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A letter of excuses from Danish people to all muslims arround the world
9 February 2006 17:58
salam everybody

Many Danish people were frustrated that Jyllands posten hearted the feelings of millions of Muslims. Therefor over 22000 Danish people until now are signing letters of excuses to all Muslims arround the world. And the number of Danish people who signed is raising every minutte.

Read the whole letter in 2 different homepages.





Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
10 February 2006 22:32
Cali, hope ur doing well,

can u enlighten us about the situation. As I know you are a moroccan citizen in one of the candinavian countries.

whats the situation over there .. any fears ? either from muslim people against a hit back from the scandinavian or vice versa ?

"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
11 February 2006 00:35
Hi l9bi7

well overhere they´re much more interested in ending the current situation. It´s the biggest crise in denmark´s modern history. Most people were chocked over the reactions. Some says if the imams haven´t gone with the pictures to the middle east to show them to the politicians and religious leaders, things wouldn´t have gone so far. But then again it would be pure hypocricy to deny people the to freely express their sorrow, resentment and anger provoqued by your free expression. Apparently someones have the right to provoque in the name of free expression and others may not protest and also express their opinion in the name of the same freedom of speech.

Well someones still can´r see it, others are hoping that they soon can do busines again in the arab world. Some people feel embarassed and are worried that all the good reputation they used to have is gone and might never be built up again. There are hopes for better future full of dialogue, understanding and mass information. It appeared that many people didn´t know much about islam as they tought they did. Nobody could imagine that the reaction would be as big it was. People have also realized that the religion for the muslims isn´t just a hobby.

To be honnest with you, I knew it would get to be a big soupe, already months ago, when the prime minister dodn´t want to meet 11 ambassadors about the same matter. We talked about it already 2 months ago, I said my opinion and nobody wanted to believe me. But the debate is still going on here.

Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
11 February 2006 16:38
salut mon n/076639737
12 February 2006 14:10
salut mon n/076639737

should we call you to solve the matter Mr Mitok55.smiling smiley
13 March 2006 12:44
we don't realy need a polegice but no hard feelings to the danish poeple
14 March 2006 03:40
i heard that and was even shown that many danish website were hacked or attacked by people from cybercafes in morocco and elsewhere .
14 March 2006 05:55
as far as I read, only one website was masked and not hacked. whoever did it, did a big mistake by posting the saudi flag in it.

it is good step from this 22 000 danish out of 5 or 7 millions. they need send their apology to 1.5 billions and we will see what 1.5 billions agree about, and do it. smiling smiley
15 March 2006 18:28
Nice to know they are Danish people who started realising that this mess we are in now is not about freedom of speech !

Well lets hope we all learned a lesson here !
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