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Meaning of your Pseudo
3 July 2007 08:34
It's a fantastic place, though i have never reached Toubkal, but i visited all these place including Lac d'ifni, i still have some pics of the region, when i show them to my friends they don"t believe it's in morocco, espacially Lac d'ifni; i heard that a road was constructed and we can easily reach Imlil from marrakech by car now ........
3 July 2007 13:53

The road is done for a while now all the way to Imlil ,last week i was in Tizi Oussem a village to south of Imlil it was magic , i took a little car tru 25 Kms of unmade road but it was worth it & i need to go back & do some trekking as soon as i have time .

Going back to the Road Richard Brandson's Moroccan retreat is on the the same road that takes you from the 203 from Asni to Imlil so on your way to Imlil you could stop for lunch at Richard's place ,i never do its way to expensive i stick with tasty Tajines with the locals
3 July 2007 14:16

uncomparable, persannly tajine is what makes spirits sheer up,

I never knew there was a road from isni to imlil, i mean a road on which one can drive.... as far as tajine are concerned, those of taddart are exquisite, you feel like throwing yourself down tichka after eating one ... smiling smiley

there is a very famous hotel in ouirgane, but i forgot the name, i used to go there to meet some customers...
3 July 2007 16:30
Well yes its a Road as good as any & i did drive on it in a standard car Fiat ,Clio ect
The Hotel you thinking of is "le Sanglier qui fume" the oldest one there or la Roseraie !
But now its few more + guest houses & swimmimg pool ,horse riding ,quads ect ....all this before the new Dam is open (soon late 2007) when i was there in april they were expecting M6 visit ...........
If you get a chance check Tassaouirgane & the national park ,stop by & enjoy & if you let me know i can organaise a Tagine for you overlooking some brathtaking seneraries !
Ouirgane & its region is having a lot of foriegners invering in it & retiring there too, the land prices are going tru the roof now
3 July 2007 16:51
Halleluja, it's la roseraie, smiling smiley

About the prices, it's getting higher and higher and don't even dare to talk about Marrakech...

i would really like to visit the area, but i'm stuck where i'm now and all i can do is hope to have time to go to morocco..

Do you know Toufliht, on the road to warzazat after passing Ait ourir??
3 July 2007 23:02
Sorry mate ,i do not know Toufliht , what is there to see ?
4 July 2007 15:21
Hi all,

It's a fantastic place, though i have never reached Toubkal, but i visited all these place including Lac d'ifni, i still have some pics of the region, when i show them to my friends they don"t believe it's in morocco, espacially Lac d'ifni; i heard that a road was constructed and we can easily reach Imlil from marrakech by car now ........

could you plz show us those pictures?...if you don't mind of course smiling smiley...
4 July 2007 15:31
Ok Ilhem,

But first you have to tell us about your Pseudo (i guess it's your name as well),we can help you if you..

concerning the pictures, mine are in paper format unfortunately, but i can easily found you links to photographs in the region...
4 July 2007 16:02
no comment atlasmagic .......
4 July 2007 16:15
Hi again,

Ok Ilhem,

But first you have to tell us about your Pseudo (i guess it's your name as well),we can help you if you..

concerning the pictures, mine are in paper format unfortunately, but i can easily found you links to photographs in the region...

no problem Hicham_A....Ilhem it’s not my’s the name I like to give to my daughter if I’ll got onesmiling smiley....

Many thanks to you and to atlasmagic for the pictures…..they ‘re really great….
4 July 2007 16:16
4 July 2007 20:02
I've 2 pseudo's here.

First one first: Moonwalker
Since I first saw the movie Moonwalker of Michael Jackson I felt in love with the name Moonwalker. Besides it's a name for someone always dreaming of things and that's exactly me. winking smiley

The hit game Hitman I loved a couple of years ago. I just used the name cause I needed a second name for yabiladi.

Peace. smiling smiley
4 July 2007 23:29
glad to see a gamer on these forums...

but witch one? the first one? the last? ... there is 4 versions ^^ .
5 July 2007 12:21
lol...The first and second one. After that I lost interest in games due hard working for school. The last game I played with pleasure was F.E.A.R. for PC. A game I really enjoyed. The Artificial Intelligence of the opponents is great.
8 July 2007 14:03

in french, it means "little cat"

that's what I am, but not like a postcard's one (even if they're sweetsmoking smiley),

look here who is actually "petit chat" lol ----> []

miiiiaaaaou tongue sticking out smiley
!!*!! le seul chat autorisé sur ce forum
8 July 2007 16:01
I've 2 pseudo's here.


I just used the name cause I needed a second name for yabiladi.

Peace. smiling smiley


are u schizophrenic ? smiling smiley

! one love !
!!*!! le seul chat autorisé sur ce forum
10 July 2007 16:31
i simply love tagines.....
11 July 2007 00:45
Chicken with Lemon
Meat with prunes
Or Tagine Bi "al khorchafe"
11 July 2007 16:35
Hi everyone,

Chicken with Lemon
Meat with prunes
Or Tagine Bi "al khorchafe"

Hi atlasmagic,

good tast...Hmmmm Tagine “bel al kharchouf” with red’s one of my preferred Moroccan dishes…by the way does any one know the name of “kharchouf” of English?…is it possible to buy it ?…coz I always wanna cook it but I don’t know the name……
11 July 2007 16:55

Its one of the best Moroccan dishes indeed ,i have never seing it on the UK & i do not know it in English or French
Can some one help

We looking to find out what do you call "alkharchouf" in English or french
11 July 2007 17:22
Hi all

I think it's "Cardoon", and "cardon" in french ....

You are torturing me talking about tajine, it's my joy of life, best meat with potates and green peas.. or olives, or fish with carrots potatoes and sweet green pepers, garlic lime and perslay and coriander ine the sauce .mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm..
11 July 2007 17:42
Well Done Hicham_A

You started talking about fish tagines ! do you want to starta riot !
I miss a nice fish tagine Dial "asanour" congereel.
11 July 2007 19:41
last sunday i made a tajine of sea bream (dorade) with Potatoes and carrots and sweet green peper and the sauce just i explained in my previous post , it was outstandingly delicious, i nearly cried ... believe me ... i said to myself rak merdi lwalidine ..........

chi tzaghrita albnate ....
11 July 2007 21:17
petit chat
I've 2 pseudo's here.


I just used the name cause I needed a second name for yabiladi.

Peace. smiling smiley


are u schizophrenic ? smiling smiley

! one love !

lol...No I'm not. But I used to have some enemies around here who tried many times to steal my pseudo. The idea was after stealing my pseudo they can tell lies to people who trusted me.

That's why I used 2 identities. winking smiley


12 July 2007 04:03
moonwalker ? enemies ga3? you work for the CIA or something? the KGB was dismantled you know? the cold war is over dude grinning smiley
12 July 2007 04:26
the enemies I'm talking about are much worse then the KGB ever was...grinning smiley

Believe don't wanna know. And if I told you...well, then I have to kill you. smoking smiley
12 July 2007 08:09
hum, i should mind my own bussiness... worse than the KGB... damn, must be really dangerous...

so how is the weather? ... since today, i will only speak about the weather...

or maybe not, the weather is also controversial with the global warming and big corporations working in the oil industry...

12 July 2007 20:24
lol LeMask...grinning smiley
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