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Meaning of 'to have mercy on me '
21 February 2008 16:28
Salam everybody smiling smiley

Does someone know what means ' please have mercy on me' ??

Thank you
L'homme puissant est souvent sans coeur, l'homme bon est souvent sans puissance
21 February 2008 17:58
En francais ca veut dire "Aies ou Ayez pitie de moi"
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
21 February 2008 18:36
"7ane 3lia" in Arabic
22 February 2008 09:37
we'll wait for Hicham to give us the transaltion in Amazigh grinning smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
22 February 2008 10:28
Hahahaha , very cool
22 February 2008 10:58
Well Atlasmagic should do so; i'm not amazigh though know some tamazight...however the translataion may be soemthing like Ahbib ino addik nmoun spinning smiley sticking its tongue out (rien à voir).....
22 February 2008 13:06
Hahahaha top Hicham

I think - Sm7iyi !! my Amazigh is not top ,i'am a shamed of that confused smiley
22 February 2008 15:26
NO Atlas, Sm7iyi means forgive me...
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