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Learning Arabic
14 February 2008 17:15
Hello, would anyone help me find websites to learn Arabic please? My colleague is English and very keen to learn Arabic, he's taken some courses in the past so understands the basics and can write as well but would like to practice more via intercative websites...

Any suggestions would be great. thanks
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
14 February 2008 17:31
hi Minniemouse,

if your friend was a lady i would have asked you to send her over here for interactive learning ..of Arabic off course smoking smiley i'm joking princess, maybe you need to explain more your request, otherwise you 'll get google answers, which anyone can mean forums of Arabic ??
14 February 2008 17:35
Hi si Hicham, i'm sorry to disappoint you but my friend is a man not a lady Cool

what i'd like are interactive websites where you can listen to arabic lessons by natives and take tests and quizzes. I found some on google but they were for very basic lessons for beginners...
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
14 February 2008 17:40
Ok, try with with arabic keywords, it's better
15 February 2008 10:35
i think the best thing is that i get him some books and CDs from Morocco. Surely i will find many tools to learn arabic...if not, i'll get him tilawa wa ma7foudate smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
15 February 2008 11:35
Loool know that you can buy Boukmakh's Iqra'e and in Europe........
22 February 2008 15:37
hello!!! minniemouse try this site


there are mp3 exercice etc...but its in french!!!!

if u need help do not hesitate

c ya
22 February 2008 16:10
hey wunda, thanks so much for your help! unfortunately my friend doesn't speak French, would have been perfect if it was in english!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
22 February 2008 16:20
lol i have on last solution!!!u can use google translate( or altavista babelfish( to translate from french to english!!!!i will learn 2 language!!!2 in one !!!lolz

otherwise u can also try this site []

but also in french!!!bad luck!!!u know is not is not so difficultsmiling smiley

here frm u soon
winking smiley
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