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Is Jacques Straw an arrogant Dude or what?
6 May 2006 22:55
I never liked Jacque Straw, He’s one of those politicians who really gets under my skin. it seems to me he was very arrogant and every time he talks about Arabs or Muslims, he intentionally belittle them, and talks to or about them, as if he were way above and they were way small. He always reminded me of the colonial generals our parents or grand parents lived under. I’m glad he’s no longer there.
Is it just me or did anyone else see him like that?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2006 10:57 by almotanabi.
8 May 2006 13:49
I guess most people on here won't even know who Jack Straw actually is!
8 May 2006 14:50
"I guess most people on here won't even know who Jack Straw actually is!"

Ooooh, but we do. He's part of that troïka who sent young Brits to their death in Irak, making up a whole bunch of crap in the process, like Saddam could reach London in 45mn or that he kept tons of WMD's under his mattress and all of this, against 90% of their public opinion : talk about bringing democracy !
8 May 2006 16:48
I guess most people on here won't even know who Jack Straw actually is!
Hello volvofan,
Do you really think that? on this one, I hope you're wrong!!!if you see what I mean..
take care,
8 May 2006 17:58
Dear Almot
You are stating that you do not like this guy. So why you are wasting your time by opening this discussion.
My time is for you not for him.
take care
8 May 2006 18:09
hey Si krim,

Very simple, and only if there are people interested in politics here, unfortunately I happen to be one,
take care
8 May 2006 19:27
Ssi Almot
You were asking about Jacques Straw as a person not about british foreign policy.
Of course there is a clear continuity in their foreign policy how matter who is in power Labor or the conservatives to not mention the puppet foreign minister.There are few politicians with a free mind in england. One of them is the mayor of London who is in big trouble with "les maîtres".
Sorry if I offended you
9 May 2006 09:35
smiling smiley

OK.OK. I concede that there are SOME on this forum who have actually heard of Jack Straw!
9 May 2006 18:05
Toucher, volvofan, lol
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