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14 August 2007 22:48
salut à tous,

je pars à londres ce weekend and that's my first visit there.. i have only 3 days.. and i need your advices concerning places to visit...

thanx in advance
15 August 2007 10:53
Well,Welcome may be the wheather is not at its best but once you do the tourist land marks you could try a bit of a stroll in Ladbroke Grove if you miss Labled & a bit of latin feel , laos a trip to Kenwood house in highgate is not a bad thing ,Camden market is always a nice place to check out ,Museumus,Tower of London & its Bridge with a trip on a river boat are worth a go .........a nice walk on Embankement in a summer evening is what i enjoy most ..........
15 August 2007 19:15
Coucou Tafraoute,

J'avais ouvert un post similaire il y a quelques mois et les suggestions etaient super tu jettes un coup d'oeil sur le lien suivant, tu trouveras surement des lieux qui pourront t'inspirer

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