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Moroccan airport policies - Casablanca - FURIOUS
24 June 2010 14:53
Does a moroccan national need a visa to transit through spain?

Salam everyone

I apologise sincerely if this subject has been covered in a previous place.

I had planned a trip to Turkey with my cousins this July. I suggested this destination as they are Moroccan Nationals and it is one of the few places they are able to travel to without a visa.

The problem is that whilst all (affordable) direct flights have already been booked, I suggested that they book flights through Iberia or Alitalia, they fly Casablanca - Turkey connecting in Madrid and Rome respectively.

I checked for information regarding transit visas and apparently, for a Moroccan National who is travelling through a Schengen State, in transit from and to a non schengen state, with proof of the ongoing journey, not leaving the transit area, with proof of maintenance and sufficient funds for their stay - will not require a transit visa.

Apparently this is the same for transit through Italy also - as long as the transit period is less than 48 hours and you do not leave the Airport ie do not travel through border control and into the Country.

I lifted this infromation from a website called [] which is IATA registered and states that its border control infromation is taken from the TIM (Travel Information Manual). several airline websites subscribe to this visa info service (including RAM) and when you use the facility - it clearly states that no transit visa is required for the purpose of this particularly routed journey.

So, I belive that Moroccan Nationals, travelling through Spain or Italy, via an airport large enough to route is transit passngers to a connecting flight area rather than border control should be able to implement these regulations? right?

Well, they tried to buy their tickets through Iberia today and were told that unless they obtain a schegen visa, they will not be entitled to leave the airport at Casablanca. Apparently too many Moroccan nationals have snuck into Spain using this tactic (???? the agent's words not mine) and therefore the Moroccan authorities are refusing travel for moroccan nationals without schengen visas.

I dont really understand this on two levels:

1. there is border control for a reason - and transit travellers shouldnt need to go through border control AT ALL in international airports and hence the exemption of a visa requirement as long as the travller can show a genuine intention to travel on to a third country (maintenance and connecting flight confirmation)

2. The regulations are EU regulations right? and not policies that individual airports can withdraw without notice. ie, if theSpanish consulate in Casablanca confrims that a visa is not required to transit through Spain in the way described above, can the airport still refuse him entry onto his connecting flight?

just to be clear, the airline will have transfer their baggage and they will have waited only 1.5 hours for the connecting flight.

so if anyone out there can help me clarify this becasue im about to lose my mind with rage.

I called the Moroccan embassy in London - they confrimed they no visa is required

I called the Spanish Embassy in Casa - they confrimed that no visa is required

I called Iberia head office - they confrimed that no visa is required

I called Moroccan border control as Casa Mohammed VI - they said they will not allow travel without a Schengen Visa (????) Why? Response: "shoofi a lela - heda hoowa el kanoon" (???) I asked "kanoon dyelmen?". He responded "dyelna" and put down the phone.

Now I ask you this - why?

Why is there an unwritten policy exclusive to Casablanca airport, passed without (seemingly) consultation with any other group, official organisation, consulates - just part of a Monday Morning breakfast meeting when border control guys decided - lets just turn all Moroccan Nationals back becasue the official questioning and interviewing procedure is just too time consuming??

I understand the immigration problem in Morocco and that if Morocco wanted to, it can pass a law or impose regulations that will mean further restrictions to leave Morocco than Spain will want to impose to enter (international airside). However - do you not need to officially give notice of these rules? Notify consulates in the Country? Stick some info on the website? newspaper announcement?

Im clearly upset - not just becasue im out of pocket for my return ticket to Turkey, but becasue if we had not been purdent enough to ask the three of them would have turned up to Casa airport after having spent a FORTUNE on their tickets and told that, becasue the guy in the hat says so, you aint coming through.

Has anyone else heard of this?

Any advice is appreciated!

many thanks

8 September 2010 00:21
It was too long to read, if not sure take insurance or take a gamble? Yes it is correct the man with the hat is at the door, he reserve the right to let you in or out.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
28 February 2011 09:21
Yeah right that so stupid from them in border i live in another place and i can travel to Morocco threw another europeen country without visa its just rules from our border but i think if you will be flying to Morocco to another country where there is no direct flught then they might allow you such : sao paulo but to go to Turkey threw europ you can fly to turkey direct there are daily flights and they want you to use RAM :-)
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