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Love and marriage via the Net
14 October 2009 08:30
Hello everyone,

love & marriage via the Net has always been the polemic of newspapers and other media. according to google, Moroccans top the list of people who most frequently look up for romance, love and marriage via the Net.
is it really love that leads people to look for it on the net? why looking for a soul mate that a person has never met or seen before and who is living so far from him? if anyone can have more chances to meet his soul mate, maybe someone who is staying just meters from his house or staying in the same neighborhood, the same city or country, so why adventuring to meet someone thousand kilometers away that you only rely on what he said and there’s no way for you to check his profile.
what do you think about marriage via the net? had anyone or had one of his relatives got married this way? can you please share your experience or experience of someone that you know and who got married via the Net?
15 October 2009 11:29
16 October 2009 13:04
i read months ago a story of a young Moroccan girl who acquainted with a Palestinian guy living in Sweden through internet. after quite some time, the guy decided to contract a marriage with the Moroccan girl and bring here along to live with him in Sweden. just a week after marrige he pushed her from the window of his appartment and as a concequence she died on the spot. i don't have enough info about this story such as why how..... and what i can say is that we need to be very very careful while dealing on the net with people that we don't really know.
16 October 2009 19:20
eye popping smiley That's awfull!!! Even if they didn't get along, did he forget about something called - divorce????angry smiley
18 October 2009 14:03
very awful indeed. i'm thinking about her family and how did they get the news? really pitiful
18 October 2009 17:02
That's right. Her family will be left to grief all their lives. The murderer probably will get 7-8 years in Swedish prison (nice food,gym and TV), come out and get married to other poor soul angry smiley and forget she ever existed...
20 October 2009 22:32
Good subject to discuss fairly.

I am going to switch on some light in this discussion, and trying to answer some questions:

The Net make the world closer, and so the discussion , imagine the person sitting on his sofa talking to someone else at the other side of the world without paying ticket for the plane, or even for those who feel shame in public place to talk and to be expressive.

why looking for a soul mate that a person has never met or seen before and who is living so far from him?
I don't think people should talk ONLY to those that they know. You can make a better relation by talking to people that at the beginning are stranger for you and after many discussion you found out that they are really kindful and smart, better than those that you used to know.

I don't see either the problem in the fact that people are so far away, maybe it make it difficult but there are so many who lived in different country but they met for marrying and few months after they lived together.

if anyone can have more chances to meet his soul mate, maybe someone who is staying just meters from his house or staying in the same neighborhood, the same city or country, so why adventuring to meet someone thousand kilometers away that you only rely on what he said and there’s no way for you to check his profile.

Because, living close to your area is not a guarantee that this person is fair and mature. You can just see the rate of divorce in the country, those people are in the same area and others are also family but they divorced.
It's not a question of why the partner is at the other side of the world, far away behind an ocean. The question is what the personality of this person is.

what do you think about marriage via the net?

Somme of them succeed others not, like the marriage with-out Internet

had anyone or had one of his relatives got married this way?

I have many friends who married ladies for another countries and just known by net, and also a couple of dozen that married ladies from their own countries and brought them to their new places and they knew each the others at the beginning by the Net after that by talking on the phone and at the end putting them in contact with sisters, brothers and family….

Nobody say that it's easy. It's true that the fact that the relation is virtual (at the beginning) make people uncomfortable, because we ask ourselves, who knows if the person said the truth or just excelling in the art of ''persuasing'' . There is no magic potion, it's only a question of maturity in our realtion. People have to ask theirselves ''what they want exactly, and where they are going''… Reason and heart .. both of them can lead his owner to the right side of safety… that's the point !!
The Net is not responsible of the behavior of people, … it's not because a murder was commited with a knife that means we have to censure all knives in the world. It depends on the use of it and how we deal with it.

Good luck
23 October 2009 17:07

thanks Kabi for your precious contribution to this discussion.

i respect your point of view and i do agree with you on some facts however i still believe that if someone lives in your area, your town, city ..... it will be easy to find out about him, about his personality, his background by contacting his surrounding, colleagues,family and so on..... this can help you to make a decision either to go ahead with future plans or to back out. but if that person is far away, you only rely on what he says and you are completely unable to say if he is honest or not. at times there are sharks who excel in acting. they portray themselves as angels and then when the mask is covered you get choked. you get what i mean....

have a nice day
28 October 2009 20:41
OK, to answer truthfully all of your questions: Is desperation. Desperate to find someone as they are growing older and the chances are getting slimmer.
They are desperate to find a Man for support or a woman for a made. They are desperate to change their reality and try elsewhere. When the bells of old age rings people become desperate to do anything… The young ones are just desperate for a change.
Life is not all about romance if one follows their heart they will live on a cloud.
The reality of understanding each other and making allowances to one another is more important. No one is looking for a perfect partner but someone to be perfect with be they a broad or next door. Romance and love come with agreement, trust and respect. The rest only cause life complications.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
29 October 2009 02:32
Hi housaimiya

Thanks you too for your answer.

but if that person is far away, you only rely on what he says and you are completely unable to say if he is honest or not.

Well I am not agree about this point.

You can not rely only on what he said. You take what he said as real and saty vigikant, and the day you will meet you will assure if he is correct or not.

As I explained you do not have to accept his version, you still have the right to be sure by meeting him.

So many people meet in real life, they were living in same area and also married and after marriage they completely changed.

The point here, it's not the ''fact that you are so far away from each other'' that means we could not trust each other and the person could be honest.

What will you do if you find out that he is absolutely serious and honnest winking smiley
31 October 2009 13:08

i got to the point Kabi thumbs up, tkx.

i'm a married lady with two children and if i was unmarried i w'dnt try the net to find a husband. that's my conviction

adds, there's some reality in what you said.
7 November 2009 04:32
I am happy for you dear friend.

I tried by the net, and I was prepared for marriage but the spouse juste declined at the end....
that never ever push me to think that the fact that she is from morocco and I am from canada means and That we use the net means that the Net is bad idea.

However I much prefer to meet the person in real life before even to talk about marriage (even if we begin by the net winking smiley )

good luck
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