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International Morrocan Community
29 August 2005 08:12
I am Moroccan, based in Dubai and working for an American brand. The Lebanese, Indian and Iranian communities of Dubai are impressive, not by their numbers but by their organization. Thy have links with similar communities all around the world: Latin America, US, Canada, UK, Scandinavia...

I know that wherever I'll go, I will never be the only moroccan there. So my idea is: Let's create some sort of an e-community that interacts on various matters:
- Support charity & developement projects in Morocco (digging wells, Financing orphanages...)
- Support newcomers in each community: You're moving to NYC, you don't know people, the e-community helps you find roommates, jobs, second hand cars...
- Exchange: I want to send my kid to the US for two weeks, send me yours for two weeks!
- Business opportunities: You might have something that's considered worthlace in your area, but is worth gold in mine: Let's help each other!

This is the idea, if anyone is interested, I think we might be onto something really big here!

Omar DXB
29 August 2005 08:25
Really bright idea, i am in

I also advice to make semi annual payments to fund the structure of the community.

what u guys think about ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
29 August 2005 12:28
Hello i9bi7!

Thanks for the comment.

My first suggestion would be to get in touch with the webmasters of 'Yabiladi' and see how we can work something out. It would be far easier this way than to create a brand new thing, especially when we all have jobs/studies to attend to, no one can really be expected to work 24/7 on this project.

A couple of ideas:
Section the community geographically and also lingually: i.e. Spanish for Latin America, Spain, the Canaries... English for Asia, North America, England, Scandinavia... German for Germany, Austria, Switzerland... French would be the advisable language of choice for all...

We could also section the community by occupation: Education )Students, teachers...), Arts (Architects, Graphic designers, musicians...), Independants (Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants...)... so if, for instance an France-based Architect is working on a project in the UK, he could find useful contacts with Moroccan Architects that are already in the UK!

I just have a zillion ideas in the back of my mind and I'm looking for people who can help me turn this into reality. I am sure we can achieve great things for our community!
31 August 2005 01:42
im a moroccan an based in melbourne australia nice to meet you guys
31 August 2005 14:50
Hello Fossil,

I am moroccan too.... Based in Dubai, which you probably know since you surely transit by it on your way home!

what do you do in australia?
9 September 2005 11:47
Based on Virginia, US, I sincerely applaude this idea. Hope the halo will shine soon.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
16 September 2005 13:55
It is a good idea, but unfortunatly I do think in the the Moroccan context your proposal remains a Utopia!

16 September 2005 18:20

The brits, the aussies, etc have their own forums. Forum of Moroccan expats will be of great use to numerous Moroccans who are scattered around the globe.
18 September 2005 16:47
hello everyone, I find your idea very remarkable. I allowed myself to diffuse it on another French forum. The majority of the readers seem interested, remains to know how to organize I hope that will make it possible by creating
a lot of idea
18 September 2005 21:16

But isn't what this forum and others around the web are trying to do? "" is one of them.

Omardxb a écrit:
> I am Moroccan, based in Dubai and working for an
> American brand. The Lebanese, Indian and Iranian
> communities of Dubai are impressive, not by their
> numbers but by their organization. Thy have links
> with similar communities all around the world:
> Latin America, US, Canada, UK, Scandinavia...
> I know that wherever I'll go, I will never be the
> only moroccan there. So my idea is: Let's create
> some sort of an e-community that interacts on
> various matters:
> - Support charity & developement projects in
> Morocco (digging wells, Financing orphanages...)
> - Support newcomers in each community: You're
> moving to NYC, you don't know people, the
> e-community helps you find roommates, jobs, second
> hand cars...
> - Exchange: I want to send my kid to the US for
> two weeks, send me yours for two weeks!
> - Business opportunities: You might have something
> that's considered worthlace in your area, but is
> worth gold in mine: Let's help each other!
> This is the idea, if anyone is interested, I think
> we might be onto something really big here!
> Omar DXB

19 September 2005 21:50
hey am a moroccan girl based in florida usa i d like to have friends coz am alone here
21 September 2005 19:04
Hi everybody,
i'm moroccan based in Jeddah -Saudi Arabia-,and i'll move to Montreal in few months. i appreciated the idea a lot. And i'm here for any support.

Thanks to everybody
Better die with honor than live with shame
30 September 2005 23:10
It's an excellent idea we can help him sharing our networks of work colleagues and friends

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2005 11:10 by Latifa-1st.
4 October 2005 13:35
i think it s a god idea, i am also in orlando florida. and i think this would be go to interact with others around the world.
9 October 2005 13:21
and i'm living in the Netherlands. So let's go!
12 October 2005 22:18
I guess the idea is fantastic, i am in Denmark,in case the webmaster dont want to give a place to create our found raising place.
i am welling to build a site for us guys.
and i just need someone that write good english... you can see my english is ambarassing hehehe..

let go for it guys.. cause talking won´t led us no where

12 October 2005 22:23
i guess we can also, create a travling community where we can visite each other, or offer eah other a place for small fee...

i am welcoming any moroccan passing by danmark,

21 October 2005 11:09
Salaam 3alaikom!!

This is a very great idea!!!

This girl from the Netherlands is with u guys!!! I'm in!

Aziz good luck with ur site, and if u need some help, just ask! smiling smiley My englisch is not perfect, maybe there is another person who can help u better with that in chae Allah!

May Allah help us in chae Allah! Have a blessed ramadan everybody and may Allah accept ur fasting in chae Allah!

Salaam 3alaikom!

21 October 2005 23:46
Hey Omardxb..

I want to build the site but what do u guys want in it.. just tell me and i will be happy to start bulding..


22 October 2005 11:58
My site (a fr/ int version is under construction) can be available in one or an other manner


have a good day
26 October 2005 16:06
salamoualaykoum all moroccans around the world,

i'm moroccan based in china ,i appreciate your idea brother omar,i have the same remark as you,we the moroccans always big community everywhere ,but as you said we are not organized,even we have no activity here in china,so i think it's a great idea,go ahead omar we will be with you.


4 November 2005 21:02
I wonder if there might be others thinking about the horrible things happening in France these days and I also suppose that this must be concerning our compartriotes among others, so my quest. is: is there any slightest wish/ idea about doing something/ anything about the mess as just members of a concerned and human "International Morrocan Community" or are we just spending our time in actual fora in lack of other better things to do?

a salute for peace as a human right!

with best regars and Eid Moubarak!
4 November 2005 21:15
what u have in my mind we can do.
by the way are you welling to use your site for that matter
i mean gathring Moroccan ideas and place for Internatinal Moroccan community

I guess we have people in differnent places of the globe speaks different languages ..
we can make that side in other languages too
10 November 2005 12:46
Action vs Parole

J ai envoye un message a MRE/ AMOME: appel pour q-q action contre la discimination negative influente n importe quel groupe/ individ. Et j espere avoir une reaction/ ac constuctive!

Action vs Words

I have send a message, appel. to MRE/ AMOME (by the actual website) asking for any action against the negative and destructive discimination towards any gr, individ. And I do hope having some reaction, ot constructive!

a salute for peace as a human right!

10 November 2005 21:47
Omardxb a écrit:
> I am Moroccan, based in Dubai and working for an
> American brand. The Lebanese, Indian and Iranian
> communities of Dubai are impressive, not by their
> numbers but by their organization. Thy have links
> with similar communities all around the world:
> Latin America, US, Canada, UK, Scandinavia...
> I know that wherever I'll go, I will never be the
> only moroccan there. So my idea is: Let's create
> some sort of an e-community that interacts on
> various matters:
> - Support charity & developement projects in
> Morocco (digging wells, Financing orphanages...)
> - Support newcomers in each community: You're
> moving to NYC, you don't know people, the
> e-community helps you find roommates, jobs, second
> hand cars...
> - Exchange: I want to send my kid to the US for
> two weeks, send me yours for two weeks!
> - Business opportunities: You might have something
> that's considered worthlace in your area, but is
> worth gold in mine: Let's help each other!
> This is the idea, if anyone is interested, I think
> we might be onto something really big here!
> Omar DXB

10 November 2005 22:08
Hi Omrdaxb,
You have a great idea, maybe starting something similar to the British living in France. Their site is called TOTAL FRANCE, also Living France.
They speak about things that are important and positive, like their rights, how to avoid legal problems, and how to solve issues.
In fact, you can ask for any advice, even how to do repairs to your house, your car, and you will get replies and advice.
On the Yabiladi French forum people seen to waste most of their precious time talking nonsense and negatively. They get nowhere like that.
Great idea go for it.
11 November 2005 00:25
it is sad to notice that most participating people pretending concerned do nothing but spending time in actual fora in lack of other better things to do?
there might be some pos sideeffects lika approaving one or an other skill (language) but solving common issues I doubt it! This thread started weeks ago and still there has been "nothing" done to get further!

so compare Brits and MIC I wonder ....

m-w have a nice time, (smiling smiley)

11 November 2005 09:54
I don't agree pazimodo - we would have been lost when we moved to France if it hadn't been for the fora providing all the info we needed to search for, regarding Govt. departments, re-registering vehicles, health care - even where to find materials for house renovation work - the best buys etc. Invaluable information that would have been very difficult to find (especially in French!) The members all support each other and offer advice wherever they can. Yes, sometimes there are differences of opinion - but the fora are well moderated so arguments are few and far between. It would be very useful to have something similar for Moroccan ex-pats all over the World.
11 November 2005 18:15
With all my respect!

Prim. I m glad that it turned to be that way in your case!

on the other hand I was just thinking about issues of greater dimensions as our really big common structural problems as, many times, disciminated "immigrant-groups", some of us manage always to make it one or an other way but the big question remains concerning all the others who are excluded, I ve, f ex, been thinking about moving to France but after realising what s happening there I have reconsidered that since I know that I ll never accept some conditions neither for myself, my kids or any one else! (otherwise I won t see the difference between so called "good or bad" countries).

For a real success and any possib. for any change: It is very import. to ACT!
(nota bene: this thread started weeks ago and the aim was (as I understand) to make good efforts/ projects, and my quest. is what is supposed to be in the outcome of our activities if not real projects!

Any way I do hope that I m not mixing up anything for anyone!

"It would be very useful to have something similar for Moroccan ex-pats all over the World."
- Isn t it what all is supposed to be: for all Morr. ex-pats!?

with my best regards!

(smiling smiley)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2005 06:32 by pazimodo.
12 November 2005 14:47
I'm from Bamako Mali, nice to meet all of you... i left europe for living in Africa and i don't have any regret in africa i made plenty of money and i'm living great moment in my life if any one interrested in africa contact me.
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