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Meaning of your Pseudo
27 June 2007 09:49
Salam Everybody,

What about telling everybody the meaning of your Pseudo, why or how you came to choose your nickname ?

Mine is simply my first name

smiling smiley
27 June 2007 10:27
Hi Hicham,

Why did I choose my pseudo? hmmm let me, of course it doesn't need any thinking. I'm a huge fan of Minnie, she's my favourite Disney character. She's got a vibrant and strong personality and poor Mickey would always go through hell to save her In love I know I never really grew up, I still have my minnie teddy bear and my coffe mug has got Minnie's picture on it confused smiley grinning smiley
27 June 2007 10:40
well...don't grow up it's a big mistake, at least you won't have to pay taxes....smiling smiley
27 June 2007 10:43
looool, if only! I've been paying them in the last 6 years!! thinking about it, i should maybe take them to court for child's rights abuse! perplexe
27 June 2007 11:00
why not, or go for a hunger strike, limited in time it's better... anyway Ramadan is in less than 3 months perplexe.......
27 June 2007 11:22
To go back to our topic, i didn't explain the meaning of my nickname (which happens to be my first name)

Hicham means generosity. originnally the verb 'Hach-chama' in Arabic means to break into small pieces and the ancestor of the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was called "Haachem" because he used to break bread into pieces for the poor.. the word "hacheem" means both broken into small pieces ( as in sourat alKahf-the grave) and generous (see mounjid Toullab) ..

Correct me if i'm wrong, ...
27 June 2007 12:16
Oh that's interesting! I must admit, i never thought about the explanation for this name. It's got a nice meaning though.

I don't think anyone will correct you. It's clear that you invested hard (mounjid toullab loool) in finding the right explanation thumbs up
27 June 2007 13:24
Well, MinnieMouse i saw the explanation in mounjid toulab more than 15 years ago smiling smiley... though you can still check this diccionary in the pre-history Meuseum.......... smiling smiley
28 June 2007 11:45
hello everybody...

Thank u Hicham for this nice topic.

My name is Safia , that means " Pure" in Arabic , it s an adjective--- So my pseudo name "Safa" is just The name ( Purity ) ...

Many people say that is an original name ..And i think it s a soft name.

But usually they hear " Sofia Not SAFIA " i always have to SAY : it s S A F I A , With A spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
28 June 2007 13:21
indeed, it's a nice name, the jewish wife of the prophet (pbuh) was called safia, she reverted to islam off course after marriage. there's a story that says that before marrying her first husband she dreamt of seizing the moon in her lap, when she told the story to her father who was one a rabbi he slapped her violently and said something like : do you dream of marrying the prophet of the arabs ??
28 June 2007 13:36
You all have nice stories linked to your names, that's not fair!!!! crying( grinning smiley
28 June 2007 14:25
indeed, it's a nice name, the jewish wife of the prophet (pbuh) was called safia, she reverted to islam off course after marriage. there's a story that says that before marrying her first husband she dreamt of seizing the moon in her lap, when she told the story to her father who was one a rabbi he slapped her violently and said something like : do you dream of marrying the prophet of the arabs ??

i wanted to notice it but i forgot Clap, so Thank for the information.

Stay in peace
28 June 2007 19:29
hi MinnieMouse,

there is a lot of stories linked to your nickname, though of a different range, we can find a nice one if you would like to ...smiling smiley
28 June 2007 22:42
That's so sweet!! thanks Hicham. Yes i'd love to if you can find anyone lol smiling smiley
29 June 2007 09:53
hi minniemouse, here is a story about a mouse, hope u like it

The rat, the cat and the hunter
friendship with an enemy is a temporary affair

Once upon a time, there lived an owl in a big banyan tree. A mouse, a cat and a mongoose also shared his neighbourhood. They all feared each other. The owl was scared of the cat. The mouse would be frightened to see the owl, the cat or the mongoose. The owl and the cat were the enemies of the mongoose. But despite all these problems, all of them continued living at the same place.

Once a hunter came under the banyan tree. He spread his snare there and waited at a distance for some animal to be trapped in. After sometime, the cat came there looking for the mouse. She stepped on the snare and got trapped. Seeing the cat in the net the mouse became happy and came out of his hole and began taking rounds of the trap in great joy.

Seeing the rat dancing outside his hole, the owl and the mongoose began to look at him with greedy eyes. The rat got frightened. 'The owl and the mongoose would surely kill me and eat me', thought the rat to himself. Also there were no chances for him to re-enter his hole, as both of his enemies were very near him.

The rat became nervous. He had to take a quick decision anyhow, lest he should be killed by the owl or the mongoose. At this dangerous stage, there was but one hope of survival, that he entered the trap and sat beside the cat and then request her to spare his life. If the cat did so, he would as a matter of his gratitude, nibble at the net at a hundred places to make it loose enough to set the cat free.

The rat took the chance of his life and ran into the trap beside the cat. The cat was about to pounce upon him, when he said to her, "Please don't kill me. If you spare my life, I'll bite off the trap at a number of places to set you free."

The cat agreed to the proposal of the rat and let him remain inside the net. Seeing the rat and the mouse together, the owl and the mongoose went away.

Then the mouse nibbled at the net at a hundred places. The cat came out of the trap and ran away into the dense forest. So did the mouse. He too ran into his hole.

The next day, when the cat wanted to meet the mouse, the mouse refused saying that enemies will be enemies; everything else like friendship between them will just be a temporary affair.
29 June 2007 10:28
Thank you Hicham for the story, I enjoyed reading it, especially as they made the mouse look so clever lool. Never underestimate a creature just because it's tiny. It's not all in the muscles Cool
29 June 2007 11:40
Not at all MinnieMouse, if you look for Kalilah and Dimnah, there's plenty of stories about animals in general, it is so rich ....
29 June 2007 16:13
Mine concerns Brazil and its mythic sugar loaf.
29 June 2007 16:23
ummm, why? i dont know, my nickname means "the mask" in french...

i loved Jim Carrey's movie... but i dont think that it's really the objective behind my choice. but it gives a humorous aspect to my character.

i use this nickname in multiplayer video games, and people are funny with me. they see my nickname and think "ah, here is a funny person." so even when i shoot at a friend, he doesnt get mad and he asks me to "stop joking around."... and when another player does the same, he gets angry and screams "you morooooon! stop shooting your team mates and aim towards the enemy... what a retard..."

but anyway, it's maybe thanks to my ubber skills... i'm good when it comes to team work, i'm a natural leader in war games (when there is smart players)...

but what i really like in the nickname would be ... somekind of image about life, we all wear a mask following the situation.
we meet so many different people... that we cant be always natural, we always have to adapt to the person in front of us, to not hurt or something...

so, we are never natural... and it never works when you are natural...
29 June 2007 16:37
Thank you for the post LeMask

You are exactly right, we all wear Mask depending on situations, it is somehow natural... i don't mean hypocrisy but the fact that one can not be himself everywhre, there is always a part or some parts of us which stay hidden ..............hope i'm clear
29 June 2007 18:32
and yes Hicham_A, and you can push it further...

if you show your real face... people will punish you. they will hate you.

you tell a friend that smoking is bad and that he could get sick because of that, and he will hate you...
even if he knows that what you said is true.

like if we were lying to ourselves aswell... anyway, i dont want to go to far in this...

and i call that hypocrisy... but hypocrisy is a terrible word nowadays... while i think that i'm an hypocrite, and that we are all hypocrite. call it being polite or civilized... i see no difference...
29 June 2007 20:15
what i wanted to say is that we don't have the possibility to know people we meet very well because of a lot of things... apart from people with whom we live on a daily basis, at work, only our "professional profile" is exposed, while practicing sport we show our physical and maybe technical abilities etc,...
29 June 2007 20:24
yes indeed ^^

you can cut a character into his professional side and family side, etc...

you know, the Japenese take work very seriously, like a second religion.
in fact, they have a second family. their coworkers are like family for them...
like if they were living in two worlds, the world of family and the world of work... and they dont like to mix them too much...

anyway, i wont add more, i dont want to say something false...

next nickname please... ^^ the analysis team is ready...
30 June 2007 14:44
i am a princess tongue sticking out smiley
30 June 2007 14:55
why not, you can be the queen even if you'd like to ...smiling smiley

you should have been really sherished by your parents ?
30 June 2007 19:45
grinning smiley come on man, dont take it too seriously ^^

and every woman is a princess/queen... In love
30 June 2007 22:14
My poor old dog, a lurcher is actually a cross between any two hounds, but mine was 99% greyhound. He died at the grand old age of 14 (ancient for a greyhound) a few weeks ago, when we left him with friends whilst we went to Morocco. Sad to come home to no friendly welcome!
1 July 2007 00:39
Hi All

Well, mine is easy Atlas is the mountains & the magic as i love this part & i'am found of its magic
1 July 2007 10:11
Sure The atlas moutains are magic;

What part or part of the atlas mountains do you like most ?
2 July 2007 23:19
Hicham _A

I love the High Atlas ,Toubkal National park ,Ouirgane ,Imlil ..........
Its where i unwind ,relax ,breath & find life & the real Morocco i love so much ..........
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