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Jobs in London
5 March 2010 17:10
Salam brothers & sisters,

I am here in London since 2 months and a half and still couldn't find any job... As a student I can only work 20 hours during studies and full time on holidays... I have a food hygiene certificate and I want to mainly work as a kitchen porter/assistant... or anything else... I feel like I'm going to live in the streets if I don't find a job withing the next few weeks... any suggestions on how to get over this situation? Barak Allah fikom.
6 March 2010 19:28
Have you tried McDonald's, Burger King? They always need staff. Also try to ask for a jo in hotels. Catering agencies is another option.
20 March 2010 11:37
Edgware Road, walk into any restaurant and speak to the manager. Try Beefeater in St Catharine dock, if you are allowed to work; why a restaurant? Work in shops supermarkets or even a council or hospital; sell yourself more expensive not too cheap. Work as a porter in a hotel or security man. Don’t follow food to get food equally don’t work in hotel to get home.
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24 March 2010 15:29
hi there ,
i just wana answer for your question and want to tell you to be not angry because right now it is realy hard to find a job specially because of the economic crisis and you know now who have a job fell like have everything ,in my experiance i am now in ireland about 4 months and half and just few days ago got a part time job in a hotel and not because there is many jobs in ireland but i think just #rdat lwalidin#
good luck for you and i hope to keep in contact ,[email protected]
24 March 2010 23:53
well done pedro surely now your name is Paddyptdr
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