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Moroccan Proverbs
7 August 2007 08:40

From Minniemouse's last Post in the loneliness topic, i got the idea of starting a new topic about Moroccan proverbs,

Minnie sorry for plagiarizing ....

" What doesn't kill you make you stronger "
7 August 2007 10:06
Here is one of my favourites and it is very funny

"The pumpkin used the (green) crookneck squash as a belt "

tHazmat lgar3a befegouss ÊÍÒãÊ ÇáÞÑÚÉ ÈáÝÞæÓ

Sorry there is no G in the my arabic keyboard

it is said when two helpless persons join together to do something that is doomed to failure ... Clap
7 August 2007 10:19

From Minniemouse's last Post in the loneliness topic, i got the idea of starting a new topic about Moroccan proverbs,

Minnie sorry for plagiarizing ....

" What doesn't kill you make you stronger "

No that's fine boss, i'm always happy to be the source of your inspiration Cool grinning smiley

by the way, this topic is not bad although i have to admit my knowledge in Moroccan proverbs is close to none..unfortunately we didn't have a tendency for using them in my family but i will happy to learn now so that i can pass on this wonderful heritage to my future kids grinning smiley
7 August 2007 10:26
Well, Minnimouse that's a huge responsibility for me .. if a were you i would think twice before passing on something from Hicham_A to your kids .. the following proverbs will tell you why smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
7 August 2007 11:14
Two more ... one in moroccan arabic and the other in Soussia oh yes, both have the same meaning

1. At Dinner, the butcher eats parsnip

Gezzar ou m3achi belleft

2. the jeweller's wife never wears a brooch

tamghrat ou ssiagh our ji tels tazrzite (if there is any soussi please correct me if i'm wrong)

i think there is no need to explain, it is very clear ...
8 August 2007 02:15
Werrih wrih ouli 3ma sir ou khellih
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
8 August 2007 09:55
Salam l9bi7

Can you explain more ??
8 August 2007 11:25
Go up to eat Fig,...go down who ask you to do it !! grinning smiley
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. (Thomas Edison)
8 August 2007 11:29
Lol you84

i know this one, veeerry funny ... typically moroccan .....
8 August 2007 11:33
here is another one

A came to help B dig his father's tomb, B stole A's pick tongue sticking out smiley.... bad translation i know ...
8 August 2007 11:36
the minaret has fallen, they hung the barber ...

Ta7t som3a, 3al9ou lhajjam ....
8 August 2007 11:42
Again A is having problems with B, this time it's a communication problem ...

A: salamou 3alaikoum
B: I'm going to the mill ....
8 August 2007 11:56
this one is typically 3roubi, more precisely to a certain region in morocco, i'm sure no one knows it here ... it contains a swear word, sorry to the sensitive souls

As if putting henna on a slave's ass

for ex, warning him is like putting henna ...etc, meaning vain....
8 August 2007 17:52
here are few which i learn t from my grannysmiling smiley i will try to translate
ash khasek al3aryan lkhwatem a moulay = what a naked person needs is finger rings
it s normally used when someone poor spend money on something unnecessary

ja yk7el aa3ino a3maha= if it ain t broken don t fix it (approx the same meaning)

mnine ta7et lbgra tayktrou jnawa= when a cow falls everybody get his knive to take a peice of it
basically this is refering to human greed and taking advantage of other people bad luck smiling smiley
9 August 2007 00:33

Few more :

Al hadra bazaf waskate ahssane ( talk is too much ,but silence is better )

al bass gadak eywatik ( wear your size ,it will suits you)

achhar li matantkhalesse fihe 3lach lia bi ahssabo ( the month that i'am not taking its rent , i do not need to count its days )

Kol ahmar 3ando ammo aghzal ( all donkey in its mum's eyes is Ghazelle)

A berber ones :

Al barade echwa li ghir sanga sine ,ima 3 oula 4 hati origi atay !( The teapot is sweet if we are two ,3 or 4 its no longer tea !! romantic !!)

Gheer mik si mik agh ekchoum ar3ome tagdourete ( little by little , a Camel enters a casserole)
9 August 2007 07:26
Salam l9bi7

Can you explain more ??

wrih wrih, ouli 3ma sir ou khallih

: show him , show him ( the right path, right thing to do .. ) if he is blind (stuborn and keeps on his unfounded point of view) then leave him alone and move one
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
9 August 2007 09:10
Lol atlasmagic

i was scared before reaching the end of your last proverb, i guess you know why winking smiley

Do you have some more berber proverbs ??
9 August 2007 18:18
Hi Hicham _A

I see what you mean & i thing it should apply there too
I do not recall other berber ones at the mo
Some arabic ones:

Chad had lahmar nadkhol had azham (take this donkey i enter this crowd)

Kole abiba fiha 3oude ( all raisins have a stick on them)

Lalla zina ew zadha nour alhammame ( she is a beauty ,add to it the bath light ! sparkle ! not sure here guys but i guess you get it !)
9 August 2007 18:22
Lol atlasmagic

i was scared before reaching the end of your last proverb, i guess you know why winking smiley

Do you have some more berber proverbs ??

why were you scared? can you explain Mr Hicham?

no conspiracies please No no everything needs to be in the open here (tm)
9 August 2007 22:04
hi Minniemouse smoking smiley

well this proverb is sometimes hijacked and turned into a very obscene expression...sorry i wouldn't say more ... tongue sticking out smiley
9 August 2007 23:15
I'm not satisfied with this answer!! eye rolling smiley

but never mind if you don't want to say i'll ask someone else (tm)
10 August 2007 09:00
It's not the fact that i don't want to say.. it's horribly coarse... you will not talk to me if i tell you .....
10 August 2007 09:05
It's not the fact that i don't want to say.. it's horribly coarse... you will not talk to me if i tell you .....

oups ... to Minniemouse
10 August 2007 10:16
It's not the fact that i don't want to say.. it's horribly coarse... you will not talk to me if i tell you .....

lol Hicham don't worry i was only kidding (tm)
10 August 2007 12:30

I'am sure you have worked it out for your selfe without Hicham_A spelling it out , she was teasing you mate .
11 August 2007 13:52
An other one :

Anta amir wana amir chkone issouge lahmir ( toi a prince ,me a prince who will look after the denkies)
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