the life is so full with "dangers" that stopping the homosexals will not avoid living in fear.......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2006 06:53 by Ilhem2.
31 May 2006 11:03
People should learn to be tolerant and get out of their skins.
This learning processes are missing in most arabo-islamic countries.
One should open his mind and try to understand other cultures and others way of life.
I am not going into this discussion: is it normal or anormal to be homosexual.But I always try to respect any individual as a human being.
One should also ask the following question:
A: is it good when homosexuality is accepted in a society and the people khnow who and who and every one lives his life with respect. (freedom of choice.....democratie).
B: Homosexuality should be taboo ?, Boys are sexually abused in coran schools by Fquihs and in many others places.Homosexuals are always hiding to live their homosexuality... ( lack of freedom, abuses,.....dictatorship

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2006 11:06 by Krim.
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