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marriage for a passport
23 November 2008 16:12
what do you think guys about young moroccan males in their 20 getting married to some old european pensioners for a passport ? is it worth it?
my neighbour is 70 year old a kind and nice lady and she showed me pictures and emails from her penpal moroccan bloke from Casablanca 19 y/o, she actually beleives he loves her but when i read the emails it is quiet obvious he is using this old nice lady who send him money everymonth to arrange a wedding, to buy medecines for his father , every email has a new story to get money from her !!!!!!!!!I lived next door to this neighbour for years she is a wonderful person , does a lot of charity shall i warn her ? she asked my opinion because she knows i am originated from morocco

It made me sick the sort of emails he is writing, he is after her money and a passport very clearly

is it worth marrying a lady aged 70 years for a document ?

sad but true sad smiley
24 November 2008 00:47
If I were in your position, I would tell her just if you care about her and about the reputation of your country. Its your duty to warn her that there are some sick guys all over the world...
Most of this type of immigrant they just come a broad in a selfish way and don't do a thing except giving a bad name to our people. The bottem line its your decision.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 November 2008 15:41
I suggest you talk to her about other instances & stories you have heard ect ....
19 years old going for 70 yeard old granny !
Its crazy the girls are also doing it for sugar daddies !
24 November 2008 15:48
Totally agree with Adds on this one, tell her the truth, however shocking, kinda tired of these opportunists who give us a bad name. Taking money from a 70 years old woman on false pretenses is low, she's old enough to be his grand-mother, a big tffou from me to him.
24 November 2008 17:06
Salam everyone.

I would too, its better to tell her now at least she would appreciate that there is good and bad people everywhere rather then after the fact she would loose a trust of your friendship and think we are all the same.
You have to speak your mind especially if she allows you to do so and she trusted your judgement by asking your opinion and even letting you read his e-mails, you kind of obligated now to be honest and look after this old lady from this scam that she will never forgive moroccans for (thats my opinion but you know her more than all of us).
Good luck my dear, good deeds go along ways.
24 November 2008 17:13
thanks guys thats exactly what i am going to do, i will explain to her that he is just using her trying to get a passport and stealing her money , i hope i can convince her
i am also going to suggest to write to him that she is bankrupted no money and that she will go live with him in Morocco to test his reaction , he is definitely a gold digger and i hope she listens to my advice

you are definitely right guys these type of conmen give our country a bad name

thank you for your comments
24 November 2008 17:32

i am also going to suggest to write to him that she is bankrupted no money and that she will go live with him in Morocco to test his reaction , he is definitely a gold digger and i hope she listens to my advice

It won't do anything, he'll know it's a test, he'll even say yes to drag her down there, these guys are used to this, they roam msn and chatrooms looking for their next victim.. The best thing is to sever all ties, block his email address and forget about him. Let's hope she learns something out of this.
24 November 2008 22:13
How come an old lady could believe that such a young boy is in love with her ? Can't she see by herself that his only aim is to get financial benefit ?

Oh love of course !!...don't tell me she is ?? !!

Anyway you should be honest and tell her the reality of the situation so as to prevent this old lady form a heart attack !!
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24 November 2008 22:57
On the other hand I have a lovely relative in his eighties still standing on his two feet with some prayers. He will fill all the doted lines for her. He doesn’t speak English, French, Spanish but he will understand the signs.ptdrptdrWelcome

Seriously, if she is lonely (they do get at this age) suggest to her to join a card game like bridge, flower arranging, dancing or painting club.

She will meet a fellow her age and who knows may be my relative will pick up the game quicker and woo her that way. perplexeyawning smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
25 November 2008 15:30
ptdrads is your reltive still alive today just checking for an update smiling smiley
the thing is guys she lost herhusband couple years ago , very lonely and it s easy to take advantage of someone like that
me and my wife we do visit her and help her sometimes shopping etc
definitely this week end i ll do my best to make her see the truth and not to be blinded but stupid words Bye
25 November 2008 17:02
well it seems impossible a 70 years old lady thinks that a 19 years old boy would love her ??? for what for her eyes or her lips or her feets.if she does not get it by her self i think it does worth telling her that he is after money cause she would never belive you its love love make people blind thats if she is not an alreday blind old woman
25 November 2008 18:35

good luck mate , that why i said try to tell her of others ...ect & brak it to her slowly rather all in one ...its not easy i know ...but these people have no morales
26 November 2008 21:55
Oh you should warn her. Tell her that she can continue to give charity to this kido but advise her to wake up from her wicked dreams. How can a 70 year old woman dream of being loved by a 19 year old boy. What could he love her for if not for her kindness as a GRANDMOTHER. I know I am being harsh but seriously, does she believe in a love story between a 70yr old woman and 19yr old boy. I know there are some cougars who are in a relationship with men 20 years younger then they are, but it's not 50 years of difference. God, these young guys are so disgusting, they can pimp themelves very easily, they have no values, no fear of Allah.

I think this old lady needs to go to a nursing home where she can find people of her age and who can offer her love and companionship.
27 November 2008 03:52
Has anyone heard the story of Harold and Maud? What we have here is an Ahmed Nicole Smith. And I can't help thinking that maybe, the "old" lady is plenty aware of the situation. She's lonely, she finds satisfaction in giving money, in exchange for some attention. The same happens everyday to millions of people, even people in the same age range! It's about money, people love money, people love for money, people use money to get love and love to get money. Money money money, well, and a passport too.

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