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Iran and the Nuke
2 June 2006 21:28
Why do you think the world is worried about an Iran with a nuclear weapon? Do they have good reasons to believe that Iran could use it one day against one of them? Against Israel? Are there any more hidden reasons?
Do they think Iran will use it once it has it?
I don’t see Iran giving in to western demand; it’s a very popular issue even amongst Iranians who do not like the government, also popular in the Islamic world. Is an attack by the west or Israel coming? I hate to say it by I think it’s possible.
2 June 2006 23:10
Hi Almot,

I've read a few pieces from Stan Goff (former special forces) and Michael Ruppert (peak oil crusader). It seems the US don't really mind the idea of a nuclear Iran, this whole circus is more about the Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB ). Some clarifications : up until recently oil (or anything else for that matter) has been traded in US$, but now the euro is becoming a international currency as well, which means central banks (CB ) don't need to hold dollars to pay their energy or industrial imports anymore. CBs are dumping dollars for euros, last year India gave the US administration a little scare by dumping 120 billion of their dollars. There's a little analogy I've read from an economist which demonstrates the situation for us simpletons :

It's like emitting checks but also knowing that none of those checks will ever go to your bank for compensation because your clients need those checks to trade amongst themselves. Your checks are endorsed from one client to another over and over again as currency for their imports. Being secure in that knowledge, you've emitted 50, 100 times more checks than your actual assets. But if there's a new player in the game (the euro) and your clients don't need your checks anymore, they might send them back to your bank.

Those checks are Treasury Bonds and other financial instruments emitted by the US in the last 50 years. China holds over 680 billion of those, Japan over 800 billion and the list goes on. It basically spells bankrupty for the US.
Now back to Iran. In march of this year the Iranian were scheduled to open the IOB, it's been postponed, but it will happen, oil would be traded in euros. That scares the hell out of the US because it accelerates the erosion of the dollar.
It is whispered that one of the reasons, Saddam Hussein fell, was the fact that , to off the Americans, he traded the oil, in the "oil for food" program, in euros. That enraged the US, already having a bone to pick with him.
So to sum up, the US have pretty much accepted the idea of nuclear Iran, some think the region needs a new power to keep a certain balance. This is just a shake down, the real dispute is, as always, about money.
This is only a theory, but until I see otherwise, this is the only one that seems to make sense. Open war with Iran would throw the world into chaos because of the oil factor, and this bunch worships money and they are not suicidal so if it walks like a duck....

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2006 05:21 by chelhman.
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