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Learn Arabic
20 September 2008 15:02
22 September 2008 11:27
BUT, This method isn't very effective ...
we learn the Arabic with the Arabic language .. not in English ...
22 September 2008 11:42

also, everyone in the forum grew in Morocco and learned Arabic in boukmakh, i suppose..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 11:58

in boukmakh, i suppose.. ???

You bringing memories mate you remimber " Souado fi al Madradati "
Dakhalat souado il al madrasati , fasaa latha al mo3alimato , ma issmoki ?
9alat souado Soussi !!!

Sorry ! i was carried away there ....
22 September 2008 12:06
no harm Atlas..

youssef wal3ifrit, ana la akoulou lbatatiss tongue sticking out smiley
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 12:18
Hicham ..its souad fi al Maktabati !
22 September 2008 12:26
My favroute one was about the nosy people.Cool

toulia 3amoodo a nouri wa jo3ilate 3alayehi lawhatoune kaye la yataltakha beha almareena. Mara waldone uhibo al istital3a fa talatakhate yadayehi wa malabissaho .... wa salakho abouho
I can't remember the rest, does anyone know what ahppen after?perplexe
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22 September 2008 13:11
adds i remimber also toulia 3amoodo a nouri but your memory is better than mine .....

Was there also Youssoufo yomatilo abaho ?
22 September 2008 13:47
you can tell why I hated school back home. My father spent lots of his time with the headmasters of that school. May be after all I need this blogue for learning Arabic more than anyone else. Football
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