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Jobs in Morocco
16 September 2007 15:45
assalam alaykoum

Jobs in Morocco

SALES EXECUTIVE - MOROCCO Confidential Morocco Sep.16.2007

Graduate Development Program - Sales Analyst - Morocco Hewlett-Packard Morocco Sep.14.2007

Service Procurement Manager - Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, Nigeria Hewlett-Packard Morocco Sep.03.2007

Project Manager Confidential Morocco Aug.28.2007

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16 September 2007 15:59
Thanks for this aberosabil. The 4th job would have suited me (well not really because i don't have 15 years experience) but i laughed when i saw they require males only, as if woman cannot manage construction projects! isn't that typical! smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
16 September 2007 18:37
that s typical of the pathetique mentality we have in Morocco , they still think of women as some inferior creature with no skills or brain, a lot of descrimination against women , i think moroccan women s organisations need to tackle this systematic discremination ,
i just wonder if a company in UK dares advise for a job in such way(men only) , i am sure it will make headlines , and their prime minister will be questioned about this , and it won t surprise me if they close down the company who advertised it
i felt very sad reading this and made me realise that moroccan women have a long way to go to acheive equality and get rid of this rusty mentalty of the stone age i think it s time to start moroccan women suffragettes like the one which took place in UK in late 18 century.
16 September 2007 19:22
that s typical of the pathetique mentality we have in Morocco , they still think of women as some inferior creature with no skills or brain, a lot of descrimination against women , i think moroccan women s organisations need to tackle this systematic discremination ,
i just wonder if a company in UK dares advise for a job in such way(men only) , i am sure it will make headlines , and their prime minister will be questioned about this , and it won t surprise me if they close down the company who advertised it
i felt very sad reading this and made me realise that moroccan women have a long way to go to acheive equality and get rid of this rusty mentalty of the stone age i think it s time to start moroccan women suffragettes like the one which took place in UK in late 18 century.


me, blablabla

you, blablabla
29 September 2007 03:03
If the job required to travel to Africa like Kenya, Nigeria....etc. , you will spent all your life travelling to weird place in Africa and you have to watch from Malaria, disease.
it is all about SALE SALE SALE ...
11 November 2007 19:03
I am a male and I agree with u, it's pretty retarded. In some of the Gulf countries, their job postings say: We prefer a Muslim.

Now let's look at it from a business perspective: You open a nice store in Casablanca, let's call it Gucci, would u hire a sweet, cute, 21 year old female, or would u hire a 50 year old man with gray hair? Personally, the former, no questions about it.
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