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Let's make a better world...
9 October 2009 16:54
Hi everyone,

Just imagine if we stand together...Our world would regain strenth and a better health!

What do you suggest?

Any ideas?

Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

smiling smiley

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
9 October 2009 18:50
Ohwhat do you mean exactly?
9 October 2009 19:43
Salam alikoum

There are so many things that can make our world better.
For my part I try to think about the health of our planet.
So I try to do as much recycling as possible.
I try to use my car only when it's too far for walking.

I am not sure if I answered well your post.

have a nice evening,
See ya
9 October 2009 20:52

I mean, let's have a role in developing our world...Economically, socially...Speaking!
Just have a look at it!

So many lonely faces, empty lives,and as far as the environment is concerned,there's a long path to walk and a great deal to be done!

I'm aready participating but let's do it together to have more results...

Have you ever thought of healing our world?

Ohwhat do you mean exactly?
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
10 October 2009 14:40
Hi everyone,

Just imagine if we stand together...Our world would regain strenth and a better health!

What do you suggest?

Any ideas?

Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

smiling smiley



* they can contribute to make a better world if they stop making destructive weapons.
* they can contribute to make a better world if they stop invading countries and steal its wealth under
the pretext of bringing peace.
* they can contribute to make a better world if they stop creating wars all over the world to sell
their arms.
* they can contribute to make a better world if their labs stop using inocent africans as guenea-pig.
* they can contribute to make a better world if their industries think deeply about polution and make
plans to protect the environment.
* they can contribute to make a better world if they tolerate people regardless their race, language or

<<<< <<<< <<<< we can help them make a better world by respecting rules, working hard for the well being of everyone, by being unselfish learning and teaching our children the good principles, sharing love and knowledge with everyone >>>> >>>> >>>>
10 October 2009 16:38
Wa Alikoum salam najmae,

You're right...That's a good start...

Little by little, we will achieve great results, God (swt) willing...

And what about poverty,famine and so on? Are you a member of any humanitarian association (or whatever) in your town???

Thanks for your answer.


Salam alikoum

There are so many things that can make our world better.
For my part I try to think about the health of our planet.
So I try to do as much recycling as possible.
I try to use my car only when it's too far for walking.

I am not sure if I answered well your post.

have a nice evening,
See ya

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2009 04:52 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
10 October 2009 23:09
It's such a vague question...

There are so many ills in this world I wouldn't know where to start.

Third-world countries, wars, the environment...

Sometimes I want to help, do something that matters but what? It feels like we are so little.

The only thing we can do is be good and spread positive energy around us, or as a very wise man (AKA Gandhi) once said: "Be the change you want to see in the World"
11 October 2009 00:21
Hi Neurotica,

I know we are so powerless sometimes but God (swt) willing, impossible means nothing...

United we stand, divided we fall...

Even if you smile to an orphan or a an old person, it's already a step forward...

Let's not feel as if everything was doomed to failure!

You know, I have so much love to spread around...that I could welcome everyone in need!

Spreading positive energy around you is a good idea...

Keep on thinking...smiling smiley

Sweet dreams.

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
11 October 2009 05:46
It's such a vague question...

There are so many ills in this world I wouldn't know where to start.

Third-world countries, wars, the environment...

Sometimes I want to help, do something that matters but what? It feels like we are so little.

The only thing we can do is be good and spread positive energy around us, or as a very wise man (AKA Gandhi) once said: "Be the change you want to see in the World"

you are absolutely right. that's what i meant in my statement.
just by dropping 10000 kg of explosive they kill hundred of innocent civilians and distroy villages that took them decades to build by hard work. then these poor people stand up and build it again. a decade later, they found themselves invaded by the devil power who promised paradise to them but suddenly they found out that these invadors only came to use their land as a dumping ground to get rid of chemical and dangerous waste.
in Usa, Italy and many developed countries; there are undergound labs fabricating forge medecines and selling it to under develloped countries in Africa and Asia, worse some are changing labels of expired medecines and sticking a new ones with an extended date. as a consequences thousand of innocents perished every year. don't be surprised if i tell you that these labs are protected by their governements because on one hand its a source of income for the country and on the other hand it benefits the pocket of high responsables.
tiphoons, storms, flooding ...etc are taking ten thousand of souls every year because industrialised countries carry on violating the protocol of preserving the environement and no one can force them to respect international treaties, do you know why? because its the powerful who make the law and its up to the powerful to adopt it or ignore it.

to make a better world we need justice and fairness before hand and just a smile is not going to make an orphan happy but after you fill his empty tummy.
11 October 2009 11:25
thats lovely !
United we stand, divided we fall... thats Obama favourite sentence , we heard it so many times in the american elections to the point it became a sick joke
do you my friends do any of the above not in your dreams , but in real life ?
France :as an exemple have you seen how moroccan immigrants throw garbage from the balconies, burn cars, steal , knife people in public parks?Los Angeles an other exemple what do you think about moroccan youth who become experts in drug dealing , male prostitution , puppy dogs to American women
i presume you are all moroccans like me: dreaming is good saying positive words no problem
but practically do you including myself care about anything really ?
you seem all to blame others what about us (the victims!) , without the others we can make this world heaven !

don t forget that without the others , their science and medecines , their technology we would be chasing wild animals in the jungle, riding camels,
without others you wont have a computer or a forum
chacun nettoie devant devant sa porte
auto critic that s what we lack my friends

an other sentence which made me laugh : Heal the world, thats a Michael Jackson song !
is it with love the 80 millions of egyptians will be fed ?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2009 11:31 by thetiger.
11 October 2009 11:31

I am not blaming anyone, to be honest...

I am just wondering about the different possibilities to make this world feel better!

I don't agree with you...We all have a role to play...And changes can be done if we do care...

I mean just look at history...So many individualists struggle for respectable causes (Human Rights...)...If they had the same speech, they would not have fulfilled their dreams!
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
25 October 2009 13:58
Wasalam SweetLatifa,

Sorry for the delay, I just saw your message.

Unfortunately I am not a member of any humanitarian association! I tought about it so many times, but I did never take time to do it and also because there are no humanitarian association in my town...
Concerning poverty, famine when I can I made donations.
During the year, I try to collect clothers, shoes, toys that I distribute in Morocco.

For me the work of every one can change a lot of things.
Little things are importance.

But I agree with a lot of persons in this subjets, that is big thing to change the world : we can only simply make it better.

have a nice Sunday.
1 January 2010 19:20

Nice work, I do believe that if we join forces, we'll reach positive results God (swt) willing!

You know, I have just registered to help a humanitarian association for Palestine.

I feel I have so much to give away...

Let's keep it up!!!

May Allah (swt) assist us in our good deeds Inshallah.

Sweet Kisses,


Wasalam SweetLatifa,

Sorry for the delay, I just saw your message.

Unfortunately I am not a member of any humanitarian association! I tought about it so many times, but I did never take time to do it and also because there are no humanitarian association in my town...
Concerning poverty, famine when I can I made donations.
During the year, I try to collect clothers, shoes, toys that I distribute in Morocco.

For me the work of every one can change a lot of things.
Little things are importance.

But I agree with a lot of persons in this subjets, that is big thing to change the world : we can only simply make it better.

have a nice Sunday.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 January 2010 23:05
My dear Sweetlatifa,

Could you please tell me (us) the name of the humanitarian association for Palestine?
I always think of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, I will be delighted to do something to help them.

May Allah (swt) assist us in our good deeds inch allah

keep in touch,
See you,
1 January 2010 23:58
My new chapter will be looking for a "new bride and a bit on the side"Clap
Seriously it will be the new me in the New Year, the happy me and its all about me. Just pull the ladder jack.
Happy new you too to everyone
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
2 January 2010 09:00
I would suggest to encourage community farmers, producers and businesses. and try to get away as far as you can from big corporations institution because natural ressources are the last of their worries.

they might be a bit more expensive than big surfaces, but at they end you get a quality good.

also by choosing locals, you help save a lot from logistics and transportation energy used by big corporations.

recycling is a very candid idea, and i try to but it seems that it is never enough

here is a cool link to a carbon emission personal footprint
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
2 January 2010 17:43

Actually, we are just beginningsmiling smiley

So the association is not popular yet, we're just trying to gather people to make them aware of the current situation.

Sure, you can help.

I'll get in touch with you via the private box.

Thanks for caring,



My dear Sweetlatifa,

Could you please tell me (us) the name of the humanitarian association for Palestine?
I always think of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, I will be delighted to do something to help them.

May Allah (swt) assist us in our good deeds inch allah

keep in touch,
See you,
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
4 January 2010 15:03
which world are we talking about? Aren't we part of this one?
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
4 January 2010 18:29


OUr world is not doing well...

which world are we talking about? Aren't we part of this one?
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
4 January 2010 20:59
Salam latifasmiling smiley

For make feel better our world we need change a lot of things..

We can start by to lower our consumption of water and electricity.

But when you say let's make a better world,it's ecologically speaking or other thing ?

We can talk about human behaviour ?

(you know,you can correct megrinning smiley)

Good eveningyawning smiley
4 January 2010 21:20
Salam my dear friend!

Sure, you can give a hand to people in need, try to protect the environment, and so on...

Human behaviour??? Of course dear, if we do change our daily habits, a lot can be done!!!

Let's not give up, we have a long path to walk but where there's a will, there's a way!

Your English is pretty good!!!

Sweet kisses,


Salam latifasmiling smiley

For make feel better our world we need change a lot of things..

We can start by to lower our consumption of water and electricity.

But when you say let's make a better world,it's ecologically speaking or other thing ?

We can talk about human behaviour ?

(you know,you can correct megrinning smiley)

Good eveningyawning smiley
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
4 January 2010 22:10
Thanks my friendsmiling smiley

It's great to talk about it but it's better if we could act...

But this depend on each and every one...

I hope to help persons in need,it's the most important for me,if i could do it at least...

You know serious associations ??
5 January 2010 10:14
Do you think people in Morocco are living in the same world? how about those living in small villages with no means, no health care no transports no foosd no cloths absolutly nothing they still pray to Allah for forgivenessperplexe help and to change their reality who's responsability is that ? yours, mine gouvernement or Allah?

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
5 January 2010 12:13

I think you're completely missing the point!!!

What are you driving at???

We are talking about all the countries in need!!!

The world tends to become increasingly individualistic about that so we'd better join forces to assist the underprivileged people.

We all have a role to play!



Do you think people in Morocco are living in the same world? how about those living in small villages with no means, no health care no transports no foosd no cloths absolutly nothing they still pray to Allah for forgivenessperplexe help and to change their reality who's responsability is that ? yours, mine gouvernement or Allah?

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
5 January 2010 14:55
let's all be hippies again ! 'imagine all the people'

peace & love : )
6 January 2010 14:39
Salam my dear!

Yes, I mean, every one of us should act!

You know, I've always been thinking about that...

Actually, I'm part of an Association that deals with Palestine.

And I'm thinking of carrying out my own humanitarian projects.

Write to you soon Inshallahyawning smiley


Thanks my friendsmiling smiley

It's great to talk about it but it's better if we could act...

But this depend on each and every one...

I hope to help persons in need,it's the most important for me,if i could do it at least...

You know serious associations ??
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
10 January 2010 23:07
let's all be hippies again ! 'imagine all the people'

peace & love : )


Don't worry, be Hippie !

Let us kick in again...
☠ chti'sem ☠
12 January 2010 16:03
NOWAY, I do not miss my target, ever!!!!!!!! I aim very well thank you very much.Are you crazy
Charity begins at home always remember that. Our beloved country is not better off than those countries you want to help do you get me?
You are talking about in need!!!!!!!!!! Who is in need better than our folks?
Lets change ourselves before we change the rest of the world.
Clapspinning smiley sticking its tongue outClapDanse
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
13 January 2010 14:30
this topic lacks a nice song to go with it

i love this song In love
13 January 2010 17:40

Sorry but I think we are not discussing the same thing...What on hell are you talking about?

We need to change the mentalities and increase people awareness about that issue.

Helping all around the world...

Anyway, thanks for your participation.


NOWAY, I do not miss my target, ever!!!!!!!! I aim very well thank you very much.Are you crazy
Charity begins at home always remember that. Our beloved country is not better off than those countries you want to help do you get me?
You are talking about in need!!!!!!!!!! Who is in need better than our folks?
Lets change ourselves before we change the rest of the world.
Clapspinning smiley sticking its tongue outClapDanse

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2010 02:37 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
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