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Moroccan banks
17 January 2007 17:55
Which Moroccan banks do you guys deal it? (transfer, etc)
17 January 2007 19:00
Use to deal with BMCE but I closed my account with them. Moroccan banks overcharge so I wrote them off all together.
It depends on your needs but you don't really need them, use your bank wherever you are, they have correspondants in Morocco, that way you'll pay the fees to your bank and you won't have any surprises.
23 January 2007 06:05
Do you realise banks can lend ten times the amount they have in deposits, 58times with security, so they charge interest/rent on money borrowed ,money that does not exist, why , answer the majority of people involved in banks ,government and the justice system are landlords and money lenders, did not Moses. Mohammed and Jesus all proclaim the collecting of interest as the worst sin against humanity,
28 January 2007 16:38
I am in london,
the worse bank you can deal with in bank populaire, they are thieves and very bad service, they charge you for every sing action, but no choice for so many moroccans in uk.
I have discovered a new way to play with your money. it nationwide bank in uk. if you use your visa card in morocco, they will never charge you for that, it doesnt matter how many transactions you do.
the only disadventage is in case if you loose your card in morocco.
29 January 2007 06:23
Dear sole

Just don't deal with Moroccan banks.There is a way of helping your family without dealing with these corrupt Moroccan institutions. Use ATM, Debit,Wiretransfer from your own British, American banks. at least they will not rip you off. Like I said before use American or British banks and do transfer thru them.DO NOT TRUST MOROCCAN BANKS, I AM TALKING FROM EXPERIENCE

29 January 2007 21:59

I used to deal with Wafa Banque...when I had problems with theim I changed to la Banque populaire and I'm not happy either....they charge me a lot for every singe transaction....are not trasparent in their fees and services....anyway not easy to find the right moroccan bank.....
30 January 2007 17:29
they are not all that bad... As far as I know the Moroccan banking system is quite advanced comparing to many courtiers with the same development level as Morocco...they are even starting to propose differents products and services especially to MRE, which was not the case years or decades ago...So please avoid general misjudgment.

For the money transfer back home, there are a variety of ways not only via banks like via Post, western union etc... but as far as I know the cheapest way is a transfer via a Bank.

The bottom line is: you need only to have that money, to transfer it is not really a problem :-)

Dear sole

Just don't deal with Moroccan banks.There is a way of helping your family without dealing with these corrupt Moroccan institutions. Use ATM, Debit,Wiretransfer from your own British, American banks. at least they will not rip you off. Like I said before use American or British banks and do transfer thru them.DO NOT TRUST MOROCCAN BANKS, I AM TALKING FROM EXPERIENCE

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