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Keep it simple
13 May 2008 13:06
-3 young men went to a youth Hostel (Auberge de jeunesse). The receptionist asked them £30 for the room per night. They paid £10 each and went to the room with their baggage. Later on, the receptionist realized that the room costs only £25. He sent them £5 back with the porter.
The porter didn’t know how to split £5 between the blokes. So he gave them one pound each and kept two pounds for himself. This means that each bloke paid £9 for the room that is £27 plus the two pounds the porter had its only £29! That leaves one pound missing.

Taibi, Taibi taibti al Galb wa ryia
13 May 2008 17:47
They paid 30 pound, he gave them 3 pound back thats £27 (30-3). The porter put £2 in his pocket thats 25 pounds (27-2)! That add up just fine!!
I think you added the two pounds instead of subtracting them from the total paid amount, thats why you get 29 and thats wrong
13 May 2008 19:46
Hi adds,

Nothing is missing, the way the equation is phrased creates the confusion :
they gave 30£, the room was 25£, they were refunded 5£ (3 + 2 to the receptionist) which makes 30£.
13 May 2008 22:07

1/ they paid : 30 pounds total. the room is only 25 pounds. the receptionist sent back 5 pounds and the bell men gave them one pound each. 30-3= 27-2(for bell man)= 25 pounds for the room.

2/ another way, instead of paying 8.333 pounds each, they paid 9 pounds and the bell men took the extra two pounds.

3/ you can not add the 2pounds to the 27 to make it 29. you have to substract it. the bell man took it, so it is minus 2.

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