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Any Moroccan girl married/enagaged to Japanese guys?
14 March 2019 22:05
I have some questions about it! It seems they are so rare to find. I only see lots of moroccan girls married to Korean guys for some reason :/
14 March 2019 22:08
You trompé forum
Is this ici french langue you compris moi
Ici no korean mais arabs
Good luk for ta recherche
14 March 2019 22:10
It's raining cats and dogs.
14 March 2019 22:13
14 March 2019 22:14
Puré meme les likes sont en anglais
14 March 2019 22:14
Non il ne s'est pas trompé c'est le forum anglais ici ^^

@noracchi : why are you asking ? Are you a japanese trying to marry a morrocan girl ?
Anyway morrocan girls are muslim for most of them and they can only be maried to muslim man.
For korean guys marrying morrocan girls, I wasn't aware of this trend but I think they are probably muslim too.
100 coeur
You trompé forum
Is this ici french langue you compris moi
Ici no korean mais arabs
Good luk for ta recherche
14 March 2019 22:16
Eh tunsi , depuis quand tu taquine l anglais toi ptdr
Non il ne s'est pas trompé c'est le forum anglais ici ^^

@noracchi : why are you asking ? Are you a japanese trying to marry a morrocan girl ?
Anyway morrocan girls are muslim for most of them and they can only be maried to muslim man.
For korean guys marrying morrocan girls, I wasn't aware of this trend but I think they are probably muslim too.
14 March 2019 22:17
On est jaloux de lui ptdr
100 coeur
Eh tunsi , depuis quand tu taquine l anglais toi ptdr
14 March 2019 22:18
A mort ptdr puré le british doit peter un cable il doit croire qu on se fou de lui
On est jaloux de lui ptdr
14 March 2019 22:19
Je parle même jap, tu blagues ou quoi ?

Watashi wa encoluounebalubu.
Naze desu ka ? Kantan da ! Watashi ga hige aru ! ptdr
100 coeur
Eh tunsi , depuis quand tu taquine l anglais toi ptdr
14 March 2019 22:19
Graave meskin
Attends on peut peut etre parler rif peut etre qu ol comprendra ptdr
100 coeur
A mort ptdr puré le british doit peter un cable il doit croire qu on se fou de lui
14 March 2019 22:21
Les japonais ont la culture du soleil levant, les arabes ont la culture du soleil couchant
Difficile de former un couple avec une personne qui a des valeurs profondément contraires aux nôtres !

Les coréens contrairement aux japonais ont une culture plus occidentalisée, donc plus proche de celle du maghreb.
14 March 2019 22:23
God, even in English you're bearded …. leave him some hope ...
Non il ne s'est pas trompé c'est le forum anglais ici ^^

@noracchi : why are you asking ? Are you a japanese trying to marry a morrocan girl ?
Anyway morrocan girls are muslim for most of them and they can only be maried to muslim man.
For korean guys marrying morrocan girls, I wasn't aware of this trend but I think they are probably muslim too.
14 March 2019 22:26
Which hope ? ptdr
I'm only telling the truth.
Better this than being dissapointed later.
God, even in English you're bearded …. leave him some hope ...
14 March 2019 22:31
yeah of course …. the fact that he could be a Muslim never crossed your mind …
Which hope ? ptdr
I'm only telling the truth.
Better this than being dissapointed later.
14 March 2019 22:31
100 coeur
You trompé forum
Is this ici french langue you compris moi
Ici no korean mais arabs
Good luk for ta recherche
14 March 2019 22:35
It did but in this case he shouldn't feel hopeless.
I only talked about the faith requirement and not about origins.
yeah of course …. the fact that he could be a Muslim never crossed your mind …
14 March 2019 22:44
quoi l histoire ??
traduction si possible merci
14 March 2019 22:48
He's not desperate, he's just asking ... just read his message again, it wasn't worth drawing your sword as if he were coming to marry your neighboor …
It did but in this case he shouldn't feel hopeless.
I only talked about the faith requirement and not about origins.
14 March 2019 23:02
Ok let me clarify things for you !

First, nobody talked about being desperate. You asked me to leave him some hope. To which I answered he has no reason to feel hopeless if he is indeed muslim.

Second, I'm not drawing any sword. I don't even understand why you think I'm being somewhat angry. I was only giving my opinion.

Lastly, I'm not even morrocan. Why should I worry for my neighboor anyway ? Worry for what exactly ?

You're blaming me for absolutely no reason. Why you're feeling offensed ?
He's not desperate, he's just asking ... just read his message again, it wasn't worth drawing your sword as if he were coming to marry your neighboor …
14 March 2019 23:06
Non. Les coreens sont occidentalisés dans leur manière de s'habiller mais ça s'arrete là vraiment. Ils sont meme beaucoup moins ouverts que les jap.

Les mariages marocaines-coréens sont plus courant car c'est un pays plus facile à visiter pour une marocaine.
Les japonais ont la culture du soleil levant, les arabes ont la culture du soleil couchant
Difficile de former un couple avec une personne qui a des valeurs profondément contraires aux nôtres !

Les coréens contrairement aux japonais ont une culture plus occidentalisée, donc plus proche de celle du maghreb.
14 March 2019 23:15
C'est courant ? Oh
Non. Les coreens sont occidentalisés dans leur manière de s'habiller mais ça s'arrete là vraiment. Ils sont meme beaucoup moins ouverts que les jap.

Les mariages marocaines-coréens sont plus courant car c'est un pays plus facile à visiter pour une marocaine.
14 March 2019 23:17
Non, mais plus courant que jap-marocain.

Yen a quand même, je regarde parfois des documentaires coréens sous titrés en anglais et jai vu 2 ou 3 fois des femmes marocaines accompagnées de leur mari/copain coréen.
C'est courant ? Oh
14 March 2019 23:33
No need to clarify, it's totally clear.

I'm not blaming you, I'm just giving my opinion too. The guy was asking, so just tell me why, "muslim" was almost the first word you wrote ? Why don't tell him, that the moroccan girl and the korean boy are crazy in love ? So just like I said you're bearded even in English …

No offense, that was just my opinion …

ps: Sorry you didn't notice my ironic written
Ok let me clarify things for you !

First, nobody talked about being desperate. You asked me to leave him some hope. To which I answered he has no reason to feel hopeless if he is indeed muslim.

Second, I'm not drawing any sword. I don't even understand why you think I'm being somewhat angry. I was only giving my opinion.

Lastly, I'm not even morrocan. Why should I worry for my neighboor anyway ? Worry for what exactly ?

You're blaming me for absolutely no reason. Why you're feeling offensed ?
14 March 2019 23:39
En quoi la Corée est-elle plus facile à visiter pour une marocaine ? Visa plus facile à obtenir que pour le Japon ?

Et pour ce qui est des coréens moins ouverts que les japonais, qu'est-ce qui t'a amenée à penser cela ? Car mon ressenti est tout inverse, je trouve le Japon très authentique et la Corée très occidentalisée.

Non. Les coreens sont occidentalisés dans leur manière de s'habiller mais ça s'arrete là vraiment. Ils sont meme beaucoup moins ouverts que les jap.

Les mariages marocaines-coréens sont plus courant car c'est un pays plus facile à visiter pour une marocaine.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2019 11:40 by Sézane.
14 March 2019 23:41
Alors tu devrais discuter avec des femmes coréenne si tu penses vraiment qu'ils sont ouverts.

Les marocains n'ont pas besoin de visa pour la coree du sud.
En quoi la Corée est-elle plus facile à visiter pour une marocaine ? Visa plus facile à obtenir que pour le Japon ?

Et pour ce qui est des coréens moins ouverts que les japonais, qu'est-ce qui t'a amenée à penser cela ? Car mon ressenti est tout inverse
14 March 2019 23:44
It's alright. Indeed, I didn't catch your irony.
Yeah maybe I tend to be too straight sometimes.

Anyway, no problem then !
No need to clarify, it's totally clear.

I'm not blaming you, I'm just giving my opinion too. The guy was asking, so just tell me why, "muslim" was almost the first word you wrote ? Why don't tell him, that the moroccan girl and the korean boy are crazy in love ? So just like I said you're bearded even in English …

No offense, that was just my opinion …

ps: Sorry you didn't notice my ironic written
14 March 2019 23:59
Nice to read smiling smiley

Finally, maybe your beard is a little shorter in English winking smiley

Anyway, bed time for me ! so good night everybody !

It's alright. Indeed, I didn't catch your irony.
Yeah maybe I tend to be too straight sometimes.

Anyway, no problem then !
15 March 2019 04:52

Yeah it was here a moroccan girl married and living with an asiat (I don't remember if it's was Korean or Chinese or... but I think it was japan)
20 April 2019 11:12
Where ? Lool
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