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Moroccan customs
27 March 2010 14:41
Hi All,

Difficult question here.....A British friend of mind drove to Morocco and decided to leave the car there for future use when he would visit, he was only given 6 month to stay with car. Now he wants to leave with the car but he has realised the car has stayed 14 months extra, what will happen at the customs. He never prolonged the stay after the 6 months were expired. Is there a fine?? Someone told me he will have to pay 150 MAD per day extra stayed and that is a lot of money....anyone have an idea...Please do help.. Thanks in advance..
28 March 2010 13:54
Was the car off the road or was someone using it? He could obtain a letter from the embassy saying that the car was un-drivable and needed entire engine rebuilding that’s the only thing that I can see it working he will have to legalise the letter. If Bou azza was caught using it as a taxi he could say he was taking it to be repaired or he was interested in buying it. Three choices, he has to tell a lie or pay rashewa or pay the fine.
The immigration law is there for a purpose. he has to do something to start the ball rolling.
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