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Less posts than before
9 July 2007 18:09
Salam everybody,

It seems to me that there's less posts than before, Is it inspiration or hollidays or something else...

Maybe everybody is off to morocco, well the Net is also available there, unless you all camp at the edge of toubkal ....smiling smiley
10 July 2007 00:11
I wish its was the case ,no its only busy times & no summer yet over here !
10 July 2007 01:55
Hi all,

adding to the lack of time the lack of interesting issues….you find everything has been discussed in different forums….it seems nothing is new….
10 July 2007 09:54
Thanks Ilhem2, you are giving me an idea, what about a brainstorming topic in which we can look for interesting issues ? we can even vote afterwards ....
10 July 2007 10:14
I must admit, Ilhem is right! I've been camping in the french forums lately and the subjects are quite interesting, sorry for being a traitress grinning smiley it's just that there are very few people on the english forums and when you start a subject you have to wait for days to have a reply plus you have to cope with people fighting and insulting each other...really too much to bear for someone faint hearted like me lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2007 11:32 by Minniemouse.
10 July 2007 15:57
One other aspect, which is not looked upon cery frequently is respect to ideas of each individual. I've been in this forum for quite a bit and noticed that all subjects lead to the same conclusion, and lack of comprehension from some members. Some don't respect diversity of opinions.
11 July 2007 16:40
Hi all,

salam Minniemouse,

don’t give up…let’s keep trying…one day our forum will be like the French one or even betterCool… least let’s hopesmiling smiley….

salam riffman,

I agree regarding respect of others…acceptance of differences and opinions…ect …but this forum is there to teach us such things….people need time you know…..
11 July 2007 17:51
I actually like this part of the forum, it's like a nice and quiet hangout, not too crowded, the moderators hardly ever have to intervene, we pretty much moderate ourselves. The french part is too confrontational compared to here.
11 July 2007 18:13
lol, you made me laugh chelhman, i like the "we moderate ourselves" bit, you reminded me of the days of school when the teacher leaves the classroom for a short time and leave us unsupervised grinning smiley
it's true that the French forum is too confrontational, it's like being trapped in a war zone and then coming back to peace and serenity. i think it's just proves the point that English people are cool and cold-blooded and French are made from fire evil
11 July 2007 18:16
Hi all,

salam Minniemouse,

don’t give up…let’s keep trying…one day our forum will be like the French one or even betterCool… least let’s hopesmiling smiley….

Salam Ilhem,

you're right, we shouldn't give up, but you guys need to show up a bit more as i tend to get bored easily smiling smiley
otherwise i'll end up missing LeMask!!grinning smiley
11 July 2007 18:20
Ilhem2 I agree we learn much as one greek said "I am glad to learn so that I may teach".
As far as I am concerned I don't post much, but I read a lot the postings.
I miss the discussion with Chelhman, and others that prefer to keep quiet, and I understand the posture. And as a moroccan living overseas, this is one place I feel home.
11 July 2007 18:21
i think it's just proves the point that English people are cool and cold-blooded and French are made from fire evil

hihihihi ... i agree with u Minni grinning smiley

i think the langague is also a reason .. the most of people isn't soo good in english .. so they prefer being where they can write easily.
11 July 2007 18:22
And as a moroccan living overseas, this is one place I feel home.

So do I smiling smiley
11 July 2007 19:30
Big brother Hicham is welcoming everybody back smoking smiley
11 July 2007 19:35

I miss the discussion with Chelhman, and others that prefer to keep quiet, and I understand the posture. And as a moroccan living overseas, this is one place I feel home.

I'm right here buddy, it's just that these days time is a rare commodity for me and somehow the debates always end up towards religion, it gets repetitive after a while. And since I'm a capitalistic, zionist, gay, kafir, secular pig*, the discussions tend to get sour quicklysmiling smiley

*I'm sure I forgot something feel free to add 3la 7mar achel7smiling smiley
12 July 2007 02:14
Hi all,

Salam Ilhem,

.... but you guys need to show up a bit more as i tend to get bored easily smiling smiley
otherwise i'll end up missing LeMask!!grinning smiley

hi Minniemouse,

plz don’t ….coz you know speak of the dee'l, and he'll appeargrinning smiley….just kidding of course… seriously I really like to post very often but I lack of time….
12 July 2007 02:19
Hi everyone,

... And since I'm a capitalistic, zionist, gay, kafir, secular pig*, the discussions tend to get sour quicklysmiling smiley

*I'm sure I forgot something feel free to add 3la 7mar achel7smiling smiley

Hi chelhmann,

it’s their tricks…insulting others to keep them away….I would not take this seriously…

yeah …I do miss many members as well like almotanabi (or Almot)...volvofan...krim..l9bi7....and many many others…they were very active in this forum...but they just gave's pity!!...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2007 02:31 by Ilhem2.
12 July 2007 09:24
Hi Ilhem2

I'm ok with the insults, it's actually entertaining sometimes, though not very creative on their part, "zionist" is getting oldsmiling smiley.
True, this forum is missing some aliases, where the heck are Almot, Krim, Yani, Zaki7...etc ?
12 July 2007 13:23
Hi all,

Salam Ilhem,

.... but you guys need to show up a bit more as i tend to get bored easily smiling smiley
otherwise i'll end up missing LeMask!!grinning smiley

hi Minniemouse,

plz don’t ….coz you know speak of the dee'l, and he'll appeargrinning smiley….just kidding of course… seriously I really like to post very often but I lack of time….

Lol Ilhem, looks like the devil has heard you and paid us a visit this morning!!!!
12 July 2007 16:39
hi all,

Lol Ilhem, looks like the devil has heard you and paid us a visit this morning!!!!

lol're bad grinning smiley....
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