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immigration mad in england
14 March 2008 00:34
Do you think that the United Kingdom is that
the more open france about the immigration?
From the point of view, employment and cultural integration!
This policy is put in place or is that we are
not saying the reality on this theme?
leiko toujours connectée mais jamais devant l ecranfree tibet....
14 March 2008 12:05
From my experience there is more integration & more respect for others in the UK than in France ,i did not live in France but talking to people who do & spending just a couple of days there gives me this feeling & i think the recent riots in France are just one of the results of the french policies
14 March 2008 18:59
being born and bred in france, i couldn't agree more with atlasmagic: france treats its non-white elements as burdens, there's no other way to put it. whether you're a french national or not, it doesn't matter, you have to be white if you want a slice of the cake, otherwise you're left to pick up the crumbs. you are discriminated against when you apply for anything from a job, to a flat, or simply to gain admission into a night club. i left france for this very reason, i now live in the uk and have vowed to never go back to live in france. and why would i? in the uk, when i applied for my job, i got it on the basis of my competence to do it, despite the fact that whites were up against me for it; in france, people like me only get the jobs that whites don't want to do; they get flats in areas where whites don't want to live. so much for a country that's based on the republican principle of equality...............
15 March 2008 18:37
Thank you Kadijaox81 for your clarification now i know that what i notice on my short trips to France is every day for those who live there .....
16 March 2008 11:02
hello everybody

it's not as simple as khadija puts it. and few years ago, one could pretend to a good job even if he or she was non white. you could be discriminated in small towns, that's for sure, but it tended to get better and better.

nowadays however, france has completely changed and i think it's getting worse. policies have been made to benefit rich people and white people as well. with the veil problem here, anything resembling a muslim is feared and we can't practise our faith openly without being looked at weirdly as if we were threatening this sacro-saint republic.

i have never thought about leaving france forever but for few months now, the more i live here and the more i want to flee from here.

life in the UK is much more pleasant ans english people don't feel threatened just because one is different. I've noticed the same thing in canada as well.

I hope france will be what it was but i doubt it. french people are narrow minded concerning few subjects and they always know better than any other community.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
17 March 2008 18:10
According to the last Human Development Report 2007/2008, concerning the Development human indicator DHI : []

Canada is ranked 4th
France 10th
and United Kingdom 16th

Just for your information the DHI is a summary composite index that measures a country's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: health, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Health is measured by life expectancy at birth; knowledge is measured by a combination of the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrolment ratio; and standard of living by GDP per capita (PPP US$).

So in my opinion I will suggest Canada for many criteria as indicated bellow : Health, Knowledge, Economy, etc….

I’m living here for about 4 years, it’s not easy but it’s better comparing to France and even England.

By the way here in Canada both French/English languages are the officials languages.

Good luck
19 March 2008 20:21
There is no comparison between British Immigration right and the rest of European countries. It’s “koshty” here.Clap

British Adidas
21 March 2008 20:49
So nihal03,

What do you think?
24 March 2008 22:51
i have fear that the Martians we trainent mad! Because it is unable to live together. Chocolate and is not top in England

love google
leiko toujours connectée mais jamais devant l ecranfree tibet....
7 April 2008 15:49
Do not forget this crucial requirement; British immigrants need to be slim to get through the gate. We only allowed keeping pictures of French chocolates but we don’t look at them ever.

British Adidas diet
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