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Moroccan Londeners ! Do you like London ?? Why ???
24 March 2007 02:23
Personaly,i've known London for 22 years and i LOVE itthumbs up, I find it more closer to my loved Morocco(tm) than France where lots of Moroccans live... Strange, isn't it ? What do YOU think ? Wanna know ?thumbs down I HATE France and its disciminating policies towards Arabs...
24 March 2007 15:35
I went to London in May and the weather was awful, I used to go back to my hotel and sleep at 7 smiling smiley, I was in a nice hotel in Russel Square. Besides the weather I liked the city very much and the people are nice as well.
26 March 2007 18:04
I lived in London, in the mid-80s and it was the right place to be. A moroccan would be no different from a spaniard, french, italian, greek, algerian, etc...
then I went back in the late 90s. It was completely different, people were starting to be ranked...
26 March 2007 23:37
Still I believe that anglosaxon societies are more egalitarian than French society or even Arab society. Unfortunately radicalisation is gaining ground everywhere both in the East and in the West. I left the US only in 2003 and I hear strange stories now about it, although to me it still remains a very tolerant place, especially when compared to France where I live now.
27 March 2007 00:04
Still I believe that anglosaxon societies are more egalitarian than French society or even Arab society. Unfortunately radicalisation is gaining ground everywhere both in the East and in the West. I left the US only in 2003 and I hear strange stories now about it, although to me it still remains a very tolerant place, especially when compared to France where I live now.

I beg your pardon Shireen, but how can someone leave the US for such a place ? Well, objectively, i do know that France's a beautiful country and placed to go for vacations, but i think you're completely right and if you're in France, i guess it's probably because of professional reasons, isn't it ?
27 March 2007 00:20
I lived in London, in the mid-80s and it was the right place to be. A moroccan would be no different from a spaniard, french, italian, greek, algerian, etc...
then I went back in the late 90s. It was completely different, people were starting to be ranked...

Ya riffman, i completely agree with you... I just have the same feeling and opinion about what you say. I think it's more/less due to the massive immigration wave from middle-asian countries, south-asia and more recently eastern-europ (!!!)...

I remember the days when you could enjoy buying a pint of milk at a grocer's and hear English spoken the English way. In the mid-80s though there were indian shops around, many of 'em were still English owned shops... A way of teaching us English then, now lost with the proliferation of almost anarchical foreign shops from most eastern countries... Well beyond this, and not taking part of any kind of xenophobia, i think it's the English essence that's being lost...

Nostalgia..... Oh! From a Moroccan ?? Ughh....
27 March 2007 17:59
I lived in London, in the mid-80s and it was the right place to be. A moroccan would be no different from a spaniard, french, italian, greek, algerian, etc...
then I went back in the late 90s. It was completely different, people were starting to be ranked...

I don't know about London in the 80s but even, it's still a much better than other places now.

Recent bombings and the moron muslim extremists we usually see on Tv have certainly contributed to a climate of wariness about muslims and dark skinned in general, which is completly understandable in my opinion.

But still, London is a wonderful place compared to Paris for moroccans, much easier to find a job or a place to live in. Your earnings are much higher and you never get declined at clubs which happens 99% of the time in Paris.
27 March 2007 18:35
I lived in London, in the mid-80s and it was the right place to be. A moroccan would be no different from a spaniard, french, italian, greek, algerian, etc...
then I went back in the late 90s. It was completely different, people were starting to be ranked...

I don't know about London in the 80s but even, it's still a much better than other places now.

Recent bombings and the moron muslim extremists we usually see on Tv have certainly contributed to a climate of wariness about muslims and dark skinned in general, which is completly understandable in my opinion.

But still, London is a wonderful place compared to Paris for moroccans, much easier to find a job or a place to live in. Your earnings are much higher and you never get declined at clubs which happens 99% of the time in Paris.

Clap Clap Clap yeah, yeah.....
27 March 2007 23:21
London is nice apart from the miserable weather.
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