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Love >>>>>>Money
27 November 2007 22:57
so here to watch

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2007 11:02 by MendiantD'amour.
28 November 2007 16:19
Very funny
29 November 2007 11:42
Kind of groce, but very funny.
1 December 2007 18:41
Sooo true... evil
5 December 2007 15:12
Sooo true... evil

Hey thats not nice. It isn't always true...
5 December 2007 17:50

Hey thats not nice. It isn't always true...
aww come on... we all know a broke friend who neved had a girlfriend... grinning smiley

and we all know a douche bag with a lot of girls literally crawling at his feet just because he got a nice car...

and I have nothing against you. but go tell that to all these people dying in Liberia because Western women want a diamond ring for their wedding.

of course, there is some special ladies, who arent morons... but come on, these are a few.

but most girls care about money.

of course, you know what we say, women are smart enough to fall in love with rich people...
6 December 2007 00:46
Salamsmiling smiley,

Misleading, caricatured and not funny. In other words, so wrong.tongue sticking out smiley
One step forward and two ahead...
6 December 2007 10:46
omg Bidaouya, your nose is growing... Oh

hehehehe grinning smiley
7 December 2007 20:08
Salamsmiling smiley,

Are U saying that I'm a liar? Or worse.. Do U claim that I have any ressemblances wit Pinocchio?tongue sticking out smiley

Finally U're right.. I said that this video was false. There is nevertheless something fundamentally really: when a man has neither beauty, nor intelligence, nor humor, he thinks that he can buy love with money. And this video shows it remarkably.tongue sticking out smiley

In other words, this video doesnt show the materialism of some women, but the despair of some men.yawning smiley
One step forward and two ahead...
8 December 2007 22:26

Hey thats not nice. It isn't always true...
aww come on... we all know a broke friend who neved had a girlfriend... grinning smiley

and we all know a douche bag with a lot of girls literally crawling at his feet just because he got a nice car...

and I have nothing against you. but go tell that to all these people dying in Liberia because Western women want a diamond ring for their wedding.

of course, there is some special ladies, who arent morons... but come on, these are a few.

but most girls care about money.

of course, you know what we say, women are smart enough to fall in love with rich people...

Really, are the women who fell for the money, reeeeally happy. Come on. Most of the time the man is old or ugly...or both.There are also a lot of muslim-women who don't wanna marry someone just because he has money, money. So a lot of special ladies.. Women are smart, but the ones who fall for the money, (at least I think) are not that smart. And about the video: Bidaouya is right. It also shows the despair of men who take those things seriously. I think there are a whole lot of women who choose a guy, because they love him for who he is, not what he's worth.

9 December 2007 05:29
Bidaouya, you are right... and lady, you got some spirit, I like that, and I really respect that.

men do think that they can solve all their problems with money. eye rolling smiley

but sometimes I think that this "feeling" or just behavior got its sources in the behavior of some women. or just in the behavior of some naive women at some stage of their life (youth maybe?)... I dont know for sure...

boessia, yes, they arent happy, and it's the problem in this logic. of course, its hard to be happy in REAL poverty... and a little money can make people happy in these cases.

and about Muslim women... well, its hard, because the prophet Mohammed taught us to "marry" following some characteristics of the person. and one of them (I said ONE of them) was "money"...

so I dont know about that... of course, he is talking about "Halal" money... its coming from hard work and intelligence in general... and it was (back then) a good thing to judge the abilities of a person...


but still, I had some experiences in life, and I know that money counts for a LOT with the ladies.

and to be totally honest with you, I care about money too. in some situations I mean... I'm sick of these friends who cant afford a coffee in a nice place... who want to stay at home to save money...

and I hate rich folks, because they are weak, and I feel like dealing with people who lost their grip on reality...
they are like: "yeah, these Somalis are really stupid, they starve to death because there is no more bread. what a ridiculous reason to starve to death. why dont they eat cookies instead? really stupid, they deserve to starve after all... "

me: "... dude... you are messed up..."

anyway, I work hard to get a Porsche to impress the ladies... tongue sticking out smiley
9 December 2007 13:39
Come on LeMask is right. It is a woman instinct. A woman will most of the time look after a man with power (=money) who can ensure her kids a succesfull furture. In the stone age it was the men who were the best hunters who also gets the best women and today it is the money.
I have had experience in my life and I know what women mostly look after and the funny thing is NO one admits it.
9 December 2007 15:32
I know that we're living in a material world, but how do you know that poor people aren't happy. I really think that they do exist. But I think it's hard to be happy as a poor guy in a rich country.Because in the wealthy world it's all about

But when you look at a lot of Africans who have a little, to me they seem often happy (but this doesn't mean that they don't need help). And please don't call me naive, because I know the girls who marry a guy for his illegal money. I think it's pathetic.They obviously don't know the meaning of life, but who am I to judge, right?

About the muslim women: Rassool (saw) also said that the best reason to marry someone is his or her Addien. Money CAN BE one of the reasons, but is it the best one?

But I don't blame the men who want to earn a lot of money. But are they doing it for the right reason? If someone wants to live a wealthy life just to have the security of a succesfull future, then ok. But are they doing this to impress, then I think it isn't the right decision. For how long can one impress?
Really, is that what you want to give to your children in the future?
9 December 2007 16:18
excuse me one second, just to be clear on the religious view of the question.

I dont know if there is a hierarchy in these points, if money is the most important. all I know, is that money isnt a bad thing to look at when you want to marry.

I will just leave it like that.

and I do think that money is extremely important nowadays... we live in a capitalist world. and it's NOT a win-win world... there is a looser and there is a winner. it's sad, but life is like that.

one person can own more money than whole countries. looks like mankind didnt notice that a limit was necessary somewhere...

so the result is simple, the more wealth you got, the more money you make, and you use this money to buy properties.
so, by not caring about money, you loose everything. they will buy your stuff, and you wont be able to afford a house, land etc... you turn into a slave, working 3 shifts to pay your rent, your credit etc...

money isnt just power... money is also freedom.

and this goes in the direction of these "materialist women"... its a good excuse.
11 December 2007 00:07
Women are not stupid. What to do with a poor handsome fellow who goes to hammam every three weeks until he smells like sewage. Who wants handsome man with underwear and socks so old they resemble a fisherman net?

Women who wear Adidas are classy
11 December 2007 21:10
excuse me one second, just to be clear on the religious view of the question.

I dont know if there is a hierarchy in these points, if money is the most important. all I know, is that money isnt a bad thing to look at when you want to marry.

I will just leave it like that.

and I do think that money is extremely important nowadays... we live in a capitalist world. and it's NOT a win-win world... there is a looser and there is a winner. it's sad, but life is like that.

one person can own more money than whole countries. looks like mankind didnt notice that a limit was necessary somewhere...

so the result is simple, the more wealth you got, the more money you make, and you use this money to buy properties.
so, by not caring about money, you loose everything. they will buy your stuff, and you wont be able to afford a house, land etc... you turn into a slave, working 3 shifts to pay your rent, your credit etc...

money isnt just power... money is also freedom.

and this goes in the direction of these "materialist women"... its a good excuse.

I didn't say it's a bad thing to look at how much someone earns, what I wanted to say is that people have to look out that money isn't going to be the biggest issue when you want to marry someone.

And I also explained that we're living in a material world and that money nowadays IS important, or maybe the most important thing to a lot of people.

About the loser and winner: well, I think that's your point of view. I don't agree with you on that point.

And I never said that being rich is a bad thing. I mean, if someone has earned a lot of money and worked hard for it, I would be nothing more than happy for him or her.
16 December 2007 16:13
hi, this story is a true story, sorry to say you the truth but everyone knows (girls, wake up) that money is the most beautiful and most attractive guy in this world !
Yes Abraham Lincoln, George Washington (boussa)$$$$$$$ handsome even no moroccans lol
The guy is no interesting, the only one is the pocket guy lol and the benz key lol

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2007 04:18 by PICOLLO.
17 December 2007 23:16
hi, this story is a true story, sorry to say you the truth but everyone knows (girls, wake up) that money is the most beautiful and most attractive guy in this world !
Yes Abraham Lincoln, George Washington (boussa)$$$$$$$ handsome even no moroccans lol
The guy is no interesting, the only one is the pocket guy lol and the benz key lol

My god, how superficial. Really. This is just bull.... I don't think of myself that money is the most important thing, but I know a lot of girls like the money. But I'm sure not all girls marry someone for the money.
17 December 2007 23:42
sometimes i think that women who marry for money are much better than these women who marry for love of such things...
love is very often overrated, when I see some young couple, they are very young (22 and such) and they already live together, and sometimes with kids...

10 years later, they grow up and change, and love (often) doesnt survive the changes... and the little family is destroyed. and then, the society is destroyed.

I think that we should marry for love, but love is for these people who dont believe in love. and get surprised.
19 December 2007 07:28

do you thing guys are not money focused?…I’m not sure...
19 December 2007 13:58
sometimes i think that women who marry for money are much better than these women who marry for love of such things...
love is very often overrated, when I see some young couple, they are very young (22 and such) and they already live together, and sometimes with kids...

10 years later, they grow up and change, and love (often) doesnt survive the changes... and the little family is destroyed. and then, the society is destroyed.

I think that we should marry for love, but love is for these people who dont believe in love. and get surprised.

I think if you want to marry someone, you have to look if you can have a good future with that someone. If you're falling in love with someone, it doesn't mean you can really live together for the rest of your life. It could be, but not always. You have to look for someone, who's has the same goals for mariage as you do and that is different for every person...
25 December 2007 00:21
Come on guys,
it's not the woman who was looking for the guy.
he was desperately looking for a woman that would accept hime and he finally got one. as nas lwala said" kul zra3 tayjib lih rabbi kyyalu"
don't say that all girls , or the majority, are intersted only in money coz guys are not angels.
it's an idea that has been misleading people over years, one meets what he/she deserves that's all.
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