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Letter to the Danish people
7 February 2006 09:05
Salaam dear Danish people,

Some of my Muslim brothers and sisters, outraged by the injustice commited against our beloved prophet Mohamed SAAWS, have commited themselves some injustices against you:

1) First injustice :

Boycotting all Danish products while the effects of such action will not be limited only to those who commited this injustice against Muslims but also to other persons who perhaps have great sympathy towards Muslims even if they are not themsleves Muslims and effects on non Muslims who never transgressed against Muslims and hence there is a divine obligation on every Muslim to respect, love a live in peace with them.

2) Second injustice:

Setting the Danish embassy on fire while it is a Danish territory that belongs legally to the Danish people even if it is on the soil of another country.

3) Third injustice:

Spreading fear against Danishes who live in Muslim countries while those Danishes maybe do not even know about the existence of this newspaper before and are on Muslim land with all what this entails such as obligations for every Muslim to respect then and take care of them while on Muslim land.

Dear Danishes,

In the name of all Muslims who do not agree with those 3 injustices against you, we present our sinceres excuses. We know that the irresponsibles actions of the few do not represent all the Danishes and we have confidence that you understand that the actions of some of the Muslims do not represent all Muslims.

The prophet SAAWS said :

Help your brother when he commits justice and when he commits injustice. Refraining him from commiting injustice is helping him.

It is in the name of this order from the prophet SAAWS that I write this lettre to you, to wake up the true Islamic spirit among my fellow Muslims, who in the the wake of responding to injustice, are themselves commiting injustice against a whole country for the actions of few irresponsibles individuals. Even if Allah SWT says :

5.8 . O ye who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity , and let not hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly . Deal justly , that is nearer to your duty . Observe your duty to Allah . Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do .

Peace be upon you dear Danishes and peace be upon the prophet Mohamed SAAWS.
7 February 2006 15:53
Salam Mdlazreg.

Justice or injustice, is not the issue in this matter. of course Muslim always act very aggressif, which is one of our wrongest act.

The boycot of the Danish product make everybody in Danmark to think very serios about the case.
we know we can not attack them in there relegion cause our religion tell us to respect other relegions and prophets.

The muslim in Danmark tried for litle over 3 months to discusse the issue with the gouvernement, the prime minister in dk denied any meeting with them or even with any ambassador. you know dear brother that ambassador were waiting for replay, but the prime minister never gave them a time of the day to talk to them.

why we always have to appolegies while they never do... now some agressif muslim behave with violence they have to turn the story back to us. that we dont know how to act in political case.

to be honost with you is the first time i see muslim stand together for something and believe that make the westerne world for once again, since 72 that Islam world in not sleeping.

I condamnne any violent act... I am Danish and i feel that danemark have to pay for not taking action against the news paper that publish the pictures.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2006 03:54 by aziz_dk.
7 February 2006 23:52
Dear aziz,

As long as this crise is going on Danish people are forced to stand together. As long as the crouds in the arab and muslim world calm down and their security is no longuer is under treath they will start to debate. I know many Danish people has different opinion about this issue, but they don´t feel it´s the right time to start fighting betweeneach other. They are conscients that this will make things worst for themselves. In particular now while the whole world is watching them. The point here is not to defeat one another, but to build bridges between cultures. Some forces here as you know Aziz are working very hard not to turn back to the pre- cartoon era. Everybody know now that muslims and their religion deserve respect.
In Aarhus a new founded group of Danish people leaded by a Danish descendant of jewish family who came here during the 2nd WW now could prouve that Jyllands posten has broken the law by discriminating moslems. And asked the DA to reconsider the case one more time. Another Danish person decide to raise charge against the newspaper for damaging his country´s interests and frindship with the moslem world. I also heard many people here say that 1,5 billion people can´t all be wrong.
We want mutual respect why can´t we be the ones to start giving a hand. At least we´ll have that in our credit, or do we have to take revange and then hope that someone will come and give us a hand after?

Mdlazreg´s initiative is very wise and shows that even in difficult moments there are still moslems who don´t lose faith in peace, dialogue and prosperity. A good compromise is better than a little victory. I hope that everybody else realize that. Now don´t get me wrong, those cartoons offended me as well. And we didn´t say that moslems should just submit to repression and smile. The moslem world sended a clear message, and it was heard. There is no need to continue the protests. It´s time to get on with our lives and most of all, start working on the new agenda which is dialogue and more understanding and respect between cultures. It´s important for it to happend now that everybody have seen the alternative, and still have it in their fresh memories.


Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
8 February 2006 10:32
salam Cali.

I am not against Mdlazreg´s initiative, reaching hand has never been a sin. if arab countries never bad boycoted the danish product,the gouvernement will never think about bringing the subject on the table for discussion.

I know that now everything is went out of hands, I am very soryy for the people that have nothing to do with the matter has been harmed. just for beeing Danish.

We all have survived that when ever anybody do some stupid thing in the name of Islam, we collect his garbage just because we are Muslim living abraod.

I was really disappointed of the Prime minister, refusing to meet with 40 ambassador from the arabe world, but he accepted to meet with the writer from holland "the Soumalien women".

I guess however they were putting Gaz on the fire, what they expect??
we have a Morocan saying "kabarha tassghar".grinning smiley

I just hope, it will be the last time some ignorant will make fun of our prophete, cause in the last debate "Carsten Juste" Jyllands posten chef editor never said that he will never do it again!!
8 February 2006 16:34
lol Aziz

That was a good examplegrinning smiley I always told people overhere that Anders Fogh Rasmussen made a huge mistake when he let go an oportunity in october to meet 11 ambassadors. But all the social democrats criticised him for that. 24 danish ambassadors in the middle east called his reaction for unwise. The chairman of the parliament Niels Helvig Pedersen and even former chairman of the right wing party Uffe Elleman Jensen criticise Anders Fogh Rasmussens luck of experience in International policy.

I also agree that if there has´t been a boycot Anders Fogh would never have listened. The most important thing is that Dansk Folkeparti and their members now understood that they can no longuer lead hetz kampagne against moslems. Many busines people and companies are just waiting for this to calm so they will sue the responsables for all the damages done to their interests.

I understand that things went to a point where they couldn´t get any worst. And some reaction was urgent. But I absolutely do not sympatize with flag burnings, treaths on people´s lives and embassy burnings.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2006 05:28 by cali.
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
8 February 2006 23:56
hej cali

I know the burning of flag and embassy is a bad sign, that we arab still dont know how ti act diplomatic.
I am very embaressed that our people always act with violence. is a shamed that we do not know to act in our benifect with out using violence.

to day Uffe elleman have said his opinion about the matter and blamed Anders fogh, now dansk folkpartie are reporting him, where is freedom of speech.

yes is true people are acting very friendly lately more that usual. I like that hehehehe.

I hope this thing end sometime soon,cause the rage can leed to very bad things, they are somany stupid people in this planet that react with out thinking about consequences..

du ønskes en rigtig go dag
9 February 2006 01:20
I´m afraid that Iran is highjacking the whole situation for the benefit of their policy.
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
9 February 2006 11:19
I´m afraid that Iran is highjacking the whole situation for the benefit of their policy.

I am realy surprised that guy hate the west more than Ayato allah..
i am just wondring, if he is not implante by USA to get Iran down too like Irak...!!!
10 February 2006 08:45
Salaam aziz_dk

>>>>>>>>>> of course Muslim always act very aggressif, which is one of our wrongest act.
>>>>>>>>>> I am very embaressed that our people always act with violence.

You should not. Because among 1.5 billions people you will 100% find some one who will act violently and since the news value of violence is much bigger than the news value of peace it is this one guy who is going to appear on tv and not the rest.

Personnaly I think the protests in the Muslim world in a global vision were extermely peaceful. If the Muslims are the ocean then the violence is the waves in the shores while the bulk of the Muslims is the deeo ocean, vast, calm and beautiful.

Ps: If and when 1.5 billions act with violence, life will end on planet earth.

>>>>>>>>>>> The boycot of the Danish product make everybody in Danmark to think very serios about the case.

I do agree with you that the boycot was very effective. And no one is ready to loose a market of 1.5 billions Muslims.

My point is that we have made our point. We should not boycot the Danish people for ever because first it is not all the Danish people who insulted us second we are people who are commanded to forgive by our religion.

Exactly as we ask non Muslims to not take the violent acts of few Muslims as the only picture of Muslims we should not take the views of one newspaper as the only picture of the Danish people.

Ps: Many Danish people are themselves Muslims. How can we hurt our own brothers and sisters?
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