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like to study something
3 February 2010 16:35
hi everybody
i live in london and like to study something, i have been living here for the last 3 years , and like to have a profession, i am thinking of medical assistand, what do you think?
can you please tel me where can i study it?
is there anything better i can stady instead of that?

will be so happy to know what do you think

thank you
3 February 2010 18:26
hi there
well its not easy to do that darling
but tell me are a british citizen?perplexe
4 February 2010 14:24
yes i am, i live here with my husband, i would like to do just a short courses.
4 February 2010 17:42
hi there
well its not easy to do that darling
but tell me are a british citizen?perplexe

if she is keen & ready, then studying should be easy.'Nine tenths of education is encouragement'
lina.374, whatever you end up studying, make sure that you
a) love the subject that you are reading.
b) Have enough knowledge on it (.i.e. if you decide to do something related to health, you need at least to have a fair base on chemistry & biology etc so you won't struggle befor you start
C) have enough time to do your essays, projects etc

The best thing to do is go for Open days organised by Universities, FE Colleges before, during and after the academic year - just go (am sure colleges nearer to you have dates for these)
5 February 2010 15:15
that s not enoughperplexe
7 February 2010 00:28
What is enough, then, darling? Advise!
8 February 2010 12:32
are you talking to me?moody smiley
8 February 2010 16:38
I think that s a great idea , choose something that you enjoy
if you wish to work in an office environment join an IT flexible centre they are everywhere in UK ask your local college for a brochure .
there are colleges in London which offer courses in all type of fields, reasonable prices and nationally recognised diplomas (city and Guilds)
if you prefer the medical field (nurse, care assistant, ,midwife.....) there are variety of courses and diplomas ask Bureau Citizen Advice or the local council for the necessary information

best of luck
9 February 2010 09:04
are you talking to me?moody smiley

hi sonia. if you have anything interesting to help her with then go ahead. otherwise encouragement will do.

Happy day to you
9 February 2010 11:00
what are you some kind of a lawyer or something?Heu
10 February 2010 12:33
sonia = salma64 grinning smiley
i agree with atlanticpacific if you have a positive word say it if not Censored

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2010 12:34 by thetiger.
11 February 2010 15:19
12 February 2010 13:16
hormones!!!!!!grinning smiley
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