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Mission Possible!
7 November 2005 16:20
any one who wants to do anything/ something for a "better-beeing" for all of us?

to start with inventing about:
projects for better living-conditions as an etnic minority from "east" in "west".
projects for better living-conditions as poors in "east".
projects for better living-conditions as youths born in "west" by parents from "east", .... oso

13 November 2005 21:53
Time to act:

to suggest joining our campaign: 14ALL41!

to read more please visit the website:
[] under aqt of courage

please don t hesitate to comment/ give other ideas

(we are working on how to go further with the campaign and everyone is welcome to join us in one or an other way!)

for a better futur!

(smiling smiley)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2005 09:55 by pazimodo.
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